614 分割的愛 (A House Divided)

頻道:GOOD TV (ch15)好消息電視台




Written by: Burt Pearl
Directed by: Martha Mitchell
Produced by: Martha Williamson, Jon Andersen & R.J. Visciglia, Jr.

Guest Cast: 
Ziggy Sharon Gless
Darrell Denis Arndt
Hank Mark Christopher Lawrence
  RC John Caponera
Renee Samantha Becker
Warren Jon Huertas
Sweeney Arnetia Walker
The angels arrive at the Cherry Lanes Bowl-A-Rama where they meet Ziggy, the unhappy owner of the alley. Despite the fact that it is technically the angels "night off," Monica takes an immediate interest in helping the cantankerous woman. Ziggy, who is too proud to ask for help from anyone, refuses Monica's offers to watch the counter. At the same time, Darrell, a security guard, is led into the bowling alley blindfolded. Darrell's friends have brought him to Cherry Lanes to celebrate his birthday, unaware that Darrell and Ziggy, though once best friends, haven't spoken in years. Ziggy's resentment of Darrell is immediately apparent. As Andrew and Tess teach Monica to bowl, she's ecstatic when she knocks down one pin, but even more excited to learn she gets a second chance at the remaining pins. On another lane, Tess counsels Renee and Warren, a newly engaged couple, who argue about whom to invite to their wedding. Monica questions Ziggy about her anger toward Darrell and suggests that forgiveness would be a nice birthday gift. Contemplating this, Ziggy agrees that Darrell does have something coming and decides to make adjustments to Darrell's lane. Meanwhile, Warren suggests eloping as the solution to their planning problems and Renee is clearly hurt. Tess explains to Warren that you get married because you're in love, but you stay married because you do love. The key is to keep talking to each other. Darrell begins to bowl strike after strike. He believes this is his lucky day, but the angels are skeptical about his sudden streak. Sweeney, the snack bar waitress, tells Tess about the history of Ziggy and Darrell's relationship. One night five years ago, Ziggy expected Darrell to propose. Instead, Darrell gave Ziggy the keys to his truck. Humiliated and rejected, Ziggy told Darrell to get out and never come back. They hadn't spoken again until tonight. As the media gets wind of Darrell's ongoing perfect game, people arrive at the bowling alley to spectate. Darrell, becoming more and more arrogant, believes his fifteen minutes of fame have arrived. When Renee complains about Warren, Ziggy warns her to get out of the relationship. As Darrell attempts his final strike and perfect game, Ziggy yells, distracting him. The ball rolls into the gutter, but to the crowd's amazement, all ten pins fall! Darrell is crestfallen, as it becomes clear that Ziggy rigged the lanes. As the crowd disperses, Monica is finally able to tell Ziggy what she'd been trying to all along -- Darrell has lung cancer. While trying to maintain her callous demeanor, Ziggy is clearly affected by the news. She tries to apologize to Darrell, but he walks out. Monica then finds Ziggy weeping and reveals that she's an angel from God, and that Ziggy can learn a lesson from bowling -- you always get a second chance to make it right. People who love each other, like Ziggy and Darrell, hurt each other. What matters is the choice you make after the hurt happens. God will always give you a second chance to love. Inspired, Ziggy convinces Warren and Renee to reunite. Darrell returns and Ziggy apologizes and pledges to stick by him; Darrell insists they be more than buddies this time. Darrell and Ziggy walk out together as the Angels continue their "night off."

610. 樂在工作 ( Then Sings My Soul )

頻道:GOOD TV (ch15)好消息電視台

本集原文劇名Then Sings My Soul出自基督徒間耳熟能詳的聖詩『真偉大』(How Great Thou Art)的副歌歌詞Then sings my soul, my Savior God, to Thee.(我靈歌唱,讚美救主我神!)許多雋永、意義深遠,向神呈獻無比敬愛與歌頌的讚美詩皆在本劇登場,在在強調困境中因尋求、倚靠、仰望神,並為祂已成就的事感謝祂。因神是信實的,必不叫你們受試探過於所能受的。在受試探的時候,總要給我們開一條出路,叫我們能忍受得住。(哥林多前書10-13)神雖從未應許天色常藍,花香常漫,常晴無雨;但祂卻應許,行路有光,作工得息。無限的體諒與不死的愛!願我們在困境中也緊抓住神,高歌頌讚,祂必要開路!

