603. 像這樣的時刻 ( Such a Time as This )


頻道:GOOD TV (ch15)好消息電視台

Kate Cooper:凱特古柏
Dr. Joe:喬博士
本集原文劇名Such a Time as This取自舊約聖經以斯帖記4:14「焉知妳得了皇后的位分,不是為了當今的機會嗎?」(And who knows but that you have come to royal position for such a time as this?)根劇以斯帖記所記載,以斯帖原為猶太人,然因俊俏婀娜,才色兼備而蒙波斯國君亞哈隨魯王寵幸,爾後受封為后。然而,奸相哈曼因對猶太人的仇視,心生毒計矇編君王而得許可,將殲滅全國猶太人。柔腸百轉,愁雲慘雰中的以斯帖,受表哥末底改一言「焉知妳得了皇后的位分,不是為了當今的機會嗎?」當頭棒喝之下,冒生命的危險進宮見王,揭穿哈曼惡謀,使他自食惡果,遭處極刑。猶太人滅絕的危機也因此化解,恐懼不再。以斯帖憑藉對上帝的信心,甘冒生命危險解救自已的民族,智勇雙全,可敬可佩,堪稱女中豪傑!
承接上帝的使命並不總容易,但當祂的使命降臨,並自身確有上帝御賜的能力,就應以一夫當關,捨我其誰的耿耿忠心與勇氣回應祂:「我在這裡,請差遣我!」透過一位身陷爭議,面臨兩難的國會議員,本集<與天使有約>深入刻畫、勾勒上帝所賦予使命之聖潔,人皆有之的恐懼戰競和人皆應有的耿耿忠貞與捨我其誰,一無所懼的剛強!劇末並配上美國福音歌手Wayne Watson福音歌曲For Such a Time as This,烘托出全劇宗旨,令人聞而感動不已,淚如雨下。


Written by: Martha Williamson
Directed by: Martha Mitchell
Produced by: Martha Williamson, Jon Andersen & R.J. Visciglia, Jr.

Guest Cast:
Senator Kate Copper Lindsay Crouse
Thomas Jake Thomas
James Joe Spano
Sumner Michael Tomlinson
Lacey Aysia Polk
Dr. Joe Ruben Santiago-Hudson
Kerry Saundra Quarterman
In the middle of the African desert, Andrew snaps photographs of Sudanese slaves toiling in the hot sun. Back in the United States, young Thomas Cooper is upset that his mother, Senator Katherine Cooper, has to return to work in Washington D.C. Monica is horrified to see the pictures that Andrew took, and wonders why the angels aren't in the Sudan. Tess indicates that Thomas is the little child that will lead them there. In Washington, Dr. Jospeh Akot, working with Andrew and Monica, approach Kate about the problem of slavery in the Sudan, but Kate, espousing the Sudanese government's position, denies its existence. They persuade her, however, to keep the pictures, and she relents, stuffing them into her briefcase. Back home Thomas discovers the disturbing pictures and reads Dr. Joe's letter, which says that slaves can be bought and sold for fifty American dollars. Thomas is moved by one of the pictures in particular, of a small Sudanese boy, who Thomas names Sam after his older brother who died before Thomas was born. Thomas pleads with Kate to rescue Sam, but she tells him that the issue is too complicated. Thomas sneaks the picture of Sam and takes it to school, where Tess, his substitute teacher, encourages him to talk about it during "show and tell." Led by Thomas, and with the help of Dr. Joe and the angels, the class begins to raise funds to buy the freedom of Sudanese slaves. Meanwhile, Kate, facing a tough re- election campaign, is given the financial support of a large candy company, on the condition that she remain uninvolved in Sudan, a country that, if undisturbed, will continue to manufacture candy ingredients at a low cost.
This makes the situation particularly tough for Kate when Thomas and the childrens' efforts receive media interest. She argues with her husband James, who supports Thomas, thereby embarrassing Kate. Their fight comes to a head when James accuses Kate of never forgiving him for the death of their son, Sam, who died because they never had health insurance. Indeed, Kate wears a locket with a picture of Sam in it around, tormenting James everyday. Kate argues that if she supports Thomas, she may not be re-elected, and then she cannot help anyone. She returns to Washington and receives criticism for her son's actions from her campaign contributors. Monica arrives with James and Thomas, who gives his mother the several thousand dollars he raised to travel to the Sudan and purchase slaves. Still Kate refuses to go, crushing Thomas' hopes of rescuing Sam, and inciting her politically uninvolved husband to vote -- against her. Kate angrily confronts Monica for helping with this effort. Monica reveals herself to be an angel and tells Kate that she is the one God is calling to go to the Sudan to witness the abuses. Convinced, Kate travels with the angels and Dr. Joe to the Sudan, and buys the freedom of many slaves. When all of the money is spent, Kate sees one captive person left -- Sam, the little boy from Thomas' picture -- and tearfully exchanges her precious locket for the boy's freedom. Back in the U.S., James and Thomas are proud to hear that Kate has publicly testified to the existence of slavery in the Sudan.

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