505.此情可問天 ( I Do )

頻道:GOOD TV (ch15)好消息電視台



本集中文劇名取用曾與華人影壇之光李安導演合作『理性與感性』(Sense and Sensibility)之英國影壇才女艾瑪湯普遜(Emma Thompson)之奧斯卡封后作<此情可問天>(Howards End)。此劇名一針見血地道出全劇主旨,唯在主耶穌基督裡的愛情方存至永恆。


Written by: R.J. Colleary
Directed by: Victor Lobl
Produced by: Martha Williamson, Jon Andersen & R.J. Visciglia, Jr.

Guest Cast:
Nancy Patty Duke
Michael Mark Kiely
Stephanie Hillary Danner
Eddie Maury Sterling
Dr. Evans Richard Penn

Monica tries to determine God's greatest gift to humans and hypothesizes that it might be marriage - the wedding of two people. Tess reminds her that a marriage is much more than a wedding ceremony. Stephanie and Michael are planning to elope with Michael's younger brother, Eddie, in tow, when Nancy, Michael's mother, finds out and demands that they have a traditional wedding. Stephanie and Michael relents and Monica and Tess note that this family runs like a dictatorship. While Stephanie is trying on dresses at
Tess' dress shop, Eddie gives Michael a special gift, their deceased father's favorite tie, reworked as a bowtie so Michael can wear it at the wedding. At the bachelor party, Monica pops out of the cake, and befriends Eddie, who asks her to be his date for the wedding. On the day of the wedding, Stephanie and Nancy receive news that Michael and Eddie have been in a car accident. They rush to the hospital, Stephanie still in her wedding dress, to find Eddie fine, but Michael in a coma. Nancy scolds Eddie because he was driving the car and Monica suggests he work through his guilt and sorrow through prayer. Nancy makes Michael's medical decisions on her own, angering Stephanie and Michael. As surgery begins Andrew takes Michael's soul out of the operating room and into a forest where they discuss his future. Andrew tells Michael that if he lives, he will be handicapped. Not wanting to burden his family, Michael asks God to let him die. In the chapel, Monica helps Eddie to pray, putting his brother's fate in the hands of God. Stephanie sits with Michael after surgery, speaking her marriage vows to him. Andrew allows Michael to see this and he decides he wants to live, and gives Stephanie a sign. But at Nancy's request the doctors disconnect the life support system. Nancy tells Stephanie that she is doing what is best, that she kept her own husband on life support for three months, and she has always regretted prolonging his pain. Tess helps Stephanie to forgive Nancy for always keeping her at arms' length, a defense she created when her husband shot himself. Stephanie goes to the chapel to pray for Michael. Nancy goes to Michael to say goodbye. Andrew appears to her in the hospital room, and Nancy breaks down, proclaiming that she hates God, and asking what he wants from her. Andrew tells her that God wants her to give up control of her and everyone else's lives. Nancy joins Stephanie and Eddie in prayer for Michael. Others from the hospital join them in the chapel to pray. A doctor reports that Michael is going to live. Stephanie and Michael, in a wheelchair, finally marry.

504.友情與正義 ( What Are Friends For? )

頻道:GOOD TV (ch15)好消息電視台


Carrie Carver:嘉莉卡福
William Hamsted (Billy):威廉韓斯德(比利)



Written by: Martha Williamson
Directed by: Peter H. Hunt
Produced by:

Martha Williamson, Jon Andersen &
R.J. Visciglia, Jr.

Guest Cast:

Carrie Carver Sheila Kelley
Sam Carver John James
Tom Wren T. Brown
Young Tom Paul Taylor
Young Carrie Kim Wimmer
Billy Erich Anderson
Young Billy Brandon Karrer

