327.勝負之間 (Delicate Balance)


頻道:GOOD TV (ch15)好消息電視台
Sandra Browner
Coach Pruitt
Nicole Rich
Rebecca Browner
Bart Conner
Nadia Comenaci

<與天使有約>有許多故事以體育項目為主題,如第五季『情比兄弟深』的滑雪、『自強不息』的拳擊、『棄暗投明』的溜冰、『知音相惜』與第八季『好漢當年勇』的棒球、第七季『榮耀與勝利』的冰上曲棍球等,本集則以體操為主題。Rebecca是位優秀的體操運動員,其望女成鳳的母親Sandra亟欲女兒成功,卻冷落兒子T.J.。TJ於是與另一名體操運動員的弟弟組成「the Nobodies」,前糐王所溜冰公園,絲毫不顧安全。在此同時,Sandra極不滿於新聞記者們忽視優秀的女兒,而向黛絲抱怨。另外,T.J.偷了安德烈的錢去參觀亡父生前的住家,事後向安德烈承認。安德烈要讓他溜冰公園中工作還債,被Sandra撞見而引發不滿,又訓斥女兒錯過與新贊助人會面的機會…頻頻發生的種種問題之中,且看三位天使們如何介入,適時傳達主愛,帶來希望!

Guest Cast:
Sandra Browner Dee Wallace Stone
Coach Pruitt Reggie White
Nicole Rich Kerri Strug
Rebecca Browner Anndi McAfee
T.J. Browner Vincent Berry
Bart Conner as himself
Nadia Comaneci
as herself

In an empty gym, Tess "coaches" Monica on their next assignment. They are interrupted by the arrival of Nadia Comaneci and Bart Conner, who will cover the gymnastics competition for a TV station. Andrew appears after they leave, and the angels then observe the Browner family. Rebecca Browner is a gifted gymnast, whose mother, Sandra pushes her to excel. Unfortunately, her younger brother, T. J. feels neglected. He and another gymnast's brother dub themselves the "Nobodies" and visit a skate park. Andrew, the park's supervisor, is concerned by T. J.'s disregard for safety equipment. Meanwhile, Monica, Rebecca's new assistant coach, learns she is highly driven and has never fallen during a competition. Displeased that the television crew has ignored her daughter, Sandra complains to Tess, the segment producer. T. J. steals money from Andrew's cash register to visit the house where his family lived before his father died. He later confesses to Andrew, who makes him work off his debt. Sandra is unhappy to find him doing chores at the skate park. Back at the hotel, he tells his mother he "borrowed" the money to see a movie, but his sister sees through his lie. T. J. angrily exits, and Rebecca also leaves. Sandra later yells at her daughter for missing a meeting with a potential sponsor. Rebecca confides in Monica that she visited the family's former home. The angel urges the girl to recapture the joy of gymnastics. Returning to the skate park, T. J. ignores Andrew's warning to wear a helmet and has an accident. At the hospital, Tess reveals herself to Sandra, advising her to grieve her late husband rather than immersing herself in her daughter's career. Sandra then urges Rebecca to do her best for herself--no one else. While competing, Rebecca falls. Monica reveals herself and tells the gymnast she is never alone and that her father is with God and proud of her. She finishes the routine with grace, T. J. regains consciousness, and Sandra decides to move her family back into their old house.

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