321.奇蹟 (Last Call)

頻道:GOOD TV (ch15)好消息電視台


Written by: Ken LaZebnik
Directed by: Gene Reynolds
Produced by: Martha Williamson, Jon Andersen & R.J. Visciglia, Jr.
Guest Cast:
Buddy Baker Tim Reid
Noah Eddie Jones
Mr. Burns Clifton Powell
Claude Bell Clive Revill
Amethyst Tracy Middendorf
Loafer Edie McClurg
Ernie Wachinski Fred Sanders
Marie Wachinski Terri Hanauer
T.C. Thomas "T.C." Cambell
Monica, disappointed in the human race, watches as Tess performs in a small Chicago bar. She finishes and announces God has given the caseworker a miracle to give someone in this bar. Initially hesitant to decide, Monica observes the inhabitants: the owner, Noah, who is upbeat despite being wheelchair- bound; Claude Bell, a craggy Irishman obsessed with beating a mysterious stranger in a game of pool; Ernie and Marie Wachinski, a hotel employee with wasted ambition and his co-dependent wife; Loafer, an eccentric crossword- puzzle aficionado; Buddy Baker, a charming salesman who drinks to drown inner pain; and Amethyst, a young woman with a dubious plan for her future. After observing awhile, Monica announces she is an angel with a miracle to give away. They respond with raucous laughter. Humiliated, she hides underneath a pool table. As the laughter continues, Andrew enters. He is the stranger whom Claude is obsessed with beating. Having been the advance angel for the assignment, the Angel of Death takes a cue from Tess to find out what miracles these people need. Someone else soon enters the tavern--Mr. Burns fresh out of prison. Following a pep talk from Tess, Monica again reveals herself, this time in glowing splendor. Though the people now take her seriously, she is frustrated when none of them want the miracle. When Ernie's lottery numbers appear on television, he and Marie mistake that for the miracle. But when he can't find his wallet, he accuses Mr. Burns of stealing it. The ex-convict's response prompts Noah to recognize Burns as the gunman who crippled him. Noah orders him to leave, but Tess' dog soon appears with the missing wallet. Marie is shocked to learn that Ernie played the wrong numbers while drunk. Mr. Burns rebukes the others for squandering their lives, yet saves his harshest criticism for himself. Wracked with guilt, he asks for God to heal Noah. But Monica tells Burns the real miracle is for Noah to forgive him, which will heal them both. The men reconcile, and the others seize the opportunity to reevaluate their own lives.

320.親情難捨 (Have You Seen Me?)

頻道:GOOD TV (ch15)好消息電視台


Teleplay by: Pamela Redford Russell
Story by: R.J. Colleary
Directed by: Stuart Margolin
Produced by: Martha Williamson, Jon Andersen & R.J. Visciglia, Jr.
Guest Cast:
Ray Bishop Stuart Margolin
Jake Monroe Sean O'Bryan
Amy Monroe Michelle Joyner
Grant Abbott Paul McCrane
Hank Monroe Bradley Pierce
Noah Monroe Nathanael Meyst

After observing--with Monica and Andrew, respectively--the Monroe family at breakfast and two businessmen who work in the same office building, Tess tells her charges their assignment will be difficult because it involves six intertwined human lives. The case kicks into gear when Hank Monroe sees a picture resembling his younger brother, Noah on the back of a milk carton. Perplexed, he looks through family albums but can't find any baby pictures of his brother. Andrew, meanwhile, fails to engage Grant Abbot in conversation but does befriend the talkative Ray. The angel starts to reveal himself, but Ray flees after Andrew's admonition that "the truth will set you free." Tess warns the Angel of Death that time is running out. Visiting Grant at home, he sees that the man is contemplating suicide. Monica, posing as a waitress at a 50's diner, counsels a confused Hank to ask his parents, Jake and Amy about the missing baby photos. But when their stories contradict, the youth realizes something is amiss. Investigating further, he finds a $25,000 check written to a law firm and shows it to Monica. She tells Hank the check is a clue and takes him to visit the law office... which is run by Ray. Repeating Andrew's line, "the truth will set you free," the angel prompts the lawyer to confess he performed a questionable adoption for the Monroes. When he gets home, Hank asks his mom and dad why they never told him his brother was adopted. They respond that Noah's parents were criminals, which would have upset him. Hank then gives them the milk carton with Noah's picture. In a drunken rage, Grant continues to play with a revolver until Andrew appears. The distraught father recounts how the boy was kidnapped during a trip to the mall and that his late wife blamed him for the tragedy. The angel introduces him to Ray, who admits his complicity in the crime and tells Grant where to find his son. Afraid of losing Noah, Jake and Amy prepare to skip town until Tess reveals herself. She tells them their zeal to adopt blinded them to suspicious circumstances. With the angels' support, Grant meets the Monroes and is introduced to "Noah." The three parents agree to slowly integrate Grant into his son's life and eventually tell the boy the truth.

