605. 心願 ( The Last Day of the Rest of Your Life )

頻道:GOOD TV (ch15)好消息電視台

劇情大意:生死一直是<與天使有約>內容探討的主題之一,本集亦是如此。內容圍繞著一個簡單但引人深思的問題:若你生命已到盡頭,最想做的事是什麼?透過劇中數名人物在互助下完成彼此心願,讓人深刻體會生命何等可貴,也使人有「花開堪折直須折,莫待無花空折枝」的警愓。本集內容與第五季的<詩篇151篇>頗有異曲同工之妙。劇末的舞會戲中以西班牙探戈名曲Por una Cabeza為配樂,令人想起經典名劇<女人香>中艾爾怕西諾與美人共舞的畫面…

Corey, Stasi, Dolores
 Larry各身患絕症,在一名為「餘生的最後一日」的小組中認識,在蒙妮卡的鼓勵下說出有生之日最大的心願,探討生死的意義。67歲並罹患肺氣腫的老婦人Dolores想學跳舞;罹患肺炎的美髮師Stasi後悔過去沒能參加畢業舞會;血癌患者Corey不覺得說出心願有何意義,只說死前想做點有意義的事;Larry希望與正值少女期的女兒Amy重建關係 …他們的心願會如何在天使們的幫助下實現,而了無憾恨地離世?過程感人肺腑,更叫人觀而更加珍惜生命。

Written by: Burt Pearl
Directed by: R.J. Visciglia, Jr.
Produced by: Martha Williamson, Jon Andersen & R.J. Visciglia, Jr.

Guest Cast: 
Rachel Nancy McKeon
Karla Kathy Ireland
Stasi Lisa Jane Persky
Seth Mark Moses
Corey David Kaufman
Bridget Marissa Leigh
Larry Lenny Clarke
Amy Kimberly J. Brown
Dolores Eileen Brennan

Corey, Stasi, Dolores and Larry meet at a support group meeting, all of them answering to the same ad: "Are you ready for the last day of the rest of your life?" They are all dying. Rachel shows up, too, but something deep and personal keeps her from going inside. As facilitator of the group, Monica explains that their purpose will be "to give meaning to the life you're leaving behind and explore what it means to face death." Dolores is 67-year-old wiseacre who is dying of emphysema. Stasi, who owns a hair salon, is a divorcee and mother of two; she has hepatitis. Larry, an avid bowler and construction worker, is dying of asbestos poisoning. Corey won't say what he's dying of, which annoys Larry. Finally, Rachel gets up the courage to join the others and reveals that she has an inoperable brain tumor. Monica encourages them to make a list of things they want to accomplish before they die. At the next meeting, Dolores admits that she would like to learn how to dance. Stasi says that she regrets missing her prom, so the group plans one. Corey is cynical about these "goals" and admits to having a blood disease that could kill him at any time. He says he'd like to do something really important before he dies. He alludes to a girl he likes, who works at the coffee shop. He'd like to date her, but given his illness he thinks that would be unfair. Larry says that he'd like to reconnect with his teenage daughter, Amy. The prom is set for two weeks-- enough time for everyone to accomplish their goals--and the group asks Rachel what she would like to do. She reluctantly tells them that she had a daughter twelve years ago that she gave up for adoption. She would like to meet her before she dies. They begin to work at their goals: Andrew teaches Dolores how to dance; Larry and Rachel plan for the prom; Stasi encourages Larry to keep trying with his daughter; Corey and Monica search the web for information on Rachel's daughter. By the next meeting Larry has talked with his daughter. Corey has a date with Karla (from the coffee shop). And he has other news too: he's done something important. Corey gives Rachel an envelope with all the information she needs to find her daughter. At first she is thrilled, but Rachel soon realizes with horror that she can't leave her daughter behind a second time. Monica finds Rachel at home and reveals herself as an angel. Monica tells Rachel that her daughter is safe, happy and loved. Monica encourages Rachel to tell her husband Seth about the adoption (which happened before they met). At the prom, Rachel arrives with Seth, in whom she has finally confided. Stasi is crowned queen. Corey arrives with Karla and Karla's daughter Bridget. Dolores tangos with Andrew. Larry dances, and reconnects, with his daughter. And when little Bridget mentions that she's adopted, and was born on October 22, 1987, in Bullhead City, the last accomplishment is made, for Rachel has met her daughter! Dolores passes, and Andrew escorts her home. As they take one last spin on the dance floor, she looks back and smiles at the sight of the friends she was blessed to have.

