301.英雄本相 (Sins Of The Father)


頻道:GOOD TV (ch15)好消息電視台


本集頗似第八季第八集<狂徒淚>與美國女演員蘇珊莎蘭登主演的奧斯卡封后之作<越過死亡線>(Dead Man Walking)。神無與倫比的慈愛與祂永恆不變的真理,才是教化犯人最好的方法。我個人參與過更生團契監獄服事,也數度隨黃明鎮牧師入監教化,對這一集內容很能體會。重重上鎖的門,共穌都能打開;重重封閉的如鐵之心,主愛都能融化…劇中蒙妮卡一無所懼的入監,顯明完全的愛除去一切懼怕。對路德一段嚴辭厲色的責備,顯明了愛之深,責之切,更展現聖經真理:神所愛的,祂必管教。(教伯來書12:6)並祂不放棄任何人,透過天使將愛傳至其心,並也及時挽回陞落邊緣的山姆。


Monica poses as a journalist to interview Luther Dixon, a teenager on death row. During their conversations, Willis, the prisoner in the adjacent cell often eavesdrops, interjecting his unwanted opinions on Luther's situation. Meanwhile, Tess and Andrew try to help Valerie Dixon prevent her younger son, Samuel from "gang banging." Despite Luther's incarceration, Sam looks up to him as a role model. Monica correctly surmises that the boys' father--despite abandoning the family during Valerie's second pregnancy--has negatively influenced both of their lives. The angel is astonished to learn that Willis, who is sentenced to die shortly for a murder he committed, is Luther and Samuel's father. Tess informs Monica that years earlier she had tried to dissuade Willis from running with a gang but had been ignored. Monica then reveals herself to Willis and convinces him to tell Luther that he is his father. Luther initially rejects Willis and rails at him for leaving his mom to fend for herself. The condemned prisoner, however, apologizes and admonishes his son to listen to Monica because his failure to heed another angel's earlier warnings landed him on death row. The caseworker subsequently reveals herself to the teen, urging him to tell Samuel he regrets the murder he committed and is not a worthy role model. Monica uses her angelic powers to temporarily free Luther from jail to stop his brother from murdering Pastor George, who has incurred the wrath of a gang by preaching against violence. After Willis' execution, Tess comforts a bereaved Valerie who fears both of her sons will follow in their father's footsteps. The angel advises her to cling to God and let Him help her guide Samuel's life. Andrew escorts the boy into the church where he embraces Valerie--the cycle of violence finally broken.

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