Written by: Burt Pearl & Glenn Berenbeim
Directed by: Peter H. Hunt
Produced by: Martha Williamson, Jon Andersen & R.J. Visciglia, Jr.
Guest Cast: 

Bo Greg Evigan
Susi Jo Dee Messina
Clarence Tom Sullivan
  Isaac Keb' Mo'
Norma Jennifer Holliday
Uncle Dudley Louie Anderson
In Andrew gives a tour of Taffy Town to a group of young schoolchildren. Taffy Town seems like a wonderful place, as evidenced in the warm video that plays for visitors hosted by the founder, Uncle Dudley. Uncle Dudley is known to children as the man who makes all the taffy in the world. Tess reveals that when Uncle Dudley died five years ago, the spirit behind Taffy Town died with him. Monica meets Bo, son of Uncle Dudley and the current owner of Taffy Town. Bo has never been able to live up to his father's genial image, and has come to hate being saddled with the responsibility of Taffy Town. To make matters worse, Taffy Town is losing money, and Bo hires Monica as an efficiency expert to figure out why. Monica starts to interview the employees of Taffy Town, and finds the veteran staff to be hard working, yet a little lacking in spirit. Clarence, a blind man, works as the taste tester. Susie, following in her family's footsteps, works the big taffy machine while nursing a quiet love for Bo. Norma, a particularly outspoken employee, works hard in order to support her husband and handicapped son. Isaac keeps to himself dealing with the grief over having lost his wife and daughter in a car accident. Monica learns from Clarence that Dudley bequeathed the factory to Bo, with the stipulation that he could sell it in five year's time if he so desires. Dudley hoped that Bo would come to love Taffy Town as much as he did. Monica reports to Bo that the problem with the factory is not a lack of efficiency, but a lack of heart. 

Bo uses this as justification to sell the factory and announces this to his stunned employees. Monica convinces Bo to give her until the end of the day to change his mind. Bo agrees. Monica prays for guidance. Clarence remembers that Uncle Dudley used to pray all the time and wonders if that is what has been missing. Monica enlists the help of Tess who brings in a band to help lift the spirits of the workers. Tess and Clarence sing a duet of "Surely the Presence" reminding everyone that God is in their midst. Norma steps forward to sing "My Tribute," marveling at all of the things the Lord has done for her. Susie sings "I Have Decided," a commitment to live as a child of God. Isaac sings "Hand It Over," reminding the workers to take their troubles to God through prayer. Monica appeals to Bo to come out of his office and join in the praising, but he refuses, pointing out that her time is almost up. Just then, an explosion rocks the factory. Unharmed, Bo wonders how God could let an accident happen at the very time He was being praised. Monica then reveals she is an angel and tells Bo that God loves him. Tess appears and makes Bo watch the remainder of Uncle Dudley's video. Dudley reminds Bo of all the wonderful gifts God gives, and to never stop thanking Him. Tess sings "Doubly Good to You" echoing Dudley's words. Bo admits that God has been good to him, and sings "How Great Thou Art." As rescuers clear the wreckage, Bo continues to sing and finds that the workers are dazed but unharmed. Later, Tess finishes the song at the opening ceremony for the newly rebuilt Taffy Town.

