403.浪子歸鄉 (The Road Home)

播出時間:2012年5/02(三)&5/03(四)23:10播出 (次日下午14:00重播)
頻道:GOOD TV (ch15)好消息電視台
Russell Green:羅素葛林
Sandra Mills:珊卓米爾斯

曾在第三季『尋找應許之地』與『奇異恩典』中出現的葛林一家人本集再度登場,美國知名流行歌手費絲席爾(Faith Hill)亦參與演出,飾演喬的前女友凱倫(Karen),並在劇中大展歌喉。

故事以一場令人怵目驚心的車禍入鏡. 火爆浪子喬葛林(羅素葛林的弟弟)在公路上與另一部車追逐擦撞,另一車不慎路邊翻覆,喬救出一名孩童後該車爆炸起火…。另一方面,羅素攜一家老小來到菊苣 溪拜訪老友艾拉瑪,某日半夜下樓時發現喬回來,一家驚喜之餘羅素卻懷疑喬會回來另有原因,絕非單純想念家人。喪生駕駛之妻珊卓米爾斯在醫院得知喬及時救出 么兒馬太,來訪道謝時喬難以應對,面露不安與羞慚。羅素追問之下才知道喬肇事,盛怒之餘與母親海蒂至珊卓住處說明實情。喪失失子的珊卓聞而柔腸面轉,難以 置信…喬是否會出面投案?珊卓的態度會改變嗎?三位天使又應如何規勸喬出面自首,勇負刑責?精彩動人的故事不就此當束,敬請期待本劇第五季的續集『盡釋前 嫌』。

Written by: E.F. Wallengren & Mimi Schmir
Directed by: Tim Van Patten
Produced by: Martha Williamson, Jon Andersen & R.J. Visciglia, Jr.
Guest Cast:
Joe Greene Richard Thomas
Russell Greene Gerald McRaney
Erasmus Jones Ossie Davis
Hattie Greene Celeste Holm
Claire Greene Wendy Phillips
Joshua Greene Austin O'Brien
Dinah Greene Sara Schaub
Nathaniel Greene Eddie Karr
Sondra Mills Connie Ray
Randy Mills Geoff Hansen
Matthew Mills Courtland Mead
Ryan Mills Ben Ellis
Nurse, sc 14 Nancy Riddle
Officer, scs 13,26 Bruce Newbold
TV Reporter Susan Masley Thomas
Karen Faith Hill

In the first half of a two-part crossover episode of "Touched By an Angel" and "Promised Land," Joe Greene, the long-lost brother of Russell returns, speeding wrecklessly down the highway as Tess, Monica and Andrew follow. When another car pulls out in front of Joe, he runs the car off the road and kills a father and son, while saving the youngest son. Lying about the accident to the police, he is then thought to be a "good samaritan" and quickly leaves. When he runs out of gas, Andrew arrives as a hitchhiker and offers to give him gas in exchange for a ride to Chicory Creek. Once in Chicory Creek, Andrew leaves and the car breaks down. Joe then breaks into the home of his family's old friend, Erasmus Jones, not knowing that his family is currently visiting. Russell catches him in the kitchen, quickly saying hello by punching him and the whole family is soon awake, marvelling at his return. At the hospital, the young boy injured in the wreck clings to life while Monica acts as a hospital caseworker, comforting the mother, Mrs. Mills. Mrs. Mills wants to meet the good samaritan and Monica supplies the address to Erasmus' house. While meeeting Mrs. Mills, Joe lies to her while Russell listens skeptically as Joe refuses to visit the surviving child at the hospital. With the sudden return of his father, Nathaniel is very angry but convinces his father to visit the child when his hopelessly inoperative car suddenly starts. While at the hospital, Monica reveals herself as an angel and Joe flees, taking stolen pharmaceuticals with him. Coming perilously close to another auto accident, he is stopped by Tess who takes Nathaniel and demands that Joe return to Monica at the hospital. Upon his return, Monica convinces him to "face the truth and seek forgiveness," and that God wants to save his life. Joe returns to Erasmus' house and tells Russell the truth about the car accident. Russell becomes enraged and tells him to leave. Joe gathers his things and leaves without telling his mother goodbye. Hattie then blames herself, asking Russell "What could I have done differently?" Claire then enters with a note from Nathaniel explaining that Nathaniel has left to help his father who "needs him more now." As the episode ends, Nathaniel is stowed away in the backseat of Joe's car as Joe pops pills and swerves into the night.