The angels arrive in the life of mayoral candidate Carrie Carver to help her learn a valuable lesson about friendship. Monica arrives as Carrie's speechwriter when Carrie is called away by a message from an old college friend. Monica tells her "truth is the best spin." Carrie arrives at Frodo's, her old college hangout to find Tom, who is waiting to hear the news of his most recent cancer test. Andrew is acting as a bartender, not knowing whether or not he will be escorting Tom. Carrie then resumes her campaign, formally announcing her candidacy for the office of mayor. Carrie then goes to her college reunion with Sam and Monica. Carrie then sees her old friend Billy. Sam looks on with controlled concern as Carrie and Billy dance to their old college song. As Carrie, Billy, and Tom, "The Terrible Threesome" give an reunion performance, Tess tells Andrew and Monica "Sometimes memories keep people harmonizing long after the music is over." Carrie tells Billy she'll pull some strings at the Board of Education to get him a job and also tells Sam she let him know he can stay in the basement until he gets on his feet. Carrie tells sam she was never in love with Billy. The campaign rolls on and Billy begins a job as a high school teacher. While Carrie uses the restroom at a local high school, she overhears two students talking about Billy and one threatens to make him "pay" for giving her a "C." When Sam and Carrie arrive at home that night, Billy has prepared a candlelight dinner for them. The police then arrive with a warrant for Billy's arrest on charges of sexual misconduct with a minor. As Sam advises Carrie to distance herself in the aftermath of the arrest, Monica again advocates the truth. Carrie stands by Billy. Tom is his lawyer and explains the severity of his situation: a 17 year old student claims he tried to seduce her but refuses to say anything more due to client privelege. Carrie cashes in her bonds to make bail for Billy, explaining how Billy came to her fathers funeral when she needed him. She makes a statement of support of Billy and learns that the incident allegedly happened in her own home. Sam questions Billy's intentions. Carrie then speaks to Tom, asking why he didn't tell her about Billy's case. Tom refuses to say any more but informs Monica that anyone can read the police report. Monica and Carrie read the police report and Carrie comes to know that Billy actually did have relations with the girl in question. Carrie then confronts Billy and he confirms, claiming she said she was 18. Billy asks Carrie to help him, to tell that she heard the girl threaten him. She says she'll have to think about it. She then realizes that perhaps Billy wasn't such a good friend. Not wanting to betray her friend, Carrie has a dilemma of conscience and Monica reveals herself to be an angel, telling Carrie to not lie for Billy and let him fall so that God can eventually help him.

503.知音相惜 ( Only Contact )

頻道:GOOD TV (ch15)好消息電視台

Donnie Mankuso: 唐尼曼庫索
Cameron: 卡麥倫
Ferdie: 傅迪


Written by:

Ken LaZebnik
Directed by:

Tim Van Patten
Produced by:

Martha Williamson, Jon Andersen &
R.J. Visciglia, Jr.
Guest Cast:

Donnie Joe Regalbuto
Cameron Brendon Ryan Barrett
Ferdie Tait Smith
Harvey Rondell Sheridan
Gloria Marsha Kramer
Anne Sondra Currie
Roger Steve Vinovich
When a widower named Donnie Mancuso is having problems communicating with his son, Cameron, the angels arrive to help them learn from the least likely of souls, an autistic man by the name of Ferdie. Misunderstood all of his life, Ferdie lives in a shack on the edge of a baseball field in Cicero, Illinois. Although harmless, the townspeople are unaware of his autism and think of Ferdie merely as “weird.” Cameron befriends Ferdie, who shares his love of trains. Donnie, a former professional ball player, pushes Cameron to work harder at baseball as a way of making friends. Cameron falls prey to peer pressure and participates in a prank that inadvertently results in the burning of Ferdie’s shack. Monica appeals to Cameron’s conscience, and he convinces his father to let Ferdie live with them until his shack can be rebuilt. While living with Donnie and Cameron, Ferdie behaves strangely but Donnie pays little attention because he seems harmless. Donnie finds Ferdie in the basement using his deceased wife’s train set and forbids him to do so again. The meaning of this is lost on Ferdie, who cannot recognize Donnie when he’s not wearing glasses, nor Cameron when he’s not wearing his ball cap. Ferdie, being Autistic, latches on to certain aspects of people’s appearance in order to recognize them. The day of the championship game Ferdie gets upset when Cameron takes his cap off, and tries to forcibly replace it, unintentionally hurting another player. The confused and angry townspeople drive Ferdie off the field, but Cameron finally realizes Ferdie’s unique method of viewing the world. The championship game continues until Cameron, who is preoccupied with Ferdie, strikes out, losing the game. Donnie blames Cameron for letting the team down and Cameron leaves to find Ferdie, the only friend he connects with. When Donnie and the other townspeople catch up to Cameron at a train yard, he tries to explain, with Andrew’s help, how Ferdie views the world but Donnie refuses to listen. Cameron says he would rather live in a train car with Ferdie than with his father. Monica consoles Ferdie in the train car while Tess reveals herself to Donnie who, ashamed of his behavior, is sitting alone in the dugout. Tess reminds him of how his wife loved trains and how she saw the good in him when no one else would, just as Cameron sees the good in Ferdie. Donnie understands he needs to view the world through Cameron and Ferdie’s eyes, and the three return home to play with the train set and make plans for a train trip to the Baseball Hall of Fame.

