303.吾愛吾師 (Random Acts)

頻道:GOOD TV (ch15)好消息電視台

Mike O’Connor:麥克歐康納

咱們中國人所謂「師者,傳道、授業、解惑也。」生長於書香世家的我,父母均為教師,故我自幼即相當敬重老師,對本劇內容特別能體會,莫大感動自不在話下。本劇內容頗似美國影星蜜雪兒菲佛之作<危險遊戲>(Dangerous Minds)、<春風化雨1996>與法國電影<放牛班的春天>(Les Choristes)與<山村猶有讀書聲>(Être et Avoir)。前者敘述前海軍陸戰隊退役女軍官轉執教鞭,另類教育感化一班叛逆、狂野的學生;後三者中的教師以音樂與身教感動學生,進而影響學生的人生。而早年好萊塢名作<吾愛吾師>(To Sir, with Love)更透過黑人老師在白人學生之間,在當時種族觀念強烈的美國如何自處,並感動學生。 (影評-劉鴻輝)




A solemn Monica stands in the woods, reflecting on the events that transpired there earlier. Tess appears, reminding Monica that some "days humans behave so badly to one another that it's all an angel can do to keep loving them." The caseworker recalls how this assignment began.
Fed up with the "Yeah, whatever"generation, Mike O'Connor questioned the significance of his career on the eve of his 20th anniversary as a teacher. Into his life walked Monica, his new student teacher. Unfortunately, so did Lucas Tremaine and Danielle Dawson, two petty criminals who randomly targeted Mike for kidnapping. Monica tacitly revealed herself to Mike, giving him counsel during his ordeal. The situation began to look less grim when the teacher recognized Danielle as a former pupil. But the volatile Lucas forced Mike to get into the car's trunk while en route to steal the teacher's boat at Lake Washington. Unable to free Mike from the trunk, Monica encouraged him by playing the videotape his class made to commemorate his anniversary. Afterwards he prayed, thanking God for his life and for his students. Irritated that he couldn't find the boat, Lucas hauled the teacher out of the trunk and shot him--despite Danielle's protests. Monica, however, managed to record the event with Mike's video camera. Frustrated with Lucas after the shooting, Danielle punched him, causing the car to swerve. A state patrolman pulled them over and inspected the trunk. Seeing that the camera's record light was still on, the strung-out woman confessed to the patrolman, who apprehended the pair. Discouraged by her inability to help Mike, Monica received a revelation from Tess to use her gift "words"to help him. She confronted Robbie Hawkins, one of Mike's problem students who had withheld information about his possible whereabouts. A search party eventually found the unconscious teacher.

The reminiscence complete, Tess affirms that Monica was the right angel for the job. Mike recovers from his injuries and is visited by his students, including Robbie, who sympathizes with his teacher's ordeal.

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