402.赤子之心 (Nothing But Net)

頻道:GOOD TV (ch15)好消息電視台
E.Z. Mony:莫尼

Written by: Daniel H. Forer & R.J. Colleary
Directed by: Victor Lobl
Produced by: Martha Williamson, Jon Andersen & R.J. Visciglia, Jr.

Guest Cast:
Sam Paul Winfield
Ruth Cloris Leachman
Rafael Alexis Cruz
E.Z. Charles Malik Whitfield
Darnell Jamil Walker Smith
Marlon Marquise Wilson
Referee Bill Spooner
Business Man #1 M. Scott Wilkinson
Sportscaster Jimmy Hodson
Ryan Eckles Craig Bolerjack
Ted Vender Joey Miyashima
Williamsr Phil Handy
Player Walsh Jordan
Alonzo Mourning
Greg Ostertag

Tess, Monica, Andrew and Ruth arrive in the announcer's box of a professional basketball game overlooking their next assignment, Eric (E.Z.) Mony, the star point guard for the Salt Lake Saints. Tess tells the others that Eric is angry and rebellious, with a complete disregard for rules. As the angels look on, Eric shoves a referee. Although Ruth is told that her assignment is only to observe the situation, she is soon moving down in the stands in order to speak to the referee. Due to her interference, a jersey thrown into the crowd by Mony goes to a very impressionable 14 year-old named Darnell. Sam, the special affairs angel arrives to explain that the case has just taken a turn for the worse because a bond was formed between E.Z. and Darnell. Later at the Boys Club, Sam coaches Darnell and his friends and introduces Monica as the new tutor. Meanwhile, as E.Z. is disavowing his status as a role model, we learn of the disappearance of a hockey player by the name of Winston El Camio. As E.Z. prepares to leave the stadium, Andrew introduces himself as the ghost writer who will be writing his E.Z.'s tell-all book. Ruth, having recovered from her blunder at the stadium, approaches Darnell. She tells him that E.Z. is not someone to look up to, that he cannot read. Darnell then goes to E.Z. and blackmails him with the information, demanding "a night in the life of E.Z. Mony" in return for his silence. While on the town, E.Z. takes Darnell to a casino and quickly loses $100,000. Two henchmen of the casino then threaten E.Z. with his life if he doesn't shave points, invoking the name of Winston El Camio as evidence of their seriousness. The next day, E.Z. learns of the death of El Camio and has no choice but to try and throw the game. Convinced that E.Z. will pull off the scam, Darnell takes bets from his friends. When the game begins, E.Z. is miraculously unable to miss and the Saints win. Darnell confronts E.Z. after the game and E.Z. rebukes him, "You're livin' poor and you're gonna die poor." Darnell slinks out and the two henchmen enter to kill E.Z. As E.Z. prays to God, Andrew reveals himself and demands, in the name of God, that the men leave. As the men exit, Andrew tells E.Z. God wants him to learn to read. In the pressbox, Monica consoles Ruth, showing her the marquee which is now flashing "God Loves You." As E.Z. and Darnell meet on the court, both look up at the flashing marquee. E.Z. vows to learn to read and Darnell cries as he realizes that he is truly loved by God.

401.愛的真諦 (Great Expectations)

頻道:GOOD TV (ch15)好消息電視台



本集原文劇名Great Expectations沿用自英國大文豪狄更斯(Charles Dickens)曠世巨著『遠大前程』同名原文書名,狄更斯透過書中孤兒人生三階段的跌宕起落,描寫他對生命與人性的看法。同樣地,本劇透過一對夫婦面對將得病兒截然不同的態度,細膩刻畫為人父母之愛,及生命的可貴與無盡的奇妙!一如聖經所云,神要透過孩子身上的殘缺,彰顯祂無限的榮耀!