609. 證人 ( With God as My Witness )

頻道:GOOD TV (ch15)好消息電視台

Jim Sullivan
Stuart Deane
劇情大意:1939年影壇經典名劇『亂世佳人』(Gone wit hthe Wind)中,郝思嘉向上帝起誓時一經典名句With God as My Witness為劇名,帶出一則以正義為主題的故事。
原本擔任建築工頭卻遭革職的Jim Suillvan,為了生計而改從事低薪的禮車司機工作。亟欲多賺錢養活妻小的他,做出錯誤決定,改當一名行事隱密但出手大方的男子Stuart Deane的司機,雖如願得著高額薪資,但也因此差點賠上家庭…目擊兇殺,自己與家人均遭受威脅,為此上了法庭的Jim改如何面對這一波未平,一波又起的事件?受派參與此項任務的三位天使們,又會如何使一切有美好圓滿的結局?

Written by: R.J. Colleary
Directed by: Stuart Margolin
Produced by: Martha Williamson, Jon Andersen & R.J. Visciglia, Jr.

Guest Cast:

Jim Sullivan David Andrews
Shawn Kim Greist
Katie Marnette Patterson
    Alyssa Emily Osment
Stuart Deane Stuart Margolin
Carl William Ostrander
Marco Julio Oscar Mechoso
Scott Jason Azikiwe

In Tess and Monica are on hand to witness their next assignment, Jim Sullivan, get fired from his job as a construction foreman. Trying to warn the project managers of potential safety hazards, Jim instead incurs their wrath. Tess reminds Monica that humans value themselves for what they do, rather than for who they are. In light of this, the angels must keep Jim from making any desperate decisions. Unable to find more construction work, Jim takes a low-paying job as a limousine driver and worries that he will be unable to financially support his wife and two daughters. As the bills pile up, Jim does make a desperate decision. Taking his co-worker's advice, Jim decides to drive a questionable but generously-tipping client around for the evening. Monica, the limo dispatcher, warns against it, but the promise of quick cash is too tempting to refuse. Stuart Deane, Jim's passenger, is secretive about his business and appointments. Jim learns too much when Deane leaves their last stop firing a gun. Deane tips Jim handsomely, threatens his family if he goes to the police, and leaves. Jim remains silent about the incident until Monica arrives with another undercover federal officer and questions him about Deane's involvement in the previous night's murder. Jim refuses to talk to the agents, but when two of Deane's men threaten his family, he agrees to testify against Deane and enter the Witness Protection Program. Jim's wife, Shawn, is upset, but believing Jim to be without fault, is supportive of his decision. Tess, another federal agent, outlines their new living adjustments -- they will be moved to another state, be given new names and records, and will never return to their former lives. Most painfully, they will have to say a final goodbye to Shawn's father, Charles, who lives in the local nursing home. Andrew, an orderly there, agrees to take good care of Charles. At the Sullivan's temporary home at a hotel, Monica and the other agents remain on a 24 hour protective watch. Shawn is upset when Jim admits that he previously knew of Deane's reputation and thus destroyed the family's identity and safety for some extra cash. Later, Tess reminds a much calmer Shawn about her marriage vows and the importance of forgiveness. Despondent, Jim believes he has lost his family. Monica then reveals herself as an angel and tells Jim that God will be a good shepherd as promised, faithfully leading Jim and his family through the valleys ahead. Monica shows Jim two newspaper stories: the first about Stuart Deane, the second, about the lives saved at the construction site as a result of Jim's safety recommendations. Now inspired, Jim visits Stuart Deane in prison who again threatens him if he testifies. Jim tells Deane that even though his family will go into hiding, they will always have their identities as God's children. Jim gives Deane a bible and suggests he read it, beginning with Psalm 23. As the reconciled family prepares for their new life, they are ecstatic to learn that Tess has arranged a new identity for Carl, who will enter the program to be with them as well.

