305.特勤任務 (Secret Service)

頻道:GOOD TV (ch15)好消息電視台

Senator Guy Hammond:蓋依漢蒙參議員


Written by: Kathleen McGhee-Anderson
Directed by: Bethany Rooney
Produced by: Martha Williamson, Jon Andersen, and Robert J. Visciglia, Jr.

Marty Dillard, an overachieving Secret Service agent, is at odds with Monica, assigned as an agent to protect a Presidential candidate. While off duty, Marty enjoys fishing and befriends Ulysses Dodd, an older gentleman who teaches her to enjoy the sport for its own sake rather than for sheer competitiveness. Baffled by a series of death threats to Senator Hammond, Marty begrudgingly accepts help from Monica and Andrew, who's posing as a forensics specialist. Working together, they manage to apprehend the
would-be assassin and save the senator's life. However, the assailant's wayward bullet strikes Ulysses, whom Marty had invited to the campaign rally. She visits him in the hospital and begins to suspect his diabetes may be more serious than he let on. Hammond, impressed with Marty's savvy, asks her to head up his presidential detail. Yet she doesn't feel like celebrating when she returns to the riverbank and finds that Ulysses is still in the hospital. There Tess, the attending nurse, tells Marty the trauma of the bullet wound has caused one of Ulysses' kidneys to shut down. If he doesn't have a transplant soon, he will die. Commenting on the situation, Tess tells Monica it's ironic that so many people are willing to sacrifice their lives for Senator Hammond but only one can save Ulysses. The next day Marty learns she is a viable donor to save her friend but would no longer qualify to be a field agent. Torn, she asks his advice. Ulysses encourages her to accept the position and be thankful for the time together God gave them. Later that night, despite another campaign victory for Hammond, Marty is still preoccupied with her ailing friend. Revealing herself to the secret service agent, Monica tells her all humans are created in God's image, and they are all the same in His eyes. Furthermore, His love is given freely and need not be earned. Realizing she has spent her life always trying to prove herself, Marty anonymously donates her kidney to Ulysses. She rejects Hammond's offer to find another position for her on his detail, telling him she's not sure what's next for her--except that she plans to go fishing.

304.聖地之謎 (Written in Dust)

頻道:GOOD TV (ch15)好消息電視台

Rosemary: 蘿珊
Dylan: 狄倫


Henry Moskowitz, a proud archaeologist on a dig at a Navajo excavation site, receives a surprise visit from his zayda (grandfather). Sam hopes to reconcile his grandson to himself and his Jewish faith by asking him to say kaddish--the Hebrew prayer for the dead--for him. Henry resists the reconciliation effort, still angry that his late parents disapproved of his marriage to a Catholic woman. Refusing to get in the middle of the strife, his wife leaves the dig site. Monica and Tess, posing as a research assistant and as a photographer, soon find themselves embroiled in a greater conflict. A group of Navajo elders led by Edison disrupt the dig, stating the site is on sacred ground. Although Henry quickly dismisses their claim, Sam and Edison discover common ground in the similarities of their respective cultures. Even Henry's student intern, Dillon New Eagle, begins to doubt the appropriateness of the excavation. After a dream about his own grandfather--in which Andrew enigmatically appears--Dillon joins Sam, Monica, and the others in a boycott of the dig. Furious, Henry stalks off. Later that night while exploring the excavation site by himself, he falls into a hidden cave. Gathered around a campfire with the others, Dillon recalls the story his grandfather told him years before: the excavation site was the location of a massacre against the Navajo by Kit Carson. Simultaneously, Henry finds archaeological evidence of that atrocity. While looking for him Sam encounters Tess, who reveals herself and tells him only Henry can reconcile himself to God. Sam finds his grandson and attempts a rescue, but the elderly man falls into the cave and
succumbs to a heart attack. Henry rails at God for his zayda's death. Monica then appears and tells the archaeologist the peace Sam wanted for Henry was with God, not with him. Tess subsequently leads the others to his location, and he is rescued. Buoyed by Monica's revelation, Henry apologizes to Edison and destroys the dig permit. Monica then explains the kaddish is not just a prayer for the dead but is a prayer praising God by saying God is above all praise--a gift of peace to help the living carry on.

