
Amy劇情大意:生死一直是<與天使有約>內容探討的主題之一,本集亦是如此。內容圍繞著一個簡單但引人深思的問題:若你生命已到盡頭,最想做的事是什麼?透過劇中數名人物在互助下完成彼此心願,讓人深刻體會生命何等可貴,也使人有「花開堪折直須折,莫待無花空折枝」的警愓。本集內容與第五季的<詩篇151篇>頗有異曲同工之妙。劇末的舞會戲中以西班牙探戈名曲Por una Cabeza為配樂,令人想起經典名劇<女人香>中艾爾怕西諾與美人共舞的畫面…
Corey, Stasi, Dolores與 Larry各身患絕症,在一名為「餘生的最後一日」的小組中認識,在蒙妮卡的鼓勵下說出有生之日最大的心願,探討生死的意義。67歲並罹患肺氣腫的老婦人Dolores想學跳舞;罹患肺炎的美髮師Stasi後悔過去沒能參加畢業舞會;血癌患者Corey不覺得說出心願有何意義,只說死前想做點有意義的事;Larry希望與正值少女期的女兒Amy重建關係 …他們的心願會如何在天使們的幫助下實現,而了無憾恨地離世?過程感人肺腑,更叫人觀而更加珍惜生命。

Written by: Burt Pearl
Directed by: R.J. Visciglia, Jr.
Produced by: Martha Williamson, Jon Andersen & R.J. Visciglia, Jr.
Guest Cast:
Rachel Nancy McKeon
Karla Kathy Ireland
Stasi Lisa Jane Persky
Seth Mark Moses
Corey David Kaufman
Bridget Marissa Leigh
Larry Lenny Clarke
Amy Kimberly J. Brown
Dolores Eileen Brennan
Corey, Stasi, Dolores and Larry meet at a support group meeting, all of them answering to the same ad: "Are you ready for the last day of the rest of your life?" They are all dying. Rachel shows up, too, but something deep and personal keeps her from going inside. As facilitator of the group, Monica explains that their purpose will be "to give meaning to the life you're leaving behind and explore what it means to face death." Dolores is 67-year-old wiseacre who is dying of emphysema. Stasi, who owns a hair salon, is a divorcee and mother of two; she has hepatitis. Larry, an avid bowler and construction worker, is dying of asbestos poisoning. Corey won't say what he's dying of, which annoys Larry. Finally, Rachel gets up the courage to join the others and reveals that she has an inoperable brain tumor. Monica encourages them to make a list of things they want to accomplish before they die. At the next meeting, Dolores admits that she would like to learn how to dance. Stasi says that she regrets missing her prom, so the group plans one. Corey is cynical about these "goals" and admits to having a blood disease that could kill him at any time. He says he'd like to do something really important before he dies. He alludes to a girl he likes, who works at the coffee shop. He'd like to date her, but given his illness he thinks that would be unfair. Larry says that he'd like to reconnect with his teenage daughter, Amy. The prom is set for two weeks-- enough time for everyone to accomplish their goals--and the group asks Rachel what she would like to do. She reluctantly tells them that she had a daughter twelve years ago that she gave up for adoption. She would like to meet her before she dies. They begin to work at their goals: Andrew teaches Dolores how to dance; Larry and Rachel plan for the prom; Stasi encourages Larry to keep trying with his daughter; Corey and Monica search the web for information on Rachel's daughter. By the next meeting Larry has talked with his daughter. Corey has a date with Karla (from the coffee shop). And he has other news too: he's done something important. Corey gives Rachel an envelope with all the information she needs to find her daughter. At first she is thrilled, but Rachel soon realizes with horror that she can't leave her daughter behind a second time. Monica finds Rachel at home and reveals herself as an angel. Monica tells Rachel that her daughter is safe, happy and loved. Monica encourages Rachel to tell her husband Seth about the adoption (which happened before they met). At the prom, Rachel arrives with Seth, in whom she has finally confided. Stasi is crowned queen. Corey arrives with Karla and Karla's daughter Bridget. Dolores tangos with Andrew. Larry dances, and reconnects, with his daughter. And when little Bridget mentions that she's adopted, and was born on October 22, 1987, in Bullhead City, the last accomplishment is made, for Rachel has met her daughter! Dolores passes, and Andrew escorts her home. As they take one last spin on the dance floor, she looks back and smiles at the sight of the friends she was blessed to have.
"House At Pooh Corner" by Loggins & Messina from their album Best Of Friends. Click here to get it now!