Teleplay by: Christine Pettit & Rosanne Welch
Story by: Christine Pettit & Rosanne Welch and Mary Siversten & Lynn Wing
Written by: Rita Russell
Directed by: Tim Van Patten
Produced by: Martha Williamson, Jon Andersen & R.J. Visciglia, Jr.
Guest Cast:
Taylor Chris Burke
Bill McNabb Bill Smitrovitch
Joann McNabb Betsy Brantley
Dr. Michaels Mary Parker Williamson
Ron J. Scott Bronson
Marge Janice Power
Karen Kim Landry
Debby Melissa Pace
Matt Michael Tanner
Carson Andrew Fugate
Olivia’s Mom Gail Williamson
Olivia Olivia Porcaro
Nurse at Clinic Melinda Haynes
Ultrasound Oman Cristie Briggs
Lamaze Woman Molly Labrum
Craig Tim Shoemaker
Paramedic #1 Dallen Gettling
Paramedic #2 Scott Ditty
Admitting Clerk Christy Summerhays
Head Nurse Tayva Patch
Dr. Drauer Tim Threlfall

Bill McNabb, a cappuccino machine salesman, arrives with his pregnant wife, Joann at Juliano's Coffee Shop where Andrew is acting as temporary manager. While Bill tries to sell the "newest and best" machine to Andrew, Joann comfirms their plans to give a baby shower for friends at the coffee shop later that evening. Having overheard the discussion of babies, Monica introduces herself as a Lamaze teacher and invites Joann to attend a class. Bill and Joann then go to a Doctor's appointment and learn that their baby is going to be born with Down Syndrome. Bill immediately mentions "alternatives" to having the baby and tells Joann not to tell anyone about the diagnosis until they decide what to do. At the baby shower, a busboy with Down Syndrome, Taylor, breaks dishes while avoiding a small child and this prompts Bill to tell Joann that their baby "is not a miracle" but rather "a mistake." Joann temporarily gives in, going to a community clinic but is unable to go through with an abortion, saying "I'm pro-choice and I've made my choice. I'm going to have this baby." She then continues her pregnancy alone while the angels try to convince Bill to come to reason. At Andrews urging, Bill begins to reconcile with Joann but is unable to accept the child. Tess tells him that perfect souls do not come in perfect bodies and that "it's not the packaging but the parenting" that will make the difference in a childs life. As Bill is servicing a cappuccino machine, Andrew continues to try and reason with him. Bill says he wants a "normal" kid, tall and healthy, perhaps one who could be captain of the football team. An all American kid then walks in, pulls a gun and begins robbing the store. As he is exiting, Joann enters and Bill tries to take the gun from the all-star thief. The gun explodes and Joann is hit. At the hospital, the doctor tells Bill that Joann may not make it and asks him to give consent to operate to save the baby. Bill is torn when Taylor reveals himself as an angel. He tells Bill that fear is worse than Down Syndrome and that he should not be afraid of ruining his life by having the child or of not having enough love to give. "The child was born of love" and "what we do in love is never lost." Bill signs the consent form and prays for his wife and son. Tess soon brings his healthy son into his arms. Joann continues to fight, eventually stabilizing and the family are united in love.

327.勝負之間 (Delicate Balance)

頻道:GOOD TV (ch15)好消息電視台
Sandra Browner
Coach Pruitt
Nicole Rich
Rebecca Browner
Bart Conner
Nadia Comenaci

<與天使有約>有許多故事以體育項目為主題,如第五季『情比兄弟深』的滑雪、『自強不息』的拳擊、『棄暗投明』的溜冰、『知音相惜』與第八季『好漢當年勇』的棒球、第七季『榮耀與勝利』的冰上曲棍球等,本集則以體操為主題。Rebecca是位優秀的體操運動員,其望女成鳳的母親Sandra亟欲女兒成功,卻冷落兒子T.J.。TJ於是與另一名體操運動員的弟弟組成「the Nobodies」,前糐王所溜冰公園,絲毫不顧安全。在此同時,Sandra極不滿於新聞記者們忽視優秀的女兒,而向黛絲抱怨。另外,T.J.偷了安德烈的錢去參觀亡父生前的住家,事後向安德烈承認。安德烈要讓他溜冰公園中工作還債,被Sandra撞見而引發不滿,又訓斥女兒錯過與新贊助人會面的機會…頻頻發生的種種問題之中,且看三位天使們如何介入,適時傳達主愛,帶來希望!