319.愛的新生 (Birthmarks)

頻道:GOOD TV (ch15)好消息電視台
<與天使有約>許多故事都以婚姻為主題,這一集便是其中之一。上週在<死亡天使>中出現的新天使賽麗絲本集中再度登場,化身空姐與安德烈、山姆等兩位天使一同執行任務。一名小兒科醫師Meg決定登上丈夫Brian飛往法國巴黎的班機,給他一個驚喜。登機後因客滿而無法與丈夫同坐。爾後驚見丈夫竟與私交已久並已身懷六甲的情婦同行,令她難過不已。由於天候惡劣,班機被迫中途返美迫降。返美途中Olivia開始陣痛,即將臨盆。烏雲密布的高空中,一波未平,一波又起。身處丈夫出軌的悲怒與職業道德之間,Meg會做何選擇?Olivia的命運將如何?暗渡陳倉而東窗事發的Brian該如何自處? Meg與Brian觸礁的婚姻是否覆水難收?或將破鏡重員,再續情緣?


Touched by an angel S3 Episode 21 Labour of Love.
Dr. Meg Salter is a pediatrician who, when she decides to surprise her husband by boarding his flight to Paris, Monica and Tess have to call for back up. Cel...

Written by: Susan Cridland Wick
Directed by: Jim Johnston
Produced by: Martha Williamson, Jon Andersen & R.J. Visciglia, Jr.

Guest Cast:
Sam Paul Winfield
Celeste Hudson Lieck
Dr. Meg Salter Priscilla Presley
Olivia Marland A.J. Langer
Prof. Brian Salter Ben Masters
Mrs. DeWinter Alice Ghostley

At a New York City hospital, Monica and Tess are assigned to Dr. Meg Salter, a pediatrician. But when she decides to surprise her husband by boarding his flight to Paris, the angels have to call for back-up. Rookie caseworker, Celeste and special agent angel, Sam are put on the case, and so is Meg's fellow passenger Andrew, who had intended to take his first vacation in a century. The doctor gets a surprise of her own when she discovers her college professor husband, Brian is accompanied by his mistress, Olivia. As the plane heads into a storm, an already tense situation gets worse when the angels and his wife learn that the "other woman"is eight months pregnant. A consummate professional, Meg delivers a healthy, albeit premature baby girl, and the plane returns to JFK because of the medical emergency. By the time they get back, Olivia has had two seizures. Monica tends to the infant, while Dr. Parham and his trauma team work on the mother. Brian, overwhelmed by joy and sadness, receives a revelation from Andrew. The angel urges him to reconcile with his wife and depend on God for strength. Meg, however, rebuffs his initial attempt but is interrupted when Olivia's condition deteriorates. The dying mistress is comforted by Monica and expresses the desire for Brian to take care of their baby. Lamenting that she never got her life in order, Olivia accepts Andrew's offer to let God change her heart. Then she dies. Monica reveals herself to a conflicted Meg and encourages her to salvage the marriage. With a newfound appreciation of the mistakes each has made, the Salters reconcile and agree to raise the baby together.

318A+B 奇異恩典 (Amazing Grace)

頻道:GOOD TV (ch15)好消息電視台

Michael Burns:麥可伯恩斯
Pastor Gentry Hall:希爾牧師
Mary :瑪莉
Kim Chyung Kyung:金先生




Guest Cast:
Russell Greene Gerald McRaney
Claire Greene Wendy Phillips
Joshua Greene Austin O'Brien
Nathaniel Greene Eddie Karr
Anderson Walker Lou Gossett, Jr.
Tonya Hawkins Loretta Devine
Rev. Gentry Hall Al Jarreau
Queenie Jenifer Lewis
Calvin Cantrell Sean Nelson
Charmaine Charmaine Neville
Michael Burns George Newbern
Nicky Pacheco John Ortiz
Mary Harding Esther Rolle
Dr. Serena Hall Lynn Whitfield
Kim Chyung Kyung Soon-Tek Oh
Mrs. Kim Kieu Chinh
Chanice Cantrell Myriah Darden

