頻道:GOOD TV (ch15)
En route to a wedding in a picturesque mountain meadow, Monica meets an uninvited guest--Andrew, an Angel of Death whom Tess is well acquainted with. The angels' new assignment focuses on former law school classmates traveling via train to the nuptials. Mark Monfort and Susan Duplain rekindle their passion, having ended their relationship just before graduation. However, their friend, Lisa Magdaleno is still reeling from the suicide of her fiancé, Doug who was expelled from law school for cheating on an exam. Mark had been unaware of his best friend's death and more importantly of his own involvement. Jealous that Doug received a clerkship she wanted, Susan tricked Mark into helping her change Doug's exam to make it look like he plagiarized. With Andrew's assistance, Monica shows Mark that Susan's quest for power and prestige is out of control. After an intense confrontation with her, he turns to Lisa for comfort and support.
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