Guest Cast:
Sandra Browner Dee Wallace Stone
Coach Pruitt Reggie White
Nicole Rich Kerri Strug
Rebecca Browner Anndi McAfee
T.J. Browner Vincent Berry
Bart Conner as himself
Nadia Comaneci
as herself

In an empty gym, Tess "coaches" Monica on their next assignment. They are interrupted by the arrival of Nadia Comaneci and Bart Conner, who will cover the gymnastics competition for a TV station. Andrew appears after they leave, and the angels then observe the Browner family. Rebecca Browner is a gifted gymnast, whose mother, Sandra pushes her to excel. Unfortunately, her younger brother, T. J. feels neglected. He and another gymnast's brother dub themselves the "Nobodies" and visit a skate park. Andrew, the park's supervisor, is concerned by T. J.'s disregard for safety equipment. Meanwhile, Monica, Rebecca's new assistant coach, learns she is highly driven and has never fallen during a competition. Displeased that the television crew has ignored her daughter, Sandra complains to Tess, the segment producer. T. J. steals money from Andrew's cash register to visit the house where his family lived before his father died. He later confesses to Andrew, who makes him work off his debt. Sandra is unhappy to find him doing chores at the skate park. Back at the hotel, he tells his mother he "borrowed" the money to see a movie, but his sister sees through his lie. T. J. angrily exits, and Rebecca also leaves. Sandra later yells at her daughter for missing a meeting with a potential sponsor. Rebecca confides in Monica that she visited the family's former home. The angel urges the girl to recapture the joy of gymnastics. Returning to the skate park, T. J. ignores Andrew's warning to wear a helmet and has an accident. At the hospital, Tess reveals herself to Sandra, advising her to grieve her late husband rather than immersing herself in her daughter's career. Sandra then urges Rebecca to do her best for herself--no one else. While competing, Rebecca falls. Monica reveals herself and tells the gymnast she is never alone and that her father is with God and proud of her. She finishes the routine with grace, T. J. regains consciousness, and Sandra decides to move her family back into their old house.

326.遺產啟示 (Inherit the Wind)

頻道:GOOD TV (ch15)好消息電視台
Kevin Greeley
Sam Greeley
George Taylor

本劇由一所失火的狐兒院入鏡,消防員緊急搶救滅火的當兒,鏡頭轉到富豪Edward Greeley的豪宅之中。Edward年事已高,見當夜嬌生慣養,終日縱情享樂的獨生子Kevin盡與損友們酒酣耳熱而不知長進,心中憤怒又無可奈何。當夜安德烈向他顯現,告知一小時後將死亡。Edward妥善安頓好了一切後安然離世。數日後,化身為遺產律師的黛絲來訪,宣布Edward生前遺產分配。Kevin知道自己分文未得,只能保有個人財物時怒不可抑,同時Edward遺囑中提及分配給兒子的其餘遺產在「Joseph Wells」。震怒卻又一頭霧水的Kevin,在蒙妮卡的伴隨下前往尋找Joseph Wells。Joseph Wells為何許人也?Edward又留給兒子什麼?這趟旅程中種種意想不到的遭遇,將使Kevin蛻變、成熟,並在眾天使一路相隨與開導下,徹底瞭解父親的用心與無盡的愛!

本集中出現一名新天使菲爾,來自天國合解部門,由美國諧星Bill Cosby飾演。他開導Kevin的段落頗為關鍵,語重心長,引人深恩。該天使於第五季『誰解愛子心』中再度出現,兩集中雖都是跑龍套的小角色,卻頗具畫龍點睛的關鍵成效。

An orphanage burns on a dusty street as the Angel of Music observes, singing. The song continues although he has relocated to a rowdy party at a mansion. Tess and Monica, unseen, are chagrined by the excess as the host, Kevin Greeley, carouses with friends. His father, Edward, confronts him but angrily exits. Kevin glimpses Monica in a mirror, but she is gone when he turns around. As Edward ponders how to handle his spoiled son, Andrew appears, announcing God has granted the human one hour to set his affairs in order before his death. During that time, Edward gives his valet, George papers to sign and mail, says good-bye to his drowsy son, opens his Bible, and dies while reading it. Days later, George is stunned that Edward left him one million dollars and a Bentley. Kevin, however, is furious to receive only his possessions until attorney Tess informs him he must locate Joseph Wells to claim the rest of his inheritance. He again sees Monica's reflection in a mirror, but this time, she is there. She knew Edward and will help Kevin find Joseph Wells, but he must take the trip without his father's help or influence. Carrying only his prized guitar, Kevin hitchhikes and is eventually picked up by the angel, Ruth. She, too, knew his father and eventually drops Kevin off at a diner. There he meets the angel, Sam, after he is forced to wash dishes because he has no money. Sam also knew Edward and teaches the younger Greeley to take pride in work. Ruth again appears and gives Kevin a ride to Joseph Wells, Texas. They encounter the Angel of Music, and Kevin donates the dollar he mysteriously found in his pocket. Kevin also meets Andrew in a nearby blues club but refuses to sell his guitar. At the bank, he is livid when Monica and Tess give him his inheritance... Edward's Bible. After Kevin storms out mid-revelation, the angels summon a specialist--Phil, the Angel of Restoration. Phil tells Kevin to thank God for what he has rather than blame Him for what he doesn't have. Finding an abandoned baby, Kevin learns Edward grew up in the town orphanage, which is why most of his estate was left to the "children of Joseph Wells." Kevin sells his guitar and decides to stay in town and take care of the baby by working at the orphanage and the blues club.

