326.遺產啟示 (Inherit the Wind)


頻道:GOOD TV (ch15)好消息電視台
Kevin Greeley
Sam Greeley
George Taylor

本劇由一所失火的狐兒院入鏡,消防員緊急搶救滅火的當兒,鏡頭轉到富豪Edward Greeley的豪宅之中。Edward年事已高,見當夜嬌生慣養,終日縱情享樂的獨生子Kevin盡與損友們酒酣耳熱而不知長進,心中憤怒又無可奈何。當夜安德烈向他顯現,告知一小時後將死亡。Edward妥善安頓好了一切後安然離世。數日後,化身為遺產律師的黛絲來訪,宣布Edward生前遺產分配。Kevin知道自己分文未得,只能保有個人財物時怒不可抑,同時Edward遺囑中提及分配給兒子的其餘遺產在「Joseph Wells」。震怒卻又一頭霧水的Kevin,在蒙妮卡的伴隨下前往尋找Joseph Wells。Joseph Wells為何許人也?Edward又留給兒子什麼?這趟旅程中種種意想不到的遭遇,將使Kevin蛻變、成熟,並在眾天使一路相隨與開導下,徹底瞭解父親的用心與無盡的愛!

本集中出現一名新天使菲爾,來自天國合解部門,由美國諧星Bill Cosby飾演。他開導Kevin的段落頗為關鍵,語重心長,引人深恩。該天使於第五季『誰解愛子心』中再度出現,兩集中雖都是跑龍套的小角色,卻頗具畫龍點睛的關鍵成效。

An orphanage burns on a dusty street as the Angel of Music observes, singing. The song continues although he has relocated to a rowdy party at a mansion. Tess and Monica, unseen, are chagrined by the excess as the host, Kevin Greeley, carouses with friends. His father, Edward, confronts him but angrily exits. Kevin glimpses Monica in a mirror, but she is gone when he turns around. As Edward ponders how to handle his spoiled son, Andrew appears, announcing God has granted the human one hour to set his affairs in order before his death. During that time, Edward gives his valet, George papers to sign and mail, says good-bye to his drowsy son, opens his Bible, and dies while reading it. Days later, George is stunned that Edward left him one million dollars and a Bentley. Kevin, however, is furious to receive only his possessions until attorney Tess informs him he must locate Joseph Wells to claim the rest of his inheritance. He again sees Monica's reflection in a mirror, but this time, she is there. She knew Edward and will help Kevin find Joseph Wells, but he must take the trip without his father's help or influence. Carrying only his prized guitar, Kevin hitchhikes and is eventually picked up by the angel, Ruth. She, too, knew his father and eventually drops Kevin off at a diner. There he meets the angel, Sam, after he is forced to wash dishes because he has no money. Sam also knew Edward and teaches the younger Greeley to take pride in work. Ruth again appears and gives Kevin a ride to Joseph Wells, Texas. They encounter the Angel of Music, and Kevin donates the dollar he mysteriously found in his pocket. Kevin also meets Andrew in a nearby blues club but refuses to sell his guitar. At the bank, he is livid when Monica and Tess give him his inheritance... Edward's Bible. After Kevin storms out mid-revelation, the angels summon a specialist--Phil, the Angel of Restoration. Phil tells Kevin to thank God for what he has rather than blame Him for what he doesn't have. Finding an abandoned baby, Kevin learns Edward grew up in the town orphanage, which is why most of his estate was left to the "children of Joseph Wells." Kevin sells his guitar and decides to stay in town and take care of the baby by working at the orphanage and the blues club.

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