502.冒牌天使 ( Miles to Go Before I Sleep )

頻道:GOOD TV (ch15)好消息電視台

Arthur: 亞瑟
Candy: 坎蒂
Jo: 喬
Rita: 莉妲
Henry Richards: 亨利理察茲


Written by:
Ken LaZebnik
Directed by:

Tim Van Patten
Produced by:

Martha Williamson, Jon Andersen &
R.J. Visciglia, Jr.

Guest Cast:

Donnie Joe Regalbuto
Cameron Brendon Ryan Barrett
Ferdie Tait Smith
Harvey Rondell Sheridan
Gloria Marsha Kramer
Anne Sondra Currie
Roger Steve Vinovich

When a widower named Donnie Mancuso is having problems communicating with his son, Cameron, the angels arrive to help them learn from the least likely of souls, an autistic man by the name of Ferdie. Misunderstood all of his life, Ferdie lives in a shack on the edge of a baseball field in Cicero, Illinois. Although harmless, the townspeople are unaware of his autism and think of Ferdie merely as “weird.” Cameron befriends Ferdie, who shares his love of trains. Donnie, a former professional ball player, pushes Cameron to work harder at baseball as a way of making friends. Cameron falls prey to peer pressure and participates in a prank that inadvertently results in the burning of Ferdie’s shack. Monica appeals to Cameron’s conscience, and he convinces his father to let Ferdie live with them until his shack can be rebuilt. While living with Donnie and Cameron, Ferdie behaves strangely but Donnie pays little attention because he seems harmless. Donnie finds Ferdie in the basement using his deceased wife’s train set and forbids him to do so again. The meaning of this is lost on Ferdie, who cannot recognize Donnie when he’s not wearing glasses, nor Cameron when he’s not wearing his ball cap. Ferdie, being Autistic, latches on to certain aspects of people’s appearance in order to recognize them. The day of the championship game Ferdie gets upset when Cameron takes his cap off, and tries to forcibly replace it, unintentionally hurting another player. The confused and angry townspeople drive Ferdie off the field, but Cameron finally realizes Ferdie’s unique method of viewing the world. The championship game continues until Cameron, who is preoccupied with Ferdie, strikes out, losing the game. Donnie blames Cameron for letting the team down and Cameron leaves to find Ferdie, the only friend he connects with. When Donnie and the other townspeople catch up to Cameron at a train yard, he tries to explain, with Andrew’s help, how Ferdie views the world but Donnie refuses to listen. Cameron says he would rather live in a train car with Ferdie than with his father. Monica consoles Ferdie in the train car while Tess reveals herself to Donnie who, ashamed of his behavior, is sitting alone in the dugout. Tess reminds him of how his wife loved trains and how she saw the good in him when no one else would, just as Cameron sees the good in Ferdie. Donnie understands he needs to view the world through Cameron and Ferdie’s eyes, and the three return home to play with the train set and make plans for a train trip to the Baseball Hall of Fame.

501.盡釋前嫌 ( Vengeance is Mine )

頻道:GOOD TV (ch15)好消息電視台

Russell Green:羅素葛林
Sandra Mills:珊卓米爾斯




Written by:
Steven Phillip Smith
Directed by:
Victor Lobl
Produced by:
Martha Williamson, Jon Andersen &
R.J. Visciglia, Jr.

Guest Cast:
Gerald McRaney
Wendy Phillips
Celeste Holm
Austin O'Brien
Sarah Schaub
Eddie Karr
Ossie Davis
Richard Thomas
Sandra Mills
Karen Sillas
Matthew Mills
Courtland Mead
Michael Flynn
Jennifer Echols
Tracey Gold

In a previous episode of "Promised Land," Joe Greene caused the death of a father and son in an automobile accident. In this two-part crossover episode with the cast of Promised Land, the angels arrive to help the surviving wife and son.
As the one year anniversary of Joe's tragic car accident approaches, the Greene family is in Springville. After seeing Joe depart for Turkey where he is intent on working, Russell is eager to get back on the road while Claire has a sense that she has work still to do in Springville. As strange letters begin to arrive for Joe, Claire volunteers to teach reading on death row at the local prison and meets Darlene, a young woman convicted of killing a man while on a drug-crazed binge. As Claire and Dinah try to help Darlene come to terms with her daughter and mother before she is executed, the angels learn that the letters to Joe have been sent by Sandra Mills, who is abusing alcohol and neglecting her son, Matthew, in the aftermath of her husbands death at Joe's hand.
Tess works as an efficiency consultant at Sandra's office and tries to convince her to stop drinking and face her grief but Sandra is soon fired for drinking on the job. Meanwhile, Monica is Matthew's teacher and tries to help Matthew as his mother's drinking problem worsens. As the date of Darlene's execution approaches, Claire and Dinah convince her of the need to reconcile with her daughter and mother. Much less able to deal with her own grief, Sandra ignores the pleas of Monica and continues to drink and Matthew is near fatally wounded in a gas explosion. Sandra then writes another threatening letter to Joe Greene. Part one concludes as Sandra kidnaps Nathaniel at gunpoint, threatening to kill him if her own son does not survive the explosion.

