頻道:GOOD TV (ch15)好消息電視台
Alice Childers:愛麗絲巧德斯
Miss Piper:派柏小姐
本劇感人萬分,舉世聞名的聖詩『聖城』、拉丁語讚美詩『天使靈糧』(Panis Angelicus)雋永柔美,繞樑三日的旋律充滿全劇;知名的流行樂團「超級男孩」(N Sync)與英國天籟少女歌后夏綠蒂亦參與演出術頭藝人與女主角愛麗絲。她以天生一副上帝親吻過的歌聲貫穿全劇,令人陶醉神往。而飾演天使蒙妮卡的愛爾蘭女演員洛瑪唐妮,也在劇中開口歌唱著名的愛爾蘭民謠『丹尼男孩』(Danny Boy)。無奈蒙妮卡五音不全,一開口就引人捧腹大笑,還驅散人群…
向來事主不倦,忠貞不二的蒙妮卡,一直希望有副好歌喉。在紐約肯辛頓合唱團中見到一位擁有歌聲黃鶯出谷卻蠻橫無禮的小女孩愛麗絲時,心中開始埋怨上帝不公平,因而自暴自棄,到酒吧大啖愛爾蘭咖啡,又上卡拉OK以破鑼嗓嚇跑顧客。慘遭黛絲厲聲責備知錯後,在先鋒廣場上找到為尋父而擅離合唱團的愛麗絲,現出天使本貌,向她傳講上帝御賜才華,愛她至深的真理。劇末肯辛頓合唱團的演唱會上,愛麗絲以充滿感恩與讚美的歌聲,引吭高唱拉丁語聖詩『天使靈糧』(Panis Angelicus),以那上帝親吻過的歌聲,令在場靜聆的三位天使深深為之動容…
Written by: Glenn Berenbeim
Directed by: Peter H. Hunt
Produced by: Martha Williamson, Jon Andersen & R.J. Visciglia, Jr.
Guest Cast:
Alice Charlotte Church
Miss Piper Jill Gascoine
Bum Wade Andrew Williams
Ivy Erika Christensen
Street Performers 'N SYNC
Manny Michael Leopard
Keegan John Cothran, Jr.
In New York City, Tess and Monica enjoy the vocal talents of some street performers, but when Monica tries to join in Tess points out that, clearly, singing is not one of her gifts. Monica reminds Tess that she has always prayed for a beautiful singing voice, and when she hears one echoing down the halls of Carnegie Hall, she believes God is finally answering her prayer. Much to her disappointment, Monica finds the voice really belongs to a rude English orphan girl named Alice. Alice is in New York to perform in a vocal contest with her choir, and is Monica's assignment. Tess tells Monica that she is to give Alice a "singing lesson." Monica reluctantly agrees to be Alice's chaperone for the day, and they start to explore the city. Alice, who remembers a song her father taught her, wants to see Herald Square, and Monica, trying to be friendly, takes her there. At Herald Square, Monica meets Andrew posing as a mime and relates a story: Centuries ago, in heaven, Monica was kicked out of the angelic choir for her horrible voice. Since then all she wants is to be able to give glory to God through song -- specifically by singing the song, "Panis Angelicus" with a voice befitting an angel. Monica finishes her story to find that Alice has ditched her, returning to Carnegie Hall to enter the solo competition singing "Panis Angelicus." When Monica hears the sweet notes coming from this sour child, she becomes jealous and walks off the assignment. Monica ends up at a karaoke bar where, when she asks for coffee, she is served Irish coffee. As she further explores her affection for the drink, Monica's inhibitions decrease and, despite Andrew's protests, she performs a truly painful rendition of "Danny Boy." When she taunts a policeman, Monica is arrested and put in jail where she sobers up and meets a young girl named Ivy. Ivy, abused by her father, is being held for stealing a CD. Through Ivy, Monica learns what God has been trying to teach her -- that you shouldn't take what doesn't belong to you. Monica prays for forgiveness. After she receives a scolding from Tess, Monica returns to the assignment, but Alice doesn't arrive on time for the choir competition. As Monica begins her search, Andrew tells her that Alice is not really an orphan and that her father is still alive. Meanwhile, at Herald Square, Alice meets a bum who says he is her father. Monica then arrives to reveal the truth -- that the bum is not really her father. Monica tells Alice that she is an angel, and that she has been sent to give Alice a singing lesson. Alice wonders how an angel with a sub-par voice could teach her anything about singing. Monica tells Alice that she has been singing to the wrong father, her earthly father who abandoned her and doesn't deserve her. Instead, she should sing to her Heavenly Father who loves her and will never leave her. Alice begins to sing "Panis Angelicus" as Monica speaks the words in English. Later, at Carnegie Hall, Alice continues the song giving an emotional performance, finally using her talents to glorify her Creator.
Songs from this episode:"The Holy City" by Charlotte Church from her latest album: Charlotte Church. Click here to get it now! "Panis Angelicus" by Charlotte Church from her album: Voice of An Angel. Click here to get it now!