"House At Pooh Corner" by Loggins & Messina from their album Best Of Friends. Click here to get it now!

"Holdin' On To Yesterday" by Ambrosia from their albumAnthology.  Click here to get it now!
"Never Can Say Goodbye" by Gloria Gaynor from her Greatest Hits album.  Click here to get it now!

604. 指南針 ( The Compass )

頻道:GOOD TV (ch15)好消息電視台


Written by: Glenn Berenbeim & Martha Williamson
Directed by: Peter H. Hunt
Produced by: Martha Williamson, Jon Andersen & R.J. Visciglia, Jr.

Guest Cast: 
Joe Christian Leffler
Eddie Andrew Kavovit
Nick Steven Martini
Young Rupert Scotty Cox
Stella Amy Locane
Homer Esteban Powell
Walker Matthew Glave
Old Rupert Jack Sydow

In July of 1944, a month after D-Day, a small squad of American soldiers make their way through the deadly battlefields of Normandy, part of the attempt by the Allied forces to re-claim France. Led by Sergeant Walker, the men are weary, and anything but unified. Cynical Private Joe Faraday takes bets on how many casualties there will be at the end of each day. Private Eddie Rourke, full of optimism, is constantly at odds with Joe. Privates Nick Dante and Homer Stucky comprise the rest of the squad. Monica, on a Search and Rescue mission, watches over the men unseen. Through a flashback, we learn that the feud between Eddie and Joe began several months earlier, in an Allied canteen. Joe is upset to find Eddie dancing with Stella, a USO hostess whom Joe considers his girl. Stella isn't interested in Joe and tries to let him down easy. Tess, a USO singer, tells Monica that she is assigned to Joe, that she must help him decide to become a hero. Back on the battlefield as the combat quiets down, the squad discovers Monica comforting a dying German soldier and they take her prisoner. Just then, Sergeant Walker is shot and dies. The squad holds Monica partially responsible, and Joe wants to execute her, but cooler heads prevail. Homer, in a panic, tries to radio HQ, but accidentally uses a German radio revealing their position. Knowing that they are now sitting ducks, Monica encourages the men to write letters to their loved ones, and to make a pact that whoever survives will deliver them. All agree except for Joe, who recalls the night in the canteen when, rejected by Stella, he tries to hit Eddie, but Eddie knocks him down first. At this moment the air raid sirens sound, signaling for everyone to take cover. As the crowds gather in the London underground , Joe meets a small boy named Rupert, with a birdcage, who is lost. Joe is shaken out of this memory by the news that a German tank is approaching. Monica prays, but Homer and Nick fall, and Eddie is wounded. Monica and Joe help Eddie to a farmhouse where he realizes that they left the letters behind. He pleads with Joe to find them, but Joe refuses. Eddie tells Joe that he and Stella were married the night before they shipped out, but Joe tells Eddie that Stella married him too, so that she could cash his paycheck. Monica slaps Joe for the lie and reveals herself to Eddie, telling him the truth before he dies. Later, Monica reveals herself to Joe, telling him that God loves him, but that his moral compass is broken. She tells him about the greatest love -- laying down your life for your friends. Joe goes to find the letters and, instead, finds Andrew digging graves for the dead
soldiers, and Andrew gives him the letters. When he brings them back to Monica, she promises to deliver them. Joe admits that he feels like he's finally done something important. As he rejoices, he is shot by a German soldier. As he dies, Monica helps him compose a letter to Rupert. Joe writes that he fought this war for him, and for the generations to follow. Fifty years later, Monica enters a small London pet shop and comments on its beautiful birdcage. The old proprietor, Rupert, tells her the story of the birdcage, and shows her a framed letter from a soldier, the letter from Joe.