325.另類天使 (An Angel by Any Other Name)

頻道:GOOD TV (ch15)好消息電視台

Carolyn Sellers
Laura Sanders
Stevie Sanders

稅務局查稅員Carolyn Sellers居住在一片寧靜祥和的住宅區中。她熱中園藝,尤其醒愛玫瑰,自宅前草坪上玫瑰怒放。她並自行研發混種玫瑰,並亟欲公開以得肯定。某日,三位新居民David, Jeannie與Taylor入住此地,引起Carolyn極大的反感,甚至發起居民們群起排擠。有一天,一名男孩玩Carolyn的車,經Taylor勸阻後停止,車卻向後打滑,壓壞了她些許玫瑰,也差點撞上放學回家正下校車的小女孩。Carolyn氣急敗懷地報警,驚方雖將此事淡化,但Carolyn對Taylor等人的排斥依舊不減。某早Taylor想她溝通時,言談間Carolyn突然中風,不支倒地…她的病況會如何?對Taylor等人的態度是否會持續或有所改變?該社區能否再度恢復祥和?而看似憨厚的Taylor,真實身分可會令你大吃一驚喔!
Written by: Burt Pearl
Directed by: Gabrielle Beaumont
Produced by: Martha Williamson, Jon Andersen & R.J. Visciglia, Jr.
Guest Cast:
Taylor Chris Burke
Carolyn Sellers Diane Ladd
Laura Sanders Kathleen Garrett
Jeannie Andrea Friedman
David Jason Kingsley
Stevie Sanders Trevor Morgan
Tess works for a local nursery, and Monica is a postal carrier in the middle-class neighborhood where IRS auditor Carolyn Sellers lives. An avid gardener, she is eager to have her rose hybrid officially recognized but becomes dismayed when three people with Down syndrome move into a group home next door to her. Tess tries to convince the hardened woman to calm down and accept Taylor, Jeannie, and David for the loving, sensitive people they are, but she refuses. Andrew, the group home supervisor, is nonplused when his first encounter with Carolyn is a tacit threat to "keep those people in line." After Taylor stops Stevie Sanders, a neighborhood boy, from playing in her vintage '57 Chevy, the car rolls down the driveway, crushes Stevie's bike, and just misses a young girl due to Tess' sudden intervention. Furious, Carolyn blames Taylor and calls the police. She also works her neighbors into a frenzy to take action against the group home. The next day Taylor confides in Monica, who says God has a purpose for his predicament. Taylor responds he knows that because he's an angel; she agrees he's "the kindest, sweetest angel"she's ever met. He goes to talk to Carolyn, who in the midst of berating him suffers a stroke. Thanks to Taylor's quick response, paramedics arrive in time to help her. But upon learning his part in her rescue, Carolyn continues to hold a grudge. Taylor continues to aid with her rehabilitation despite her constant rejection. Tess, Jeannie, and David have also tended her garden to prepare for the Rose Association's visit. Realizing that Carolyn had started a petition to shut down the group home, Andrew asks Taylor to tell the truth about the car incident. He responds, "Everything in its time." The night before the rose committee's visit, a severe thunderstorm devastates the garden. The next day, Andrew and Taylor take Stevie a new bike to replace the one that got crushed. Monica and Tess reveal themselves to Carolyn and joined by Taylor, who is indeed an angel, encourage the woman to get out of bed. As Stevie's mom announces the city has agreed to close the group home, the boy confesses his role in the accident. The rose committee arrives, and Taylor produces a beautiful, but lone rose blossom. Although the flower by itself does not qualify for the registry, Carolyn realizes it's good enough for her.

