頻道:GOOD TV (ch15)好消息電視台
Stephanie Hancock
向來膚白唇紅,秀髮披肩的天使蒙妮卡,本集令人驚異地以雞皮鶴髮的高齡老婦造型登場。夕陽無限好,只是近黃昏。一所老人安養中心內,一群老年人在好事又不講情面的主任Mrs. Hancock的管理下度日。曾參與二戰,人稱「上校」的George,對化身老婦的蒙妮卡日久生情,而蒙妮卡的新室友Lorraine又積極扮演媒人想措合他們。黛絲化身為該安養中心的休閒活動協辦員,安德烈則成了廚師,與化身老婦的蒙妮卡共同時白了人心的脆弱…蒙妮卡該如何是好?這群安養中心的老人們,生活能否有所改善?George與蒙妮卡間這段不可能有結果的黃昏之戀,又會有何令人皆大歡喜的結果?
Written by: Martha Williamson
Directed by: Michael Schultz
Produced by: Martha Williamson, Jon Andersen, and Robert J. Visciglia, Jr.
Guest Cast:
Bill Salisbury Greg Evigan
Clay Martin Brian Bloom
Jennifer Allison Smith
Cookie Alanna Ubach
Alex Jackson Brandon Douglas
Ava Alicia Coppola
Jennifer has a burn on her finger and a hole in her memory. Two detectives are rigorously interrogating her about a shooting death she witnessed. As she is cross-examined, her jumbled memories eventually coalesce into a narrative.
A reporter for the trendy magazine Curb, Jennifer met Clay Martin, a real-estate developer, in an elevator at her office building. He invited her to a party where she met his best friend, Alex, as well as Monica. Against his mother's wishes, Alex had been traveling in search of his real father. Despite the former roommates' cross words--not the least of which regarded the fact that Alex' ex-girlfriend was now dating Clay--they soon reconciled. Jennifer subsequently had a heart-to-heart talk with Alex where the prodigal confided he was on his way home to deliver yellow roses and an apology to his mother. Afterwards she just happened to be in the room when Clay shows Alex an antique gun. Although apparently unloaded, the gun contained a chambered round that killed Alex when the weapon fell off a desk.
Since Jennifer's story corroborates Clay's, the police release her. Two weeks after the incident, she is still in shock and denial. Revealing herself, Monica informs the distraught woman that God had a purpose for her witnessing the incident, and that she has a task to complete. Understanding this, Jennifer comforts Alex's mother and gives her the roses he never got the chance to deliver.