603. 像這樣的時刻 ( Such a Time as This )

頻道:GOOD TV (ch15)好消息電視台

Kate Cooper:凱特古柏
Dr. Joe:喬博士
本集原文劇名Such a Time as This取自舊約聖經以斯帖記4:14「焉知妳得了皇后的位分,不是為了當今的機會嗎?」(And who knows but that you have come to royal position for such a time as this?)根劇以斯帖記所記載,以斯帖原為猶太人,然因俊俏婀娜,才色兼備而蒙波斯國君亞哈隨魯王寵幸,爾後受封為后。然而,奸相哈曼因對猶太人的仇視,心生毒計矇編君王而得許可,將殲滅全國猶太人。柔腸百轉,愁雲慘雰中的以斯帖,受表哥末底改一言「焉知妳得了皇后的位分,不是為了當今的機會嗎?」當頭棒喝之下,冒生命的危險進宮見王,揭穿哈曼惡謀,使他自食惡果,遭處極刑。猶太人滅絕的危機也因此化解,恐懼不再。以斯帖憑藉對上帝的信心,甘冒生命危險解救自已的民族,智勇雙全,可敬可佩,堪稱女中豪傑!
承接上帝的使命並不總容易,但當祂的使命降臨,並自身確有上帝御賜的能力,就應以一夫當關,捨我其誰的耿耿忠心與勇氣回應祂:「我在這裡,請差遣我!」透過一位身陷爭議,面臨兩難的國會議員,本集<與天使有約>深入刻畫、勾勒上帝所賦予使命之聖潔,人皆有之的恐懼戰競和人皆應有的耿耿忠貞與捨我其誰,一無所懼的剛強!劇末並配上美國福音歌手Wayne Watson福音歌曲For Such a Time as This,烘托出全劇宗旨,令人聞而感動不已,淚如雨下。


Written by: Martha Williamson
Directed by: Martha Mitchell
Produced by: Martha Williamson, Jon Andersen & R.J. Visciglia, Jr.

Guest Cast:
Senator Kate Copper Lindsay Crouse
Thomas Jake Thomas
James Joe Spano
Sumner Michael Tomlinson
Lacey Aysia Polk
Dr. Joe Ruben Santiago-Hudson
Kerry Saundra Quarterman
In the middle of the African desert, Andrew snaps photographs of Sudanese slaves toiling in the hot sun. Back in the United States, young Thomas Cooper is upset that his mother, Senator Katherine Cooper, has to return to work in Washington D.C. Monica is horrified to see the pictures that Andrew took, and wonders why the angels aren't in the Sudan. Tess indicates that Thomas is the little child that will lead them there. In Washington, Dr. Jospeh Akot, working with Andrew and Monica, approach Kate about the problem of slavery in the Sudan, but Kate, espousing the Sudanese government's position, denies its existence. They persuade her, however, to keep the pictures, and she relents, stuffing them into her briefcase. Back home Thomas discovers the disturbing pictures and reads Dr. Joe's letter, which says that slaves can be bought and sold for fifty American dollars. Thomas is moved by one of the pictures in particular, of a small Sudanese boy, who Thomas names Sam after his older brother who died before Thomas was born. Thomas pleads with Kate to rescue Sam, but she tells him that the issue is too complicated. Thomas sneaks the picture of Sam and takes it to school, where Tess, his substitute teacher, encourages him to talk about it during "show and tell." Led by Thomas, and with the help of Dr. Joe and the angels, the class begins to raise funds to buy the freedom of Sudanese slaves. Meanwhile, Kate, facing a tough re- election campaign, is given the financial support of a large candy company, on the condition that she remain uninvolved in Sudan, a country that, if undisturbed, will continue to manufacture candy ingredients at a low cost.
This makes the situation particularly tough for Kate when Thomas and the childrens' efforts receive media interest. She argues with her husband James, who supports Thomas, thereby embarrassing Kate. Their fight comes to a head when James accuses Kate of never forgiving him for the death of their son, Sam, who died because they never had health insurance. Indeed, Kate wears a locket with a picture of Sam in it around, tormenting James everyday. Kate argues that if she supports Thomas, she may not be re-elected, and then she cannot help anyone. She returns to Washington and receives criticism for her son's actions from her campaign contributors. Monica arrives with James and Thomas, who gives his mother the several thousand dollars he raised to travel to the Sudan and purchase slaves. Still Kate refuses to go, crushing Thomas' hopes of rescuing Sam, and inciting her politically uninvolved husband to vote -- against her. Kate angrily confronts Monica for helping with this effort. Monica reveals herself to be an angel and tells Kate that she is the one God is calling to go to the Sudan to witness the abuses. Convinced, Kate travels with the angels and Dr. Joe to the Sudan, and buys the freedom of many slaves. When all of the money is spent, Kate sees one captive person left -- Sam, the little boy from Thomas' picture -- and tearfully exchanges her precious locket for the boy's freedom. Back in the U.S., James and Thomas are proud to hear that Kate has publicly testified to the existence of slavery in the Sudan.