303.吾愛吾師 (Random Acts)

頻道:GOOD TV (ch15)好消息電視台

Mike O’Connor:麥克歐康納

咱們中國人所謂「師者,傳道、授業、解惑也。」生長於書香世家的我,父母均為教師,故我自幼即相當敬重老師,對本劇內容特別能體會,莫大感動自不在話下。本劇內容頗似美國影星蜜雪兒菲佛之作<危險遊戲>(Dangerous Minds)、<春風化雨1996>與法國電影<放牛班的春天>(Les Choristes)與<山村猶有讀書聲>(Être et Avoir)。前者敘述前海軍陸戰隊退役女軍官轉執教鞭,另類教育感化一班叛逆、狂野的學生;後三者中的教師以音樂與身教感動學生,進而影響學生的人生。而早年好萊塢名作<吾愛吾師>(To Sir, with Love)更透過黑人老師在白人學生之間,在當時種族觀念強烈的美國如何自處,並感動學生。 (影評-劉鴻輝)




A solemn Monica stands in the woods, reflecting on the events that transpired there earlier. Tess appears, reminding Monica that some "days humans behave so badly to one another that it's all an angel can do to keep loving them." The caseworker recalls how this assignment began.
Fed up with the "Yeah, whatever"generation, Mike O'Connor questioned the significance of his career on the eve of his 20th anniversary as a teacher. Into his life walked Monica, his new student teacher. Unfortunately, so did Lucas Tremaine and Danielle Dawson, two petty criminals who randomly targeted Mike for kidnapping. Monica tacitly revealed herself to Mike, giving him counsel during his ordeal. The situation began to look less grim when the teacher recognized Danielle as a former pupil. But the volatile Lucas forced Mike to get into the car's trunk while en route to steal the teacher's boat at Lake Washington. Unable to free Mike from the trunk, Monica encouraged him by playing the videotape his class made to commemorate his anniversary. Afterwards he prayed, thanking God for his life and for his students. Irritated that he couldn't find the boat, Lucas hauled the teacher out of the trunk and shot him--despite Danielle's protests. Monica, however, managed to record the event with Mike's video camera. Frustrated with Lucas after the shooting, Danielle punched him, causing the car to swerve. A state patrolman pulled them over and inspected the trunk. Seeing that the camera's record light was still on, the strung-out woman confessed to the patrolman, who apprehended the pair. Discouraged by her inability to help Mike, Monica received a revelation from Tess to use her gift "words"to help him. She confronted Robbie Hawkins, one of Mike's problem students who had withheld information about his possible whereabouts. A search party eventually found the unconscious teacher.

The reminiscence complete, Tess affirms that Monica was the right angel for the job. Mike recovers from his injuries and is visited by his students, including Robbie, who sympathizes with his teacher's ordeal.

302.天籟之音 (A Joyful Noise)

