頻道:GOOD TV (ch15)好消息電視台
本集以安德烈為主角,再次探討生死議題。第一季中曾出現過的死亡天使亞當再次現身。安德烈臨時接到一項任務,在一場以女性為主的「書與單身漢午餐會」上,認識了女醫師凱特。當晚兩人在黛絲開設的餐廳「黛絲小館」中用餐,當中化身廚工的亞當告訴他凱特將不久人世。而與她言談間安德烈發現身為無神論者的凱特有項吝於告人的秘密,能夠救活多人性命。 緊迫的時間中,安德烈會如何設法使凱特改變心意,體會分享的喜樂?
本集以安德烈為主角,再次探討生死議題。第一季中曾出現過的死亡天使亞當再次現身。安德烈臨時接到一項任務,在一場以女性為主的「書與單身漢午餐會」上,認識了女醫師凱特。當晚兩人在黛絲開設的餐廳「黛絲小館」中用餐,當中化身廚工的亞當告訴他凱特將不久人世。而與她言談間安德烈發現身為無神論者的凱特有項吝於告人的秘密,能夠救活多人性命。 緊迫的時間中,安德烈會如何設法使凱特改變心意,體會分享的喜樂?
Adam Charles Rocket
Kate Stephanie Zimbalist
Beth Lisa Eichhorn
Norman Keene Curtis
Jackie Morgan Fairchild
Waiter Paul Keith
Workman Vince Melocchi
Doctor Elayn Taylor
When the angels find themselves at a posh "Books and Bachelors" luncheon to benefit medical research, Andrew is quickly chosen to be auctioned as an eligible bachelor. When the prominent research scientist, Beth Popik, begins to bid on Andrew, her chief rival, Kate Calder, outbids her and then refuses the date with Andrew, explaining that she wasn't bidding for Andrew, she was bidding against Beth. Adam, another "angel of death" arrives, thanks Andrew for covering for him, and asks about the date with "the doctor." When Andrew tells him that she refused to go to dinner, Adam explains that he MUST go on the date. Andrew then convinces Kate to have dinner with him, while Monica and Tess begin preparing an elegant restaurant for the meeting. Andrew and Kate then meet for dinner in the "controlled environment" of "Chez Tess." Monica plays waiter while Tess cooks and although this is supposed to be a private engagement, another patron, Norman, enters and insists of being served. During dinner, Kate tells Andrew that she is going to die of Leukemia within several years and that she believes in science, not in God. She continues, stating that her research is all that matters to her and that her goal is to find a "gene sequence" before she dies and in that way gain immortality. Adam then interrupts the dinner and privately tells Andrew that "the doctor" is going to die "tonight." Andrew then reveals himself to Kate while Norman begins to choke on his food. Kate rescues Norman but not before he recognizes Andrew as the Angel of Death. Kate follows Norman out of the restaurant and questions him about Andrew. Now a believer, she returns to find that Andrew and the restaurant have disappeared. She then runs to the safe where her research is being held and finds Andrew waiting for her. He tells her to share her research so that others may live. They then go to Beth's house to find her on the verge of death due to carbon monoxide poisoning. After saving Beth's life, Kate visits her at the hospital, tells her about her recent discovery and suggests that they work together to find a cure. "You can do wonderful things if you don't care who gets the credit." Andrew then leaves Kate's life telling her he doesn't know when she will die, but that when it's time, he'll see her for dinner.