602.種子 ( The Letter )

頻道:GOOD TV (ch15)好消息電視台

Roberto Morante:羅伯托莫倫堤
 Cast Photo


Written by: Danna Doyle
Directed by: Peter H. Hunt
Produced by: Martha Williamson, Jon Andersen & R.J. Visciglia, Jr.

Guest Cast:
Rafael Alexis Cruz
Tino Carlo Alban
Roberto Efrain Figueroa
Elisa Julie Carmen
Claudia Sandra Toriz
Miguel Romeo Rene Fabian

As Tess and Monica drive through the crop fields of central California, Monica comments on their beauty. But when Tess asks her to take a closer look, Monica sees the hardworking families, including many young children, toiling over the crops in the hot sun. One such family is the Morante clan. Patriarch Roberto works tirelessly alongside his wife Elisa, his teenage son Tino, and younger children Claudia and Miguel. They migrate with the season, always traveling to the part of the country that is being harvested. One of their few joys is the letter they receive each week from their grandmother. Roberto is illiterate so he has Tino read the letter, though Tino would rather be listening to classical music on the car radio. As the Morantes settle in at the latest migrant camp, they meet Monica, the church volunteer, Andrew, the camp supervisor, and Rafael, a fellow migrant worker. At church on Sunday, Tino discovers the piano and beings to play. Tess offers to be his music teacher. She teaches Tino Bach's "Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring" and he plays the song feverishly all night long, attracting a crowd. Roberto is furious to find that his son is late for work and, despite Tess telling him that Tino is a musical genius, he insists Tino quit thinking about playing music. Instead, with Monica's help Tino completes an application to a local music academy and waits patiently for a mailed reply. Roberto injures his back while working in the field which forces him to visit the town doctor. He is told to stay off his back, lest he do serious damage. Roberto knows, however, that he must be able to work to support the family, and Tino's contribution becomes all the more vital. Roberto is upset to receive a letter of Tino's acceptance to the music academy, and tears it up in haste. Later Tino finds out about the undelivered letter, and, after he and his father fight, he decides to go to the audition. At the same time Roberto's back finally gives out, so Tino agrees to work twice as hard to pick up his father's slack. Because of this he misses the audition and begins to accept his future as a migrant worker. Tess reveals herself to Roberto as an angel and asks him to put his trust in God and stop trying to control his son. Roberto asks Tess to help him help Tino. Together they go to the music academy, and persuade the professor in charge to give Tino another chance to audition. Meanwhile in the fields Monica reveals herself to Tino and tells him that God wouldn't gift him musically and then not give him the opportunity to praise Him with that gift. Since they are working on a Sunday, Rafael arranges for a priest to give the workers communion. They encourage Tino to play for them but his hands are blistered and he cannot. Roberto arrives to support Tino, telling him that God will give him the strength. Tino begins to play Beethoven's "Ode to Joy" and as the song reverberates through the fields, the professor offers Tino a music scholarship. At the same time, Andrew offers Roberto his job as supervisor, a job that will be less physically demanding and allow the family to stay in one location, near Tino's school.

