頻道:GOOD TV (ch15)好消息電視台
Libby Glazer:莉比葛雷瑟
Vera King:薇拉金恩Clive:克萊
本集內容繁複多變,盤根錯節。原文劇名Charade意為「猜字遊戲」,且是已故巨星奧黛麗赫本(Audrey Hepburn)與卡萊葛倫(Cary Grant)聯合主演的經典驚悚電影<謎中謎>之原劇名,本劇與該片名同內容不同,但頗有異曲同工之妙,也諷刺好萊塢糾葛的內幕與矛盾。本集中蒙妮卡以酷似奧黛麗赫本於<謎中謎>和<第凡內早餐>中的造型登場,相當清麗脫俗,令人驚豔。
Guest Cast:
Libby Swoosie Kurtz
Vera Janet Leigh
Clive Hathaway Joseph Campanella
Budd Michael Goorjian
Young Vera Kim Oja
Young Clive Tony Crane
Young Libby Brooke Ashley Stephens
Official Jordan Charney
With the approach of a special tribute to the victims of the Hollywood Blacklist to be given by the Hollywood Screen Guild, Tess and Monica arrive to help Libby Glaser, a powerful Hollywood agent, learn the truth about her Blacklisted father's last days. Monica arrives as Libby's new assistant and quickly impresses Libby with her "connections" by managing to connect her with the head of the Hollywood Screen Guild. Libby learns that the Guild has chosen to restore her father's name to a film he made during the Blacklist Era when he was forced to write under a pseudonym, and that they want Libby's mother, Vera King, to present the award with her co-star in the show, Clive Hathaway. Vera flatly refuses to present the award with Clive which surprises Libby as he was her father's best friend. Simultaneously, home movies from Libby's childhood mysteriously appear from an unknown source and Libby's memory is jarred as she views them.

When Libby confronts her mother, Vera tells her Clive is the one who ruined her father's career by naming him as a communist and that he didn't die in an accident, he killed himself. Libby then sends Monica on a search for her father's FBI file and it is soon delivered by Tess. Tess then explains to Monica that she was Budd's angel and that she was unable to convince him not to kill himself, suffering under the burden ever since. She continues to say that Budd wrote a note to Libby just before driving his car over the cliff but that the note was lost during the fire. Libby, now armed with her father's FBI file, plans to ruin Clive Hathaway as he ruined her father. As the Blacklist ceremony is in progress, Vera begs Libby not to expose Clive, finally telling her the complete truth, that she had "one sad weekend" with Clive and that he was her real father. Now wrecked, Libby enters the stage intent on ruining Clive. Monica then freezes time and asks Libby to forgive. As time resumes, Libby then realizes that she is no longer holding the FBI file but the note from her father asking her to forgive those involved and telling her that she will always be his little girl. Libby then gives an emotional speech, denouncing the tactics of the Blacklist.
Libby Swoosie Kurtz
Vera Janet Leigh
Clive Hathaway Joseph Campanella
Budd Michael Goorjian
Young Vera Kim Oja
Young Clive Tony Crane
Young Libby Brooke Ashley Stephens
Official Jordan Charney
With the approach of a special tribute to the victims of the Hollywood Blacklist to be given by the Hollywood Screen Guild, Tess and Monica arrive to help Libby Glaser, a powerful Hollywood agent, learn the truth about her Blacklisted father's last days. Monica arrives as Libby's new assistant and quickly impresses Libby with her "connections" by managing to connect her with the head of the Hollywood Screen Guild. Libby learns that the Guild has chosen to restore her father's name to a film he made during the Blacklist Era when he was forced to write under a pseudonym, and that they want Libby's mother, Vera King, to present the award with her co-star in the show, Clive Hathaway. Vera flatly refuses to present the award with Clive which surprises Libby as he was her father's best friend. Simultaneously, home movies from Libby's childhood mysteriously appear from an unknown source and Libby's memory is jarred as she views them.
When Libby confronts her mother, Vera tells her Clive is the one who ruined her father's career by naming him as a communist and that he didn't die in an accident, he killed himself. Libby then sends Monica on a search for her father's FBI file and it is soon delivered by Tess. Tess then explains to Monica that she was Budd's angel and that she was unable to convince him not to kill himself, suffering under the burden ever since. She continues to say that Budd wrote a note to Libby just before driving his car over the cliff but that the note was lost during the fire. Libby, now armed with her father's FBI file, plans to ruin Clive Hathaway as he ruined her father. As the Blacklist ceremony is in progress, Vera begs Libby not to expose Clive, finally telling her the complete truth, that she had "one sad weekend" with Clive and that he was her real father. Now wrecked, Libby enters the stage intent on ruining Clive. Monica then freezes time and asks Libby to forgive. As time resumes, Libby then realizes that she is no longer holding the FBI file but the note from her father asking her to forgive those involved and telling her that she will always be his little girl. Libby then gives an emotional speech, denouncing the tactics of the Blacklist.