Teleplay by:

Burt Pearl
Story by: Jon Andersen
Directed by:
Peter Hunt
Produced by:
Martha Williamson, Jon Andersen &
R.J. Visciglia, Jr.

Guest Cast:
Arthur Chad Lowe
Rita Margot Kidder
Jo Elaine Kagan
John Minore Johnny Green
Candy Samaria Graham
Judy Bowers Carrie Snodgress
Young Arthur Logan Robbins
Young Toby Scott E. Cox

When Andrew arrives at a hospital to escort an elderly Mr. Richards to Heaven, Mr. Richards makes Andrew promise to help someone else in the hospital, someone whose soul is dying. Mr. Richards directs Andrew to the bible he is leaving behind which, he insists, will answer Andrew’s questions. Andrew meets up with Monica and Tess who are at the hospital to minister to the patients, but no one knows the whereabouts of Mr. Richards’ Bible. Complicating matters, Rita Lasky, a terminally ill woman with no will to live, claims to have seen the Angel of Death and that it told her to "hurry up and die." Monica tells Rita God would never ask someone to give up, and that if an angel says something that is not from God, then it’s not an angel. Meanwhile, Andrew is caring for John Minore, a young man with brain cancer, who has faith that he will be miraculously healed. Arthur Bowers, a kind-hearted orderly, tells John about Rita's angel-sighting and insists that there is an angel in the hospital. When Rita wakes up from her medicated sleep, she rebuffs Monica's attempt to convince her that the angel is a fraud. Before the rumor can settle, John Minore claims to have been visited by the Angel of Death, who told him not to be afraid of his imminent death. Andrew pleads with John not to give up on life but John is convinced that he will die in surgery. As the patients’ will to live dwindles, Tess continues to search for Mr. Richards’ missing bible, hoping for some clue as to the identity of the pseudo-angel. Monica questions the skeptical head nurse, Jo, who denies having anything to do with the angel. Monica goes to Rita and reveals herself as a real angel as Rita professes her need to speak to her estranged sister. Tess finds the shredded Bible in a trash dumpster, and as the angels sift through the pages, the “Angel of Death” visits John again. The angels chase down the false angel, revealing that it is really Arthur Bowers in a costume. Arthur tries to escape, but Andrew is everywhere he turns, finally revealing his identity. Andrew gives him the verse from Mr. Richards’ Bible. "I will seek that which was lost and return that which was driven away." Andrew questions Arthur about his troubled past, and takes Arthur home to make amends with his estranged mother. Arthur explains to his mother that, years ago, he left Toby, his late brother, alone on the day he died and has since been suffering from guilt, trying to fix everyone but himself. Arthur’s mother forgives him but tells him he must forgive himself. Arthur admits his false identity to John Minore and introduces Andrew as the real Angel of Death. Andrew asks John to cling to life and John enters surgery with a hopeful attitude. Monica helps Rita make peace with her sister before Andrew delivers her to Heaven

425.青春的迷思 (God and Country)

頻道:GOOD TV (ch15)好消息電視台



Written by: Jennifer Wharton & R.J. Colleary
Directed by: Terrence O’Hara
Produced by: Martha Williamson, Jon Andersen & R.J. Visciglia, Jr.

Guest Cast:
Rafael Alexis Cruz
Liz Alley Mills
Greg Corbin Allred
Candace Karen Austin
Jill Mercedes McNab
Katie Senta Moses
Doctor David Kirk Chambers