601. 天人永隔 ( Til Death Do Us Part )

頻道:GOOD TV (ch15)好消息電視台




526.凌霄奇遇 ( Godspeed )

頻道:GOOD TV (ch15)好消息電視台

Sally Ride:莎莉萊德
Charles Lindbergh:查理林白
Written by: Glenn Berenbeim
Directed by: Tim Van Patten
Produced by: Martha Williamson, Jon Andersen & R.J. Visciglia, Jr.
Guest Cast: 

Major Josie Saunders Sherry Stringfield
Greg Brian McNamara
Diana Hayden Panettiere
  Matt Demille Scotch Ellis Loring
Brad Wong Tim Lounibos
Eddie Testaverde Kamar de los Reyes
Charles Lindbergh Ned Vaughn
Dr. Timothy Cantor Christian Mills
Dr. Sally Ride Herself

Major Josie Saunders grew up reading all about Charles Lindbergh. It was Lindbergh's flight across the Atlantic, along with Josie's own desire to make her mother proud, that fueled her drive to join the Air Force and later NASA. When, just a few days before her first mission into space, Josie learns from a NASA P.R. man, Andrew, that her mother has died, the frightening reality of what she's about to do hits home. When she returns from the funeral and joins her fellow astronauts, we learn that one of the mission's Capcoms, Greg, is Josie's husband. In a private moment, he expresses some concern about her emotional readiness for the mission. He rightly asses that she might be angry and a little scared, but she denies it. Then she meets Diana, a brave little girl with brain cancer, who asks her to deliver a letter to God while she is in space. Josie becomes suddenly awkward and ends her time with Diana, throwing the letter away. Later, she tells Greg the truth: "I don't know where my courage comes from. I don't even know if I ever had it." She is afraid. One night, Diana's words echo in her dreams: "What if something goes wrong?" When she wakes up screaming, Tess, a NASA nurse, comforts her and we learn that while Josie loved her mother deeply, they did not really see eye to eye. Her mother had had a strong faith, but since the death of her father, Josie had given up on God. She had always just wanted to show her mother what she could do by herself--without God, without prayer--like Lindbergh crossing the Atlantic. Tess assures her that Lindbergh was never alone and begins to tell the story of Lucky Lindy as Josie has never heard it before. But she only gets so far before Josie falls asleep. On the day of the mission, Josie meets Sally Ride, who does much to comfort her, and Tess does her part too. She tells Josie that Lindbergh was visited by an angel during his historic flight, and that it was God who got him through, not just his own ability. Josie reminds Tess that she does not believe in God and goes to the shuttle angry, if not quite so scared. The mission goes smoothly until the spacewalk for which Josie had trained so hard. Her tether breaks and then communication is lost; and as she floats off into the dark, soundless solitude of space, the real fear sets in. But she is visited by Monica--Lindbergh's angel--who tells her to tether herself to God, and to trust Him as her mother had always entrusted her to Him in prayer. She gives her Diana's letter, which Josie finally "delivers" to God. Communication is restored and as the shuttle comes to get her she asks Greg, back at mission control, if Diana is there. She is, he assures her; Andrew has made sure of that. Josie tells Diana, "I can't be with you during the surgery. but I'll be praying for you. Every day. Just like my mother prayed for me..."

525.心心相映 ( Hearts )

頻道:GOOD TV (ch15)好消息電視台

Sandra Peña:珊卓裴納

Written by: Susan Cridland Wick & R.J. Colleary
Directed by: Victor Lobl
Produced by: Martha Williamson, Jon Andersen & R.J. Visciglia, Jr.

Guest Cast: 

Dr. Sandra Peña Maria Conchita Alonso
Casey Jena Malone
Ilena Christina Vidal
    Dan McConnell Travis Tritt
Nurse Karen Nina Girvetz
Monica is an aid to Dr. Sandra Pena, a Portland heart surgeon. Sandra's favorite patient, Ilena, is in need of a heart transplant and time is running out to find a compatible donor. Meanwhile, at a hospital in Boise, Angela, the victim of a horse riding accident, lays dying. Sandra is excited to learn that Angela may be the compatible donor Ilena desperately needs. Tess, an organ donor specialist, tries to convince Angela's husband Dan to donate Angela's heart. Unwilling to believe that his wife is dying, he refuses to agree to the transplant. In an attempt to lift Ilena's spirits, Monica introduces her to Sandra's daughter, Casey. The two teenagers quickly become attached.  When Sandra learns that the heart is unavailable, she warns Casey of Ilena's fate, and insists she not see Ilena anymore. Rather than give up hope, Casey takes a bus to Boise, without Sandra's permission, in hopes of convincing Dan to donate Angela's heart. In Boise Casey meets Andrew, who has been sitting with Angela and comforting Dan. Tess introduces Casey to Dan. She tells Dan of Ilena, and how there is a real person in need of Angela's heart. This only angers Dan and, in denial about Angela's condition, he refuses to discuss the matter any further. Defeated, Casey returns to Portland, where an angry Sandra awaits her. While driving home, Sandra and Casey argue, causing an accident. Casey suffers severe head trauma. Monica speaks with a distraught Sandra about Casey's condition and the possibility that Casey's heart may be a good match for Ilena. Sandra refuses to consider the possibility. At the same time Ilena is unwillingly to take her good friend's heart. Monica reveals herself to Sandra, telling her that though she and Casey may not always see eye-to-eye it's okay to have differences, and that the bond between a mother and daughter is one of God's greatest gifts. Meanwhile, Andrew reveals himself to Dan telling him that Angela wishes to donate her heart. As Sandra waits with Casey, she tells her how much she loves their differences and that's what makes their relationship special. Casey recovers and Dan agrees to the donation, but it's too late, Ilena has passed away. Weeks later, Dan receives a letter from Casey, who informs him that Angela's heart did not go unused, it was donated to another needy individual. Casey acknowledges Dan's difficult decision and thanks him for his generous gift of life.

