頻道:GOOD TV (ch15)好消息電視台

Brother David:大衛弟兄
Jacob (William Kitchel):雅各(威廉凱契)
Rachel (Samantha):瑞秋(莎曼珊)
「因為時候要到,人必厭煩純正的道理,耳朵發癢,就隨從自己的情慾,增添好些師傅, 並且掩耳不聽真道,偏向荒渺的言語。」(提摩太後書4:3~4)那時,若有人對你們說:基督在這裡,或說:基督在那裡,你們不要信! 因為假基督、假先知將要起來,顯大神蹟、大奇事,倘若能行,連選民也就迷惑了。(馬太福音24:23~24)長久以來,諸多異端邪教打著耶穌基督或其他宗教的名號,花言巧語,妖言惑眾,吸引多人追隨,遵行歪理禍音,爾後集體自殺或做出令人髮指的惡行。這般令人不勝唏噓又極瑞不齒的真實事件層出不窮。1978年美國異端「人民聖殿」(People’s Temple)創辦人吉姆瓊斯(Jim Jones)在蓋亞那(Guyana)與其信眾的集體自殺就是最典型的案例。900多民信眾喪生,包括200名孩童。另外,過去多起恐怖事件的邪教團契奧姆真理教也是一例。本集<與天使有約>罕見地以邪教愚人為主題,闡明「邪理殺人,真理救人」的事實。耶穌來,為使被擄的得釋放,使受傷的得醫始。迎向真理,就是迎向生命;進入神的真光,就能脫離黑暗。且看蒙妮卡、黛絲與安德烈這三位服事上帝忠貞不二的天使,如何解救深陷邪教難以自拔的人們,領其出死入生。

Guest Cast:
Melina Cynthia Nixon
Brother David Montel Williams
Jacob Spencer Garrett
Rebecca Cynthia Ettinger
Rachel Brie Larson
Written by: Brian Bird
Directed by: Tim Van Patten
Produced by: Martha Williamson, Jon Andersen & R.J. Visciglia, Jr.
Monica meets her next assignment, Melina Richardson at her latest temp job, a telemarketing agency. When the usually meek Melina is fired for yelling at a potential customer, she decides to attend a seminar of the Golden Path Institute hoping to find meaning in her life. After an impassioned speech by the Golden Path's Jacob, Melina shares her life's story with the crowd, describing how her parents deserted her, and her fiance left her at the altar. The culmination of the seminar is the introduction of the Golden Path's leader, the charismatic Brother David, who persuades the attendees who "feel called" to board a bus bound for the institute. Melina, captivated by Brother David, gets on the bus. Tess tells Monica to stay close to her assignment. At the institute, Monica and Melina are stripped of their possessions because Brother David feels it is important to leave the past behind. Melina, however, secretly keeps a picture of her ex-fiance under her bed. When David finds the picture, he summons a meeting of the whole group and exposes Melina's transgression forcing her to destroy the picture. Meanwhile, a mail truck arrives at the institute with letters for everyone, but Brother David collects them before they can be distributed. Later he asks Melina to destroy a package for him. Melina, unaware that it contains the mail, begins to burn the package. At the same time, Andrew, acting as a Child Services officer, asks to inspect the camp. David angrily refuses. Andrew warns David that he will have to return with the authorities. In private, Monica shows Melina and Rebecca the letters she rescued from the fire, and Rebecca explains Brother David's plan: On September 9, 1999 all of the world's computers will crash causing an extinction-level event. Brother David will save his faithful followers before this happens by taking them to heaven in a suicide pact. In an effort to prove to the group that Brother David has been lying to them, Monica gives the people their letters. When David finds out, he is furious but persuades the people that this is the outside world's attempt to divide them. Softening, he asks Melina to be his bride and, spellbound, she agrees. David insists that the plan go into action right away because the police are already approaching the camp. Trained for this moment, the people spring into action, barricade the doors, and prepare the poisoned juice. But as they are about to drink, Monica proclaims herself to be an angel, and tells the people that God doesn't want them to die. David tells the people that she is the devil trying to mislead them, but the people believe Monica and led by Melina, they try to escape. David sets fire to the building. Monica breaks the doors open and the people pour out of the smoke-filled room. Monica tries to persuade Brother David to leave the burning building, but still believing his own claims of divinity, he will not. He perishes in the fire. Later the angels help the shaken cult members reacquaint themselves using their real names and identities.