608. 事實與真相 ( The Whole Truth and Nothing But )

頻道:GOOD TV (ch15)好消息電視台

 Liz Bradley
 Lauren Ray Detective Hicks

劇情大意: 許多新聞媒體共同的常態,無非是「拿到一點顏料就畫了一幅畫」、「得到一點染料就開起染房」。緊抓一小情報不放,進而大肆渲染,以偏蓋全,鬧得甚喧塵上,滿城風雨。真相卻遭埋沒於媒體虛假不實的渲染中,無人在乎…而憑藉片面認知即隨意報紙上胡塗亂抹的結果,是賠上親情或手足之情,值得嗎?本集對此媒體現象有相當強烈的批判與諷刺,新聞人必看! 麗茲布萊利是芝加哥每日衛報的主編,主張凡是事實必定加以報導,因而報紙上充斥著血腥暴力新聞。蒙妮卡應徵進入報社,跟隨麗茲的妹妹蘿倫去採訪市長新聞。不料發現市長竟然因心臟病暴斃,而當時跟他在房間的神祕女郎竟是蘿倫!麗茲得知這件事後大為光火,不顧姐妹之情公諸報上,造成姐妹反目成仇。蒙妮卡只得以天使身分現身,提醒麗茲當年黛絲對她的教導,麗茲幡然大悟,決定從此以愛心來報導新聞,同時也改善了他跟妹妹蘿倫之間的關係...

Teleplay by: Brian Bird
Story by: Kenny Solms and Brian Bird
Directed by: Sandor Stern
Produced by: Martha Williamson, Jon Andersen & R.J. Visciglia, Jr.

Guest Cast:
Liz Ann Jillian
Lauren Marcia Cross
Ray John Patrick White
Detective Hicks Ernie Hudson, Jr.

Monica, Tess and Andrew sit on a Chicago park bench reading the Chicago Daily Guardian, a tabloidesque newspaper with the motto: "If It's The Truth, It's News." The angels cringe at the sensational headlines and Tess notes that there is more to the truth than just the "facts" these articles portray. According to Tess, Liz Bradley, the editor of the Guardian, is suffering from a contagious disease -- cynicism. She is Monica's assignment. When Monica arrives at the Guardian to interview for a reporter job, she meets eager young Ray, who works as a gofer while awaiting his big break as a reporter. Liz is impressed with Monica and hires her, assigning her a story about possible shady dealings between Mayor Hunley and some Taiwanese officials. Liz teams Monica with the Guardian's star reporter Lauren, who is also Liz's younger sister whom Liz raised. Lauren feels that Liz is too obsessed with her work, and as a result, the sisters fight frequently. Soon after Lauren and Monica begin the assignment, they split up, because Lauren thinks they will be able to cover more ground that way. When Monica returns to Liz with a soft story about a Taiwanese dance troupe, Liz is furious. Ray, wanting to help Monica, tails the mayor and sees him discreetly entering a hotel room. He gives Monica the tip, and when she arrives at the hotel, she meets Andrew who informs her that the mayor has died of a heart attack. When Liz finds out about the mayor's death, she encourages Monica to stall the police and look for the story. Monica finds a glass with some lipstick on it, along with a strange manuscript, leading her to believe that a woman was with the mayor when he died. Lauren arrives on the scene soon after the police to "help" Monica with the story -- instead she "accidentally" breaks a glass. Back at the Guardian, Liz hopes to headline the morning paper with a story about the "mystery lover." Monica and Lauren object. Ray, following up on the story, learns that Lauren's fingerprints are on the manuscript. Monica remembers that Lauren never touched the manuscript, and realizes that Lauren is the mystery woman. Monica confronts Lauren about the affair, and insists that Lauren come forward with the truth. Lauren refuses, not wanting to hurt the mayor's family or endure the scorn of Liz. Meanwhile, Liz insists that Monica reveal the mystery woman's identity and Monica is forced to tell the truth. At first, Liz thinks Monica is lying, but Lauren finally confesses. Liz, angry at her sister's transgression and reckless in her pursuit of truth, publishes the story humiliating Lauren. Ray investigates further and writes a story about some suggestive phone calls on tape between Lauren and the mayor. Liz reads the story, is furious, and fires Ray. Monica reveals to Liz that she is an angel, that God loves her, and reminds her to speak the truth in love. Liz realizes that she has been using the "truth" for harm rather than for good. Liz finds Ray and apologizes, rehiring him to be a reporter in training. Liz tearfully admits to Lauren that in her desire to protect and prepare her little sister, she failed to be the one thing Lauren really needed -- a friend. Lauren forgives Liz and the sisters make amends.