Tess visits Russell Greene, announcing that God has a special purpose for Josh.
Despite his fathers misgivings, the teenager departs with her and meets Monica, who has temporarily lost her sight. After the Cadillac breaks down, Michael Burns stops and gives Josh and Monica a ride to Denver. His grandfather owns an inner-city mini-mall there and has tasked Michael to fix it up so it can be sold. The inhabitants are abuzz about the new landlord, who has arrived with "a kid and a blind lady." Uncomfortable in the urban setting, Josh learns from Monica to look with his heart rather than his eyes. The trio befriend Mary Harding, a luncheonette owner; her grandchildren, Calvin and Chanice Cantrell; Queenie, who runs a beauty salon; her vivacious best friend. Tanya Hawkins; Nicky Pacheco, a lawyer on a quixotic quest; Dr. Serena Hall, who persuades Michael to donate a space for her Uncle Gentry's church; and Anderson Walker, a former activist weary of fighting the system. With racial tensions already high, Mary urges Michael to take action against the grocer, Kim Chyung Kyung, whom she suspects has a gun. The young landlord also discovers he and Anderson share a love for music and the desire to fix up the mini-mall so Michael can leave. But while he and Josh paint over graffiti, Andrew appears on the scene. Anderson rushes outside and tries to save Michael and Josh from a drive-by shooting..

317.死亡天使 (Angels of Death)

頻道:GOOD TV (ch15)好消息電視台



Teleplay by: Glenn Berenbeim
Story by: George Taweel & Rob Loos
Directed by: Tim Van Patten
Produced by: Martha Williamson, Jon Andersen & R.J. Visciglia, Jr.
Guest Cast:
Celeste Hudson Lieck
Eric Weiss Corbin Bernsen
Councilman Hinkley David Leisure
Estelle Jeanne Cooper
Young Estelle Heather McAdam

Tess instructs Celeste, an angel new to human form, and takes her to a Las Vegas showroom to see their assignment--Eric Weiss, an illusionist who calls himself the "angel of death." The supervisor angel volunteers her jittery charge to participate in his act, but Tess is dismayed when Celeste... and her dog vanish. On a rampage, Eric fires his assistant and yells at his agent, Andrew, who is hard pressed to find another magician's assistant. Tess cuts Monica's vacation short to fill that position. As the case progresses, the angels realize that Eric's death wish is not merely an extension of his stage routine. The pieces start to come together after he reluctantly agrees to perform in Appleton, Wisconsin, his hometown and also the hometown of Harry Houdini. There he visits his mother, an inpatient in a psychiatric hospital. She asks Danny--Eric's real name--if he has seen his brother, Peter. He recalls a tragic game of hide- and-seek before abruptly ending his visit. Meanwhile, Monica unwittingly discovers Celeste but fails to convince the wayward angel to turn herself in.

During a performance, Eric becomes paralyzed with fear upon seeing his doppelganger in the audience. Her voice returns him to reality, but the illusionist is shaken, convinced that he saw the ghost of his dead, twin brother. Despite Andrew's and Monica's concern, Eric decides to attempt the most dangerous escape of his career, which involves being locked in a refrigerator and lowered to the bottom of a pool. Several minutes elapse until Eric's brother, Pete steps forward, and Tess orders the crane operator to raise the refrigerator out of the pool. Upon seeing his twin, Eric bolts through the crowd and eventually returns to the junkyard where his brother "died." Celeste appears and reveals herself to the distraught entertainer. Monica joins the apprentice angel, and the pair urge him to stop playing hide-and-seek with his life. Confronting the painful memory of his brother being trapped in a refrigerator, Eric learns that Pete did not die but was kidnapped by their scornful father. The brothers share an emotional reunion, and Celeste has successfully participated in her first case.

316.信仰危機 (Crisis of Faith)

頻道:GOOD TV (ch15)好消息電視台


敬虔且愛神愛人的知名牧師丹尼爾,與兒子路克感情融洽。為幫助青少年,丹尼爾特別設立「加略山青年中心」,引起廣大迴響,吸引記者來訪。然而,路克為幫助 朋友凱倫而未到場拍攝全家福照,丹尼爾因而開車到凱倫家接人,路上卻不慎與正開著凱倫之車的路克擦撞,造成愛子當場死亡。丹尼爾的信心受到前所未有的打 擊,與妻子終日以淚洗面,身處愁雲慘霧。丹尼爾哀痛欲絕之餘,怒叱一生服事的神竟允許如此意外發生,並意欲離棄祂。三位天使們見此慘狀,究竟會如何從旁協 助?丹尼爾真會離棄上帝?這場信仰危機至終會有何結果?

