播出時間:2012年5/02(三)&5/03(四)23:10播出 (次日下午14:00重播)
頻道:GOOD TV (ch15)好消息電視台
Russell Green:羅素葛林
Sandra Mills:珊卓米爾斯

曾在第三季『尋找應許之地』與『奇異恩典』中出現的葛林一家人本集再度登場,美國知名流行歌手費絲席爾(Faith Hill)亦參與演出,飾演喬的前女友凱倫(Karen),並在劇中大展歌喉。
故事以一場令人怵目驚心的車禍入鏡. 火爆浪子喬葛林(羅素葛林的弟弟)在公路上與另一部車追逐擦撞,另一車不慎路邊翻覆,喬救出一名孩童後該車爆炸起火…。另一方面,羅素攜一家老小來到菊苣 溪拜訪老友艾拉瑪,某日半夜下樓時發現喬回來,一家驚喜之餘羅素卻懷疑喬會回來另有原因,絕非單純想念家人。喪生駕駛之妻珊卓米爾斯在醫院得知喬及時救出 么兒馬太,來訪道謝時喬難以應對,面露不安與羞慚。羅素追問之下才知道喬肇事,盛怒之餘與母親海蒂至珊卓住處說明實情。喪失失子的珊卓聞而柔腸面轉,難以 置信…喬是否會出面投案?珊卓的態度會改變嗎?三位天使又應如何規勸喬出面自首,勇負刑責?精彩動人的故事不就此當束,敬請期待本劇第五季的續集『盡釋前 嫌』。
Russell Green:羅素葛林
Sandra Mills:珊卓米爾斯
曾在第三季『尋找應許之地』與『奇異恩典』中出現的葛林一家人本集再度登場,美國知名流行歌手費絲席爾(Faith Hill)亦參與演出,飾演喬的前女友凱倫(Karen),並在劇中大展歌喉。
故事以一場令人怵目驚心的車禍入鏡. 火爆浪子喬葛林(羅素葛林的弟弟)在公路上與另一部車追逐擦撞,另一車不慎路邊翻覆,喬救出一名孩童後該車爆炸起火…。另一方面,羅素攜一家老小來到菊苣 溪拜訪老友艾拉瑪,某日半夜下樓時發現喬回來,一家驚喜之餘羅素卻懷疑喬會回來另有原因,絕非單純想念家人。喪生駕駛之妻珊卓米爾斯在醫院得知喬及時救出 么兒馬太,來訪道謝時喬難以應對,面露不安與羞慚。羅素追問之下才知道喬肇事,盛怒之餘與母親海蒂至珊卓住處說明實情。喪失失子的珊卓聞而柔腸面轉,難以 置信…喬是否會出面投案?珊卓的態度會改變嗎?三位天使又應如何規勸喬出面自首,勇負刑責?精彩動人的故事不就此當束,敬請期待本劇第五季的續集『盡釋前 嫌』。
Written by: E.F. Wallengren & Mimi Schmir
Directed by: Tim Van Patten
Produced by: Martha Williamson, Jon Andersen & R.J. Visciglia, Jr.
Guest Cast:
Joe Greene Richard Thomas
Russell Greene Gerald McRaney
Erasmus Jones Ossie Davis
Hattie Greene Celeste Holm
Claire Greene Wendy Phillips
Joshua Greene Austin O'Brien
Dinah Greene Sara Schaub
Nathaniel Greene Eddie Karr
Sondra Mills Connie Ray
Randy Mills Geoff Hansen
Matthew Mills Courtland Mead
Ryan Mills Ben Ellis
Nurse, sc 14 Nancy Riddle
Officer, scs 13,26 Bruce Newbold
TV Reporter Susan Masley Thomas
Karen Faith Hill
In the first half of a two-part crossover episode of "Touched By an Angel" and "Promised Land," Joe Greene, the long-lost brother of Russell returns, speeding wrecklessly down the highway as Tess, Monica and Andrew follow. When another car pulls out in front of Joe, he runs the car off the road and kills a father and son, while saving the youngest son. Lying about the accident to the police, he is then thought to be a "good samaritan" and quickly leaves. When he runs out of gas, Andrew arrives as a hitchhiker and offers to give him gas in exchange for a ride to Chicory Creek. Once in Chicory Creek, Andrew leaves and the car breaks down. Joe then breaks into the home of his family's old friend, Erasmus Jones, not knowing that his family is currently visiting. Russell catches him in the kitchen, quickly saying hello by punching him and the whole family is soon awake, marvelling at his return. At the hospital, the young boy injured in the wreck clings to life while Monica acts as a hospital caseworker, comforting the mother, Mrs. Mills. Mrs. Mills wants to meet the good samaritan and Monica supplies the address to Erasmus' house. While meeeting Mrs. Mills, Joe lies to her while Russell listens skeptically as Joe refuses to visit the surviving child at the hospital. With the sudden return of his father, Nathaniel is very angry but convinces his father to visit the child when his hopelessly inoperative car suddenly starts. While at the hospital, Monica reveals herself as an angel and Joe flees, taking stolen pharmaceuticals with him. Coming perilously close to another auto accident, he is stopped by Tess who takes Nathaniel and demands that Joe return to Monica at the hospital. Upon his return, Monica convinces him to "face the truth and seek forgiveness," and that God wants to save his life. Joe returns to Erasmus' house and tells Russell the truth about the car accident. Russell becomes enraged and tells him to leave. Joe gathers his things and leaves without telling his mother goodbye. Hattie then blames herself, asking Russell "What could I have done differently?" Claire then enters with a note from Nathaniel explaining that Nathaniel has left to help his father who "needs him more now." As the episode ends, Nathaniel is stowed away in the backseat of Joe's car as Joe pops pills and swerves into the night.