頻道:GOOD TV (ch15)好消息電視台

Adam Litowsky:亞當李度斯基

聖經有云:「普天下當向耶和華觀呼!」(詩篇100:1)並「凡有氣息的都當讚美耶和華!」(詩篇150:6)這一集感人無比的內容,明明指出三項真理:1. 當保有一顆赤子之心。2. 祂醫好傷心的人,裹好他們的傷處。(詩篇147:3)3. 神是配得稱頌讚美的!劇末亞當雖因喪女之痛而險些服藥自盡,但在蒙妮卡勸慰下,內心得蒙主愛醫治,告別憂傷;而椅莉莎純真的信心,更是每位基督徒該有的,也是神所喜悅的。劇末在克拉娜鼓勵下,蒙妮卡引吭高唱貝多芬的<快樂頌>,天使們氣勢磅礡的合唱接續,迴響四周,上達天聽。不論咱們自認歌聲如何,若持守一顆敬畏、真誠愛主的心,在祂聽來就是最美的歌聲!因祂本為大,當受極大讚美!(詩篇145:3)-------------------------------------------------------------------劇評人劉鴻輝)
Monica begins working with Dr. Adam Litowski, a child psychiatrist haunted by an event from his past that is influencing his treatment of Melissa Houghton, a young girl who claims to hear the voices of angels. While exploring a nearby church's bell tower late on a rainy night, Melissa encounters Clara, a mysterious stranger who escorts her home. Convinced that the girl is possibly schizophrenic, Adam prescribes medication. Monica, however, knows Melissa is telling the truth and becomes more concerned when Andrew shows her that the doctor's daughter, Katie--whose birthday he plans to celebrate--is deceased. Adam denies that her death has affected his diagnosis of Melissa's "illness." Her mother, Emily is distressed by her reaction to the medication and is incensed when the doctor mistakenly calls Melissa, "Katie." Shaken by the turn of events and by Andrew's realistic mural of the rustic cabin where Katie died, Adam heads there intending to commit suicide. Monica intercedes by revealing herself and showing the doctor how his daughter died--she fell off the cabin's roof while trying to rescue a bird's nest from the chimney. The angel tells him Katie is safe and happy because God sent an archangel named Clara to handle her transition. Days later, Melissa escorts Adam to the bell tower where she had previously met Clara, who reappears to the trio. The archangel assures the doctor his daughter felt no pain and saw only beauty at the time of her death. Clara also advises Melissa that though she is off medication it will be harder for her to hear the angels, but she should never stop listening for them.

301.英雄本相 (Sins Of The Father)

頻道:GOOD TV (ch15)好消息電視台


本集頗似第八季第八集<狂徒淚>與美國女演員蘇珊莎蘭登主演的奧斯卡封后之作<越過死亡線>(Dead Man Walking)。神無與倫比的慈愛與祂永恆不變的真理,才是教化犯人最好的方法。我個人參與過更生團契監獄服事,也數度隨黃明鎮牧師入監教化,對這一集內容很能體會。重重上鎖的門,共穌都能打開;重重封閉的如鐵之心,主愛都能融化…劇中蒙妮卡一無所懼的入監,顯明完全的愛除去一切懼怕。對路德一段嚴辭厲色的責備,顯明了愛之深,責之切,更展現聖經真理:神所愛的,祂必管教。(教伯來書12:6)並祂不放棄任何人,透過天使將愛傳至其心,並也及時挽回陞落邊緣的山姆。


Monica poses as a journalist to interview Luther Dixon, a teenager on death row. During their conversations, Willis, the prisoner in the adjacent cell often eavesdrops, interjecting his unwanted opinions on Luther's situation. Meanwhile, Tess and Andrew try to help Valerie Dixon prevent her younger son, Samuel from "gang banging." Despite Luther's incarceration, Sam looks up to him as a role model. Monica correctly surmises that the boys' father--despite abandoning the family during Valerie's second pregnancy--has negatively influenced both of their lives. The angel is astonished to learn that Willis, who is sentenced to die shortly for a murder he committed, is Luther and Samuel's father. Tess informs Monica that years earlier she had tried to dissuade Willis from running with a gang but had been ignored. Monica then reveals herself to Willis and convinces him to tell Luther that he is his father. Luther initially rejects Willis and rails at him for leaving his mom to fend for herself. The condemned prisoner, however, apologizes and admonishes his son to listen to Monica because his failure to heed another angel's earlier warnings landed him on death row. The caseworker subsequently reveals herself to the teen, urging him to tell Samuel he regrets the murder he committed and is not a worthy role model. Monica uses her angelic powers to temporarily free Luther from jail to stop his brother from murdering Pastor George, who has incurred the wrath of a gang by preaching against violence. After Willis' execution, Tess comforts a bereaved Valerie who fears both of her sons will follow in their father's footsteps. The angel advises her to cling to God and let Him help her guide Samuel's life. Andrew escorts the boy into the church where he embraces Valerie--the cycle of violence finally broken.