607. 天籟 ( Voice of an Angel )

頻道:GOOD TV (ch15)好消息電視台

Alice Childers:愛麗絲巧德斯
Miss Piper:派柏小姐


本劇感人萬分,舉世聞名的聖詩『聖城』、拉丁語讚美詩『天使靈糧』(Panis Angelicus)雋永柔美,繞樑三日的旋律充滿全劇;知名的流行樂團「超級男孩」(N Sync)與英國天籟少女歌后夏綠蒂亦參與演出術頭藝人與女主角愛麗絲。她以天生一副上帝親吻過的歌聲貫穿全劇,令人陶醉神往。而飾演天使蒙妮卡的愛爾蘭女演員洛瑪唐妮,也在劇中開口歌唱著名的愛爾蘭民謠『丹尼男孩』(Danny Boy)。無奈蒙妮卡五音不全,一開口就引人捧腹大笑,還驅散人群…


向來事主不倦,忠貞不二的蒙妮卡,一直希望有副好歌喉。在紐約肯辛頓合唱團中見到一位擁有歌聲黃鶯出谷卻蠻橫無禮的小女孩愛麗絲時,心中開始埋怨上帝不公平,因而自暴自棄,到酒吧大啖愛爾蘭咖啡,又上卡拉OK以破鑼嗓嚇跑顧客。慘遭黛絲厲聲責備知錯後,在先鋒廣場上找到為尋父而擅離合唱團的愛麗絲,現出天使本貌,向她傳講上帝御賜才華,愛她至深的真理。劇末肯辛頓合唱團的演唱會上,愛麗絲以充滿感恩與讚美的歌聲,引吭高唱拉丁語聖詩『天使靈糧』(Panis Angelicus),以那上帝親吻過的歌聲,令在場靜聆的三位天使深深為之動容…

Written by: Glenn Berenbeim
Directed by: Peter H. Hunt
Produced by: Martha Williamson, Jon Andersen & R.J. Visciglia, Jr.

Guest Cast:

Alice Charlotte Church
Miss Piper Jill Gascoine
Bum Wade Andrew Williams
  Ivy Erika Christensen
Street Performers 'N SYNC
Manny Michael Leopard
Keegan John Cothran, Jr.

In New York City, Tess and Monica enjoy the vocal talents of some street performers, but when Monica tries to join in Tess points out that, clearly, singing is not one of her gifts. Monica reminds Tess that she has always prayed for a beautiful singing voice, and when she hears one echoing down the halls of Carnegie Hall, she believes God is finally answering her prayer. Much to her disappointment, Monica finds the voice really belongs to a rude English orphan girl named Alice. Alice is in New York to perform in a vocal contest with her choir, and is Monica's assignment. Tess tells Monica that she is to give Alice a "singing lesson." Monica reluctantly agrees to be Alice's chaperone for the day, and they start to explore the city. Alice, who remembers a song her father taught her, wants to see Herald Square, and Monica, trying to be friendly, takes her there. At Herald Square, Monica meets Andrew posing as a mime and relates a story: Centuries ago, in heaven, Monica was kicked out of the angelic choir for her horrible voice. Since then all she wants is to be able to give glory to God through song -- specifically by singing the song, "Panis Angelicus" with a voice befitting an angel. Monica finishes her story to find that Alice has ditched her, returning to Carnegie Hall to enter the solo competition singing "Panis Angelicus." When Monica hears the sweet notes coming from this sour child, she becomes jealous and walks off the assignment. Monica ends up at a karaoke bar where, when she asks for coffee, she is served Irish coffee. As she further explores her affection for the drink, Monica's inhibitions decrease and, despite Andrew's protests, she performs a truly painful rendition of "Danny Boy." When she taunts a policeman, Monica is arrested and put in jail where she sobers up and meets a young girl named Ivy. Ivy, abused by her father, is being held for stealing a CD. Through Ivy, Monica learns what God has been trying to teach her -- that you shouldn't take what doesn't belong to you. Monica prays for forgiveness. After she receives a scolding from Tess, Monica returns to the assignment, but Alice doesn't arrive on time for the choir competition. As Monica begins her search, Andrew tells her that Alice is not really an orphan and that her father is still alive. Meanwhile, at Herald Square, Alice meets a bum who says he is her father. Monica then arrives to reveal the truth -- that the bum is not really her father. Monica tells Alice that she is an angel, and that she has been sent to give Alice a singing lesson. Alice wonders how an angel with a sub-par voice could teach her anything about singing. Monica tells Alice that she has been singing to the wrong father, her earthly father who abandoned her and doesn't deserve her. Instead, she should sing to her Heavenly Father who loves her and will never leave her. Alice begins to sing "Panis Angelicus" as Monica speaks the words in English. Later, at Carnegie Hall, Alice continues the song giving an emotional performance, finally using her talents to glorify her Creator.