324.憤怒之火 (Full Moon)

頻道:GOOD TV (ch15)好消息電視台

Carl Atwater
消防員Ed Bingham因績優即將接受表揚的同時,其妻Sarah收到一收令她惶恐不已的信件:六年前曾闖入她的住處並強暴得逞的惡徒Carl Atwater將獲假釋。由於害怕丈夫可能的反應,Sarah求助於危機處理中心,並由化身該中心顧問的蒙妮卡陪同Sarah出席Carl的假釋聽證會。聽證會中,Carl當眾表示歸改信主,並不斷引用聖經之言表明完全洗心革面。獄方宣布准許假釋時,Sarah當場崩潰。出獄後,Carl違反假釋規定阢往Sarh住處請求原諒,卻遭到極度驚恐的她以花剪趕走。Ed知道後更激憤難平地要為妻子報復,以平心頭盛怒。究竟當然事發經過為何?出獄後的Carl該何去何從?他是否真的接受上市,痛改前非,洗心革面?天使們又該如何幫助這位無比受驚的婦人?本集罕見地以受虐婦女和更生人更主題,深切刻畫受虐過程在婦女心中難以抹滅的夢魘、驚懼,與更生人出獄後的光景。

Written by: Glenn Berenbeim
Directed by: Tim Van Patten
Produced by: Martha Williamson, Jon Andersen & R.J. Visciglia, Jr.
Guest Cast:
Carl Atwater Chris Noth
Ed Bingham Alex McArthur
Sarah Bingham Jessica Steen
Emily Atwater Kim Gillingham
Lorrin Bingham Cara Rose

As Ed Bingham prepares for a ceremony to honor his heroic efforts as a fireman, his wife, Sarah receives a terrifying letter. Carl Atwater, the man who raped her six years ago is eligible for parole. Frightened of Ed's reaction if he found out, Sarah conceals the letter from him. Instead she visits a Crisis Center and meets Tess, the receptionist, and Monica, a counselor. Although the caseworker angel fails to draw Sarah out, the distraught mother invites her to attend the parole hearing. There Sarah is crushed when Carl, who apparently found God in prison, is released. Despite a briefing by Andrew, his parole officer, Carl violates the most important condition of his parole by making contact with Sarah. Although he merely seeks her forgiveness, she panics, threatening him with garden clippers. Monica urges her to report Carl, but Sarah refuses. The angel does, however, convince her to confide in her husband. Meanwhile, Andrew witnesses Carl's simmering anger that his ex-wife, Emily will not let him see their son. Sarah reluctantly shows Ed the letter regarding Carl's release, and his annoyance is interrupted when their daughter, Lorrin has a nightmare. The next morning, the couple encounters Carl, who is working as a bagger in a supermarket. Ed loses his temper and attacks the ex-con. Later, the Binghams visit Monica where years of unspoken recrimination and blame for the rape come to the forefront. Unbeknownst to his wife, Ed goes to a gun store and starts the process to purchase a pistol. After a sleepless night, he is unable to respond to a fire. Carl, in the meantime, grouses to Andrew that reforming his life is not so easy. The angel responds that quoting the Bible isn't enough; Carl has to start living it. Afterwards, he doesn't realize that Ed is stalking him while he himself is stalking Emily, and Andrew is observing the both of them. Upon returning home, Ed and Sarah argue when he won't divulge his whereabouts. The next day--six days after he started the paperwork--the fireman picks up his gun. He catches Carl breaking into Emily's house and plans to shoot him. Andrew reveals himself to both men, while Monica appears to Sarah. When asked where God was during the rape, the angel responds, "in the voice of a child." Then-baby Lorrin's tears stopped Carl from killing Sarah, which was his original plan. The police arrest him, and Tess informs him that God can still help him find his way.

323.愛心計劃 (At Risk)

頻道:GOOD TV (ch15)好消息電視台
Guest Cast:
Jason DeLee Vicellous Reon Shannon
Waters J.A. Preston
Anita Camryn Manheim
Lena DeLee Rhonda Stubbins White
Reynaldo Estes Michael Pena
JoBeth Nina Girvetz

This episode is introduced and closed by General Colin Powell, U.S. Army (ret.), who served as General Chairman of the Presidents' Summit on America's Future, which was held in Philadelphia April 27-29, 1997 and aimed to bring America to a new level of commitment in volunteerism.

