219.皆大歡喜 (The Quality of Mercy)

頻道:GOOD TV (ch15)好消息電視台

Joel Redding:約爾瑞汀
Bebe Manero:碧碧馬奈洛


編按/譯者劉鴻輝表示:「這一集翻譯起來有些困難,劇中有多處莎士比亞戲劇對白,正規洗練,時而鏗鏘有力,時而華麗的詞藻造成翻譯上很大的挑戰。原文劇名The Quality of Mercy出自莎翁戲劇<威尼斯商人>(The Merchant of Venice)。此集中有出自<殉情記>(即<羅密歐與茱麗葉>)、<馬克白>、<亨利五世>、<暴風雨>、<哈姆雷特>等經典莎翁名劇的對白,編導將這些對白插入適切的情境中,用心與巧思清楚可見。蒙妮卡在劇末現身開導人時,所說的第一段話也是<威尼斯商人>的對白。為了與充滿莎翁氣息的內容對應,我也以他知名喜劇為本集命名,即你所見的<皆大歡喜>(All’s Well That Ends Well)。黛絲在劇末也引用這劇名,形容美好的結局。」

Joel Redding is a former soap-opera star who is coming to terms with middle age and life after television. He, his wife, Sally and son, Marshall have moved to a small town trying to regain a semblance of normal family life. While helping with a college theatre's fund raiser, Monica, Tess, and Andrew witness tension between Joel, the play's director and Marshall, the play's star. Matters are further complicated when the aging actor initiates an affair with one of his teenage ingenues. During one of Joel's extracurricular trysts, Sally slips while hanging a picture and seriously injures herself. Marshall finds his mother, calls for help, and gets her to the hospital. After authorizing the doctor to perform a risky surgical procedure, the teen rails at Joel when he finally returns from his rendezvous. Tess reveals herself to the guilt-ridden husband, admonishing him to be faithful to his wife and son. Back at the theatre, Joel tries to apologize to his son and admits he didn't quit the soap opera but was fired because of his age. Marshall is still reluctant to forgive until Monica's revelation that he must see his father as a man, rather than as a hero to be worshipped. Sally's surgery is successful, the production is a triumph, and the family is reunited.

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