302.天籟之音 (A Joyful Noise)


頻道:GOOD TV (ch15)好消息電視台

Adam Litowsky:亞當李度斯基

聖經有云:「普天下當向耶和華觀呼!」(詩篇100:1)並「凡有氣息的都當讚美耶和華!」(詩篇150:6)這一集感人無比的內容,明明指出三項真理:1. 當保有一顆赤子之心。2. 祂醫好傷心的人,裹好他們的傷處。(詩篇147:3)3. 神是配得稱頌讚美的!劇末亞當雖因喪女之痛而險些服藥自盡,但在蒙妮卡勸慰下,內心得蒙主愛醫治,告別憂傷;而椅莉莎純真的信心,更是每位基督徒該有的,也是神所喜悅的。劇末在克拉娜鼓勵下,蒙妮卡引吭高唱貝多芬的<快樂頌>,天使們氣勢磅礡的合唱接續,迴響四周,上達天聽。不論咱們自認歌聲如何,若持守一顆敬畏、真誠愛主的心,在祂聽來就是最美的歌聲!因祂本為大,當受極大讚美!(詩篇145:3)-------------------------------------------------------------------劇評人劉鴻輝)
Monica begins working with Dr. Adam Litowski, a child psychiatrist haunted by an event from his past that is influencing his treatment of Melissa Houghton, a young girl who claims to hear the voices of angels. While exploring a nearby church's bell tower late on a rainy night, Melissa encounters Clara, a mysterious stranger who escorts her home. Convinced that the girl is possibly schizophrenic, Adam prescribes medication. Monica, however, knows Melissa is telling the truth and becomes more concerned when Andrew shows her that the doctor's daughter, Katie--whose birthday he plans to celebrate--is deceased. Adam denies that her death has affected his diagnosis of Melissa's "illness." Her mother, Emily is distressed by her reaction to the medication and is incensed when the doctor mistakenly calls Melissa, "Katie." Shaken by the turn of events and by Andrew's realistic mural of the rustic cabin where Katie died, Adam heads there intending to commit suicide. Monica intercedes by revealing herself and showing the doctor how his daughter died--she fell off the cabin's roof while trying to rescue a bird's nest from the chimney. The angel tells him Katie is safe and happy because God sent an archangel named Clara to handle her transition. Days later, Melissa escorts Adam to the bell tower where she had previously met Clara, who reappears to the trio. The archangel assures the doctor his daughter felt no pain and saw only beauty at the time of her death. Clara also advises Melissa that though she is off medication it will be harder for her to hear the angels, but she should never stop listening for them.

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