Jason DeLee, a troubled teen, steals a car but is promptly caught by the police. His mother, Lena can no longer deal with her son and releases her parental authority. Jason is placed in the custody of Denver Juvenile Services. Waters, the camp director, runs a tight ship and is taken aback when Tess arrives, announcing she is a new facility director and will be overseeing a new experimental work program. After the boys complete a survey, Monica, the coordinator for the work program arrives. A handful of the teens volunteer for the program; Jason is not one of them. Later that day, Lena visits Jason in Tess' office. He is discouraged when his mother says she just came to bring him some underwear and car magazines. The angel informs them that Monica has selected him for the work program, and Lena urges her son to take whatever chance they give him. He just glares at them and exits. When he finds out that Rey Estes, his rival, has volunteered for the program, Jason decides to participate in it, too. Andrew, a Juvenile Services volunteer, drives the boys to their destination--the Linwood Children's Academy, a school for disabled children. Inside, Jason is paired with Kelly, a girl with cerebral palsy. Her mother, Anita has reservations about a "gang banger" working with her daughter.

Jason is reluctant to bond with Kelly until Monica shows him that the girl shares his love of cars. Despite a few false starts, the two are able to forge a relationship. But Jason eventually panics and runs away. Waters wants to send the police after the boy, but Tess convinces him to wait. Monica, prompted by a Ferrari photo on Kelly's gait walker, finds him at an import car dealership. She reveals herself, urging him to stop trying to outrun God. Jason returns to the school, where Anita, Lena, and the angels revel in his progress with Kelly.

322.戰爭英雄 (Missing in Action)

頻道:GOOD TV (ch15)好消息電視台

Stephanie Hancock

向來膚白唇紅,秀髮披肩的天使蒙妮卡,本集令人驚異地以雞皮鶴髮的高齡老婦造型登場。夕陽無限好,只是近黃昏。一所老人安養中心內,一群老年人在好事又不講情面的主任Mrs. Hancock的管理下度日。曾參與二戰,人稱「上校」的George,對化身老婦的蒙妮卡日久生情,而蒙妮卡的新室友Lorraine又積極扮演媒人想措合他們。黛絲化身為該安養中心的休閒活動協辦員,安德烈則成了廚師,與化身老婦的蒙妮卡共同時白了人心的脆弱…蒙妮卡該如何是好?這群安養中心的老人們,生活能否有所改善?George與蒙妮卡間這段不可能有結果的黃昏之戀,又會有何令人皆大歡喜的結果?

Written by: Martha Williamson
Directed by: Michael Schultz
Produced by: Martha Williamson, Jon Andersen, and Robert J. Visciglia, Jr.
Guest Cast:
Bill Salisbury Greg Evigan
Clay Martin Brian Bloom
Jennifer Allison Smith
Cookie Alanna Ubach
Alex Jackson Brandon Douglas
Ava Alicia Coppola

Jennifer has a burn on her finger and a hole in her memory. Two detectives are rigorously interrogating her about a shooting death she witnessed. As she is cross-examined, her jumbled memories eventually coalesce into a narrative.

A reporter for the trendy magazine Curb, Jennifer met Clay Martin, a real-estate developer, in an elevator at her office building. He invited her to a party where she met his best friend, Alex, as well as Monica. Against his mother's wishes, Alex had been traveling in search of his real father. Despite the former roommates' cross words--not the least of which regarded the fact that Alex' ex-girlfriend was now dating Clay--they soon reconciled. Jennifer subsequently had a heart-to-heart talk with Alex where the prodigal confided he was on his way home to deliver yellow roses and an apology to his mother. Afterwards she just happened to be in the room when Clay shows Alex an antique gun. Although apparently unloaded, the gun contained a chambered round that killed Alex when the weapon fell off a desk.

Since Jennifer's story corroborates Clay's, the police release her. Two weeks after the incident, she is still in shock and denial. Revealing herself, Monica informs the distraught woman that God had a purpose for her witnessing the incident, and that she has a task to complete. Understanding this, Jennifer comforts Alex's mother and gives her the roses he never got the chance to deliver.

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