223.冷暖人間 (Spin Off)

頻道:GOOD TV (ch15)好消息電視台

Russell Green:羅素葛林
Rebecca Cousins:蕾蓓嘉卡遜


Monica is downcast because she has failed on one of her assignments, but Tess tells her to buck up because the cavalry's on the way. The two angels watch as Russell Greene and his family pass by in a Suburban truck towing an Airstream trailer. After being laid off from his factory job in North Carolina, Russell packed up his wife, two children and mother to head to her home town, Chicory Creek, Kentucky where an old friend, Doc Rogers has promised to give Russell a job. They arrive, however, just in time for the doctor's funeral. Erasmus Jones, another family friend, allows the Greenes to pull the trailer in his yard while Russell determines his next move.
Complicating matters further is the fact that his brother, Joe skipped town, leaving Nathaniel, a nine-year old son, with Erasmus. Disappointed that the American dream has gone sour for him, Russell takes his wife, Claire's advice and prays for guidance. Unseen, Tess and Monica watch and realize that Russell is their man. The next day, Dinah prompts Erasmus to tell her father about Doc Rogers' "unfinished business"--the late doctor was visited by two angels who had come to help him save Chicory Creek. She thinks that since Russell doesn't have a job, he can travel to New York and try to persuade a big-city doctor to return to her home town and open up a clinic. Although he is skeptical, Claire talks her husband into making the trip, and Erasmus asks him to tell Dr. Rebecca Cousins that "her Daddy loves her." On the bus, Russell sits next to Monica, unaware of her true identity. In New York, he meets Dr. Cousins and chides her for abandoning the community that scraped together and helped put her through medical school. On the return trip to Chicory Creek, Russell discovers he has lost his bus ticket and only has enough money to get to Hensen. Disgusted with the "United States of Greedy People," Russell meets Tess, who spearheads a collection from the passengers to get him all the way back home. Once they get off the bus, she reveals herself, telling him that God wants his family to discover America and help others along the way.

222.永恆一瞬間 (Birthmarks)

頻道:GOOD TV (ch15)好消息電視台
Whit: 魏特
Michael: 麥可
Penny: 珮妮
Jolene: 瓊琳
「 不論是婆媳或公媳問題,或成人間任何爭執與不悅,孩子都是無辜的。不論自已生育或透過代理孕母產子,孩子皆應當疼愛、呵護。因孩子不論以何種方式來到世上,都不改變他們是上帝奇妙創造的事實。上帝既然愛他們,咱們就不應有任何異樣眼光。因「兒女是耶和華所賜的產業,所懷的胎是祂的賞賜。」(詩篇127:3)本劇公媳為透過代理孕母產子而相持不下,公公不是出言不遜羞辱媳婦與代理孕母就是冷戰,但其實上刀子口下隱藏著豆腐心,劇末承認對孩子關愛的片段極其感人。麥可病末羸弱與孕母產子過程的交織片段,更是全劇最高潮。至終麥可雖被上帝接回天家,孩子額頭一個吻狀胎記,卻象徵麥可無盡的父愛,並他已與愛子共享永恆…正如詩篇90篇有云,千年在神看來如已過的昨日與夜間的一更。這永恆的一瞬間,令人感動莫名!神的作為永遠帶著超乎常人想像的美意!」------ 影評__影集翻譯劉鴻輝