Songs from this episode:"The Holy City" by Charlotte Church from her latest album: Charlotte Church.  Click here to get it now!
"Panis Angelicus" by Charlotte Church from her album: Voice of An Angel.  Click here to get it now!

"God Must Have Spent A Little More Time On You" by 'N Sync from their album: 'N Sync.  Click here to get it now!


606. 心魔 ( The Occupant )

頻道:GOOD TV (ch15)好消息電視台





Guest Cast:
Lonnie/Gregory Titus Welliver
Duncan Casey Biggs
Emily Tara Strong
Lonnie at 10 Scott Terra
Duncan at 10 Reiley McClendon
Johnny Shia LeBeouf
Lonnie at 17 Chad Doreck
Duncan at 17 Donnie Biggs

On Halloween night all angels have their hands full, and this night is no different for Monica, Tess, and Andrew, who attend to a spiritual battle at Salt Lake City's Mercy Hospital. The ambulance brings in Lonnie, a deranged and suicidal homeless man. Lonnie frequently visits the ER and Duncan, the head of the ER and Lonnie's best friend from childhood, has diagnosed him with Multiple Personality Disorder. Andrew arrives to comfort Lonnie, but suddenly lucid, Lonnie claims to be "Gregory" and recognizes Andrew as an angel! Andrew looks to Tess for some insight and she relates Lonnie's history: Many years ago, when Tess was Lonnie and Duncan's Sunday School Teacher, she taught them that faith in God is like a mustard seed -- though little, it can grow to be very large. Despite an abusive home life, Lonnie struggled to have faith, and cherished the mustard seed that Tess gave him. One Halloween though, a prank gone awry resulted in Lonnie burning a house down. Monica then continues the history: Lonnie's guilt and shame over this event initiated a downward spiral that ultimately resulted in Lonnie becoming involved in drugs and, then, the occult. When "Gregory" claims to have power over Lonnie's soul, Andrew finally understands -- Lonnie is possessed by a demon! "Gregory" claims that Lonnie's soul is fading and that he will soon be completely possessed. In a moment of clarity Lonnie calls out to Duncan for help, and clutches something in his fist. It is the mustard seed he has kept since childhood. But when an orderly accidentally crushes the seed, Lonnie gives a final cry and "Gregory" says he has full possession. Tess appeals to Duncan to help his old friend, telling him about Lonnie's spiritual condition. They corner "Gregory" in the boiler room where he is waiting for Lonnie's body to die. Rather than give up hope for Lonnie, Monica pleads with him to ask God for help. "Gregory" howls in pain. Duncan, frightened, runs from the room. Tess follows him and reveals herself to be an angel, and tells him that Lonnie needs his help now; he needs someone to stand beside him who has a strong faith. In his office, Duncan finds his old mustard seed and returns to the boiler room, telling Lonnie that the seed is only a symbol of faith, real faith comes from the heart. Duncan's presence gives Lonnie the strength to cry out to God, asking for forgiveness and help. "Gregory" screams in pain, finally defeated. Redeemed, Lonnie wonders at the realization that, through it all, God never gave up on him.

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