Guest Cast:
Daniel Chad Everett
Gloria Brewer Ilene Graff
Karen Gregg Kimberlee Peterson
Luke Brewer Christopher Pettiet
Kelly Monroe Martha Hackett

In a hospital emergency room, a team of medics labors furiously to resuscitate an accident victim. Monica and Tess observe unseen and are eventually joined by Andrew when it becomes apparent the patient cannot be revived. The angels reflect on the events that led to this tragedy.

Their assignment had been to help Reverend Daniel Brewer open the Mount Calvary Teen Center. Posing as a building inspector, Monica could see that Tess and Andrew had performed admirably as the center's fund raiser and as counselor for the crisis hot line, respectively. But as the angels prepared to leave, they received word from God that the assignment was not over. Despite a basketball injury, Daniel gave an uplifting speech at the center's dedication. But a cynical reporter barraged him with negative questions. Karen Gregg, the daughter of the church's accountant, approached the pastor to discuss a problem but was interrupted by the pushy journalist. Though Daniel made an appointment to counsel Karen the next day, she required immediate attention. His son, Luke spied her stealing money, while Tess tallied church funds. The minister's son walked the troubled girl home, where he stopped her from swallowing a handful of pills. Realizing that Karen's situation was beyond his realm of expertise, Luke decided to drive her to his father. Irritated that his son was absent from the newspaper interview, Daniel drove to pick him up. On a dark, winding road, the cars collided.

Back in the ER, Daniel awakens, confused by the chaos. He is stunned when his wife, Gloria informs him Luke died in the accident. Overwhelmed by guilt, Daniel shuts himself off from her. Though Tess is able to comfort the grieving mother, the pastor vents his frustrations at God. When Daniel absents himself from the funeral, Andrew delivers the eulogy while Monica reveals herself to the distraught minister. She convinces him to forgive himself and carry on the work God has for him. In so doing, he is able to counsel Karen, thereby finishing the task his son had started.

315.邪惡天使 (Clipped Wings)

頻道:GOOD TV (ch15)好消息電視台

Angel of Angels:大天使


Guest Cast:
Kathleen Jasmine Guy
Ruth Cloris Leachman
Angel of Angels James Earl Jones
Receptionist Abe Vigoda

Maureen McCormick
A "clip show" featuring excerpts of previous episodes.

On the way to a performance evaluation, Monica encounters her rival, Kathleen. The dark angel tricks her former friend into entering the wrong office suite. There Monica encounters Jodi, a troubled woman comforted by the angel's accounts of past assignments. Meanwhile, Tess and Andrew fret while waiting for their colleague. The High Court judge, Ruth, is a distinguished but no- nonsense angel who was once Tess' supervisor. Troubled by Monica's tardiness and "irregularities"in her work, Ruth suspends the caseworker and revokes her angel privileges. While the judge reviews Monica's mistakes, Andrew recalls an assignment when she mistakenly went to Jacksonville, Florida, rather than Jacksonville, Illinois. Tess dispatches him to search the building. The Angel of Death finds her, but she wants to give Jodi a revelation before starting her evaluation. Mid-revelation, the caseworker is shocked to learn Jodi is actually Kathleen, whose evaluation was based on ruining Monica's. Tess and Andrew comfort their friend, who arrives in the correct office too late. The supervisor decides to appeal to the Angel of Angels on the grounds of Kathleen's treachery. Ruth is stunned by the dark angel's involvement, and Tess forces the judge to confront her own perceived failure: she was Kathleen's supervisor when she defected to the Other Side.

That pivotal event spurred Ruth to replace her heart with rules and regulations. Seeing Tess' logic, she sanctions the appeal. Monica meanwhile prays, while a spiteful Kathleen observes. But the dark angel is mortified when the prayer is for God to forgive her misdeeds. The Angel of Angels summons Monica, initially advising her on posture and the benefits of decaffeinated coffee. He then praises her kind heart but cautions her to never let it obstruct the truth. Because of the evidence of her heart, she passes the evaluation, and the Angel of Angels deems her worthy of expanded duties. Reconciled, Tess prompts Ruth to consider returning to casework. And Monica, learning that Kathleen's superiors have rejected her, suggests that the dark angel appeal to God's mercy. Touched, she follows that recommendation and repents.

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