正值盛年卻不幸罹癌的麥可 ,將不久於人世的他,亟欲在死前擁有孩子,無奈妻子珮妮雖能懷孕卻無法足月,因此請一名叫瓊琳的少婦當代理孕母,為他們生下孩子,瓊琳也欣然同意。然而,麥可身為陶匠的父親魏特知道後大為震驚,堅決反對,憤怒指稱如此懷子方式違反自然法則,並出言侮辱瓊琳腹中的寶寶。公公與媳婦陷入冷戰;麥可夾在兩最愛的親人間不知如何是好;瓊琳傷心之餘不知去向。眼見孩子誕生與麥可死期將近,天使們該怎麼翻轉局面?魏特是否會改變態度?麥可又能否親眼見證兒子誕生?

Michael Russell is dying of cancer, a fact his father finds hard to accept. A potter by trade, Whit is skeptical of technology and persuaded his son to leave city life for the family farm once his illness was diagnosed. Unbeknownst to Whit, Michael and Penny have undergone gamete fertilization, a process enabling Jolene to be the surrogate mother for their baby. Believing the pregnancy to be unnatural, Whit vows to have no part in raising his grandchild. Subsequent to one of his tirades, Jolene disappears. As Michael's health deteriorates, the situation looks increasingly grim, especially when Andrew, the Angel of Death, arrives. Using a clever metaphor, Monica gently convinces Whit to accept the non-traditional pregnancy. Michael dies just as his son is born, and as his bereaved family visits the grave, Tess arrives in the Cadillac with Jolene and the baby in tow. The surrogate gives the infant to his mother, who laments that Michael never got a chance to hold his son. Tess comforts Penny by pointing out that he has a birthmark--a kiss from his father.

221.眾矢之的 (Flesh and Blood)

頻道:GOOD TV (ch15)好消息電視台

Kate Prescot: 凱特裴斯考
Thomas: 湯姆
Lenard Page: 雷諾裴吉
Megan Page: 梅根裴吉
Mr. Reynolds: 雷諾茲先生
Mrs. Angeli: 安潔莉太太

Monica befriends Kate Prescott, whose son has been accused of a brutal murder. Angered by Thomas' acquittal, Leonard Page--the victim's father--tries to force the Prescotts to leave town. Tess advises the man to let God avenge his daughter's death, but he refuses to listen, even when Kate herself begs him to stop the vendetta. When she discovers some of the victim's belongings in Thomas's room, however, she doubts his innocence and issues a statement to the press. He responds by leaving town. But once the police apprehend the real murderer, Kate despairs because of her betrayal. Revealing herself, Monica tells the distraught mother her mistake was trusting evidence rather than faith. Tess meanwhile returns to Page's house, urging him to let the healing process begin. Afterwards, Monica wonders what will become of Kate's son. Tess reveals that Mrs. Angeli, the kindly bus driver who gave Kate moral support during the trial is herself an "advance angel" who will watch over Thomas as he starts his new life in Los Angeles.


220.不堪回首 (Statue of Limitations)

頻道:GOOD TV (ch15)好消息電視台

Morgan Bell: 瑪歌貝爾
Claudia: 柯洛蒂
Jonathan: 約納生
Mrs. Joanna White: 瓊安懷特太太

The angels are assigned to The Morgan Bell Show, a tabloid talk show, with Monica having the plum job of assisting Claudia Bell, the program's embittered producer and Morgan's sister. A dark secret from the Bells' past forged their unhealthy symbiotic relationship; the glamorous Morgan is the on-air talent while the obese Claudia calls the shots from seclusion. Morgan's attempt to focus on uplifting topics backfires when an "all-American" mother is confronted by an illegitimate daughter raised in foster homes. The woman has a heart attack, and Morgan is irate that Claudia engineered the situation. Working together, the angels uncover the mystery of the Bells' own past, but inform the sisters God can forgive any sin, no matter how long ago it was committed. Morgan and Claudia publicly confess their misdeeds, asking their victims and the television audience for forgiveness.


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