524.黑白之間 ( Black Like Monica )

頻道:GOOD TV (ch15)好消息電視台


Tom McKinsley:湯姆麥金利
Rosa Parks:蘿莎帕克斯

Guest Cast: 
Sheriff Tom McKinsley John Ritter
James Rick Worthy
Loretta Shelly Robertson
  Charlie Jim Metzler
Ed Fred Applegate
Lavonda Davenia McFadden
Carson Paul Francis
Cyrus Charlie Robinson
Mooney James Jamison
Bud Nicholas Richert
Rosa Parks Herself
Monica encounters Tess on the side of a dirt road on the outskirts of Aynesville, a small Southern Illinois town. Tess, holding a bloodied noose and crying, directs Monica to the body of a dead black man. Tess, in anguish, tells Monica that she has given up on earth, and is returning to heaven. In downtown Aynesville, preparations are being made for the upcoming Civil Rights Day and a visit from Rosa Parks. Lavonda, the director of the celebration, wonders why Mooney, the set builder, is no where to be found. Monica arrives and informs Tom, the sheriff, about the murder. Monica takes Tom, Lavonda, Deputy James, the Mayor and a few others to the murder site, and they identify the body as Mooney's. The group suspects that the murder was committed to ruin the celebration, and, with the exception of Tom and James, decides to keep the murder quiet. To ensure the cover up, Tom reluctantly locks Monica in a jail cell. As a black man, James protests the cover up and the abuse of Monica's civil rights. That night Monica prays for a way to help this town, despite being locked up. Though angels don't need to sleep, Monica does, and has a violent dream about Mooney's death. Monica wakes to find the cell door unlocked, and her skin black. She leaves her cell, and walks down the street, but no one seems to notice that the color of her skin has changed. At the same time, Tom and James discover that Monica is missing. The crowd gathers in the townsquare to meet the bus carrying Rosa Parks, and Monica, still unrecognized, begins to ask the members of the committee if they know where she can find Mooney, which, of course, makes them nervous. Monica returns to the dirt road, hoping to find Tess and some direction, but instead she encounters the Foleys, the men suspected of killing Mooney. Upset that Mooney's murder isn't causing a stir, they plan to kill Monica and leave the body in a more prominent location. Monica flees and, when she stumbles and starts to bleed, she realizes that she is human and becomes very afraid. With the Foleys drawing near, Monica prays that God will make her white again. When the Foleys find Monica, her skin has become white, and they leave confused. Monica weeps, beginning to comprehend her failure. Monica insists on speaking with Rosa Parks, who invites Monica to sit on the bus with her. Monica tearfully recounts her situation to an understanding Ms. Parks, and Tess appears, telling Monica that she too made a mistake by giving up on God, and that He has forgiven both of them. Tess tells Monica that she first had to confront the racism in herself before she can help this town. With newfound confidence, Monica reveals herself to Tom and James, encouraging them to be honest with each other about their own prejudices. After a heartfelt talk, the men announce the death of Mooney to the town, and Monica lays flowers on Mooney's grave resolving to thank him when she sees him for helping to open her eyes.

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