頻道:GOOD TV (ch15)好消息電視台
Whit: 魏特Michael: 麥可
Penny: 珮妮
Jolene: 瓊琳
「 不論是婆媳或公媳問題,或成人間任何爭執與不悅,孩子都是無辜的。不論自已生育或透過代理孕母產子,孩子皆應當疼愛、呵護。因孩子不論以何種方式來到世上,都不改變他們是上帝奇妙創造的事實。上帝既然愛他們,咱們就不應有任何異樣眼光。因「兒女是耶和華所賜的產業,所懷的胎是祂的賞賜。」(詩篇127:3)本劇公媳為透過代理孕母產子而相持不下,公公不是出言不遜羞辱媳婦與代理孕母就是冷戰,但其實上刀子口下隱藏著豆腐心,劇末承認對孩子關愛的片段極其感人。麥可病末羸弱與孕母產子過程的交織片段,更是全劇最高潮。至終麥可雖被上帝接回天家,孩子額頭一個吻狀胎記,卻象徵麥可無盡的父愛,並他已與愛子共享永恆…正如詩篇90篇有云,千年在神看來如已過的昨日與夜間的一更。這永恆的一瞬間,令人感動莫名!神的作為永遠帶著超乎常人想像的美意!」------ 影評__影集翻譯劉鴻輝
正值盛年卻不幸罹癌的麥可 ,將不久於人世的他,亟欲在死前擁有孩子,無奈妻子珮妮雖能懷孕卻無法足月,因此請一名叫瓊琳的少婦當代理孕母,為他們生下孩子,瓊琳也欣然同意。然而,麥可身為陶匠的父親魏特知道後大為震驚,堅決反對,憤怒指稱如此懷子方式違反自然法則,並出言侮辱瓊琳腹中的寶寶。公公與媳婦陷入冷戰;麥可夾在兩最愛的親人間不知如何是好;瓊琳傷心之餘不知去向。眼見孩子誕生與麥可死期將近,天使們該怎麼翻轉局面?魏特是否會改變態度?麥可又能否親眼見證兒子誕生?
Michael Russell is dying of cancer, a fact his father finds hard to accept. A potter by trade, Whit is skeptical of technology and persuaded his son to leave city life for the family farm once his illness was diagnosed. Unbeknownst to Whit, Michael and Penny have undergone gamete fertilization, a process enabling Jolene to be the surrogate mother for their baby. Believing the pregnancy to be unnatural, Whit vows to have no part in raising his grandchild. Subsequent to one of his tirades, Jolene disappears. As Michael's health deteriorates, the situation looks increasingly grim, especially when Andrew, the Angel of Death, arrives. Using a clever metaphor, Monica gently convinces Whit to accept the non-traditional pregnancy. Michael dies just as his son is born, and as his bereaved family visits the grave, Tess arrives in the Cadillac with Jolene and the baby in tow. The surrogate gives the infant to his mother, who laments that Michael never got a chance to hold his son. Tess comforts Penny by pointing out that he has a birthmark--a kiss from his father.