頻道:GOOD TV (ch15)好消息電視台
Amy劇情大意:生死一直是<與天使有約>內容探討的主題之一,本集亦是如此。內容圍繞著一個簡單但引人深思的問題:若你生命已到盡頭,最想做的事是什麼?透過劇中數名人物在互助下完成彼此心願,讓人深刻體會生命何等可貴,也使人有「花開堪折直須折,莫待無花空折枝」的警愓。本集內容與第五季的<詩篇151篇>頗有異曲同工之妙。劇末的舞會戲中以西班牙探戈名曲Por una Cabeza為配樂,令人想起經典名劇<女人香>中艾爾怕西諾與美人共舞的畫面…
Corey, Stasi, Dolores與 Larry各身患絕症,在一名為「餘生的最後一日」的小組中認識,在蒙妮卡的鼓勵下說出有生之日最大的心願,探討生死的意義。67歲並罹患肺氣腫的老婦人Dolores想學跳舞;罹患肺炎的美髮師Stasi後悔過去沒能參加畢業舞會;血癌患者Corey不覺得說出心願有何意義,只說死前想做點有意義的事;Larry希望與正值少女期的女兒Amy重建關係 …他們的心願會如何在天使們的幫助下實現,而了無憾恨地離世?過程感人肺腑,更叫人觀而更加珍惜生命。
Written by: Burt Pearl
Directed by: R.J. Visciglia, Jr.
Produced by: Martha Williamson, Jon Andersen & R.J. Visciglia, Jr.
Guest Cast:
Rachel Nancy McKeon
Karla Kathy Ireland
Stasi Lisa Jane Persky
Seth Mark Moses
Corey David Kaufman
Bridget Marissa Leigh
Larry Lenny Clarke
Amy Kimberly J. Brown
Dolores Eileen Brennan
Corey, Stasi, Dolores and Larry meet at a support group meeting, all of them answering to the same ad: "Are you ready for the last day of the rest of your life?" They are all dying. Rachel shows up, too, but something deep and personal keeps her from going inside. As facilitator of the group, Monica explains that their purpose will be "to give meaning to the life you're leaving behind and explore what it means to face death." Dolores is 67-year-old wiseacre who is dying of emphysema. Stasi, who owns a hair salon, is a divorcee and mother of two; she has hepatitis. Larry, an avid bowler and construction worker, is dying of asbestos poisoning. Corey won't say what he's dying of, which annoys Larry. Finally, Rachel gets up the courage to join the others and reveals that she has an inoperable brain tumor. Monica encourages them to make a list of things they want to accomplish before they die. At the next meeting, Dolores admits that she would like to learn how to dance. Stasi says that she regrets missing her prom, so the group plans one. Corey is cynical about these "goals" and admits to having a blood disease that could kill him at any time. He says he'd like to do something really important before he dies. He alludes to a girl he likes, who works at the coffee shop. He'd like to date her, but given his illness he thinks that would be unfair. Larry says that he'd like to reconnect with his teenage daughter, Amy. The prom is set for two weeks-- enough time for everyone to accomplish their goals--and the group asks Rachel what she would like to do. She reluctantly tells them that she had a daughter twelve years ago that she gave up for adoption. She would like to meet her before she dies. They begin to work at their goals: Andrew teaches Dolores how to dance; Larry and Rachel plan for the prom; Stasi encourages Larry to keep trying with his daughter; Corey and Monica search the web for information on Rachel's daughter. By the next meeting Larry has talked with his daughter. Corey has a date with Karla (from the coffee shop). And he has other news too: he's done something important. Corey gives Rachel an envelope with all the information she needs to find her daughter. At first she is thrilled, but Rachel soon realizes with horror that she can't leave her daughter behind a second time. Monica finds Rachel at home and reveals herself as an angel. Monica tells Rachel that her daughter is safe, happy and loved. Monica encourages Rachel to tell her husband Seth about the adoption (which happened before they met). At the prom, Rachel arrives with Seth, in whom she has finally confided. Stasi is crowned queen. Corey arrives with Karla and Karla's daughter Bridget. Dolores tangos with Andrew. Larry dances, and reconnects, with his daughter. And when little Bridget mentions that she's adopted, and was born on October 22, 1987, in Bullhead City, the last accomplishment is made, for Rachel has met her daughter! Dolores passes, and Andrew escorts her home. As they take one last spin on the dance floor, she looks back and smiles at the sight of the friends she was blessed to have.
"House At Pooh Corner" by Loggins & Messina from their album Best Of Friends. Click here to get it now!
"Holdin' On To Yesterday" by Ambrosia from their albumAnthology. Click here to get it now!
"Never Can Say Goodbye" by Gloria Gaynor from her Greatest Hits album. Click here to get it now!