The pressure to abstain from sex before marriage is almost as great for teenagers Greg and Jill, as the pressure from their mothers to be perfect students. Greg’s mother, Liz, owns a flower shop, and doesn’t like Greg seeing Jill, claiming it affects his grades and will jeopardize his ability to get into college. Jill’s mother, Candace, still dealing with issues from her own past, demands complete chastity from her daughter. It is Monica and Tess’ assignment to make sure these relationships don’t self-destruct. Meanwhile Andrew, as a DJ, encourages the high schoolers to respect themselves and their bodies. Rafael, as a student teacher, fends off infatuated girls. Monica, as a substitute teacher, holds a meeting to plan the upcoming prom and chaperones Liz and Candace meet. Although they deny knowing each other, it is clear they have a history together. The truth is Liz and Candace were friends in high school, until Candace, who slept around quite a bit, stole Liz’s boyfriend. The enmity over this event hasn’t yet subsided, and Candace asks Liz not to tell Jill about her past. Liz agrees but only if she will forbid Jill from dating Greg. Tess, as an assistant at the flower shop, obviously disapproves of this idea. Greg and Jill, though very upset and confused, respect their mothers’ wishes, until Jill learns her mother’s secret—that while preaching chastity she lived an unchaste lifestyle as a teenager. Jill determines to do all the things her mother has told her not to do and she sneaks out to meet Greg at the prom.
Greg and Jill plan to go to a hotel and have sex after the prom, but Monica tries to stop them. However, they don’t listen to Monica and go to the hotel. The next morning, Greg drops Jill off at her house and leaves. As Jill climbs to her bedroom window, she falls and is unconscious. Later in the hospital, a distraught Greg tells the mothers that he and Jill spent the night together and Liz becomes upset. Greg can’t believe that his mother is more concerned about his sex life than about his girlfriend whose life hangs in the balance. Tess and Monica appear at the hospital, reveal themselves as angels and ask the mothers, for the sake of their children, to resolve their differences and make peace. The mothers decide to give one another a second chance and give their blessing to Greg and Jill’s relationship. Andrew reveals that Jill will recover and the families rejoice in the news.


頻道:GOOD TV (ch15)好消息電視台


「因為那夜我要巡行埃及地,把埃及地一切頭生的,無論是人是牲畜,都擊殺了,又要敗壞埃及一切的神。我是耶和華。這血要在你們所住的房屋上作記號;我一見這血,就越過你們去。我擊殺埃及地頭生的時候,災殃必不臨到你們身上滅你們。」(聖經 出埃及記12:12~13)這段聖經章節一針見血地道出本集令人深思的內容,致命禍忠中至高上帝高闊高深的慈愛依舊彰顯無遺…


Written by: Glenn Berenbeim
Directed by: Peter H. Hunt
Produced by: Martha Williamson, Jon Andersen & R.J. Visciglia, Jr.

Guest Cast:
Jake Bruce Davison
Tyler George Gore, II
Bonita Melody Garrett
Elaine Doris Belack
Michael Jeremy Foley
Lisa Jeannie Elias
Young Elaine Nealla Gordon
Young Jake Justin Jon Ross
Leader Cleandre Norman
Sol Jack Laufer

Jacob Weiss, a bitter slum lord, is sentenced to spend two weeks in one of his own tenements and the angels arrive to help him understand the error of his ways. As the code enforcement officer, Monica quickly educates Jake on the changes that will need to be made but he is intent on trying to go around the law, offering her a bribe. He then continues to try any legal means of avoiding his punishment until his mother and son urge him to come to Passover dinner which coincidentally falls on the eve when his incarceration is to begin. He then approaches the judge and makes a religious plea. Unfortunately for Jake, the judge attends the very synagogue where he claims to be devout and, having never seen Jake there, firmly refuses. Jacob then attempts to hide from the police at his mother's apartment but is picked up in the midst of the Passover meal. Tess meets Jake as he arrives for his internment and places an ankle monitor on his leg to ensure that he does not leave. Jake then settles in to the abysmal conditions of his own tenement and meets a savvy neighborhood kid, Tyler, who arranges to bring him the things he needs in exchange for money. Jake then begins to hear a haunting song and starts to remember where all his troubles began... with the death of his father. In a rare moment of sentiment, Jake then calls his son Michael but is quickly interrupted by a fire in his apartment. With Monica's help, Jake extinguishes the fire but is forced to move to the only other vacant apartment, that which he lived in when his father was alive.
Once there, Andrew appears, telling Jake he is there to help him remember. Jake then dreams back to the day his father died and to his explanation of the Passover and its message of freedom for all people. When Jake is awakened by Tyler, he is even more desperate to escape the pain of his own memories and offers Tyler more money to find someone who can remove his ankle monitor. Jake calls his wife from whom he is separated to ask for the money, but she steadfastly refuses. His son, Michael, overhears his mother and brings Jake his Bar Mitzvah money. While Jake is being robbed of the money by the supposed monitor remover, Michael is shot. Unable to get help from the neighbors he has abused, Jake listens to Monica and follows his pious father's example. He smears the blood of his son on his door and sings the song of "Elijah" while Tess sings "Go Down Moses" as Andrew, the Angel of Death, passes over the house.

Bruce Davison was nominated for an Emmy Award for Best Supporting Actor for this episode.

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