頻道:GOOD TV (ch15)好消息電視台
敬虔且愛神愛人的知名牧師丹尼爾,與兒子路克感情融洽。為幫助青少年,丹尼爾特別設立「加略山青年中心」,引起廣大迴響,吸引記者來訪。然而,路克為幫助 朋友凱倫而未到場拍攝全家福照,丹尼爾因而開車到凱倫家接人,路上卻不慎與正開著凱倫之車的路克擦撞,造成愛子當場死亡。丹尼爾的信心受到前所未有的打 擊,與妻子終日以淚洗面,身處愁雲慘霧。丹尼爾哀痛欲絕之餘,怒叱一生服事的神竟允許如此意外發生,並意欲離棄祂。三位天使們見此慘狀,究竟會如何從旁協 助?丹尼爾真會離棄上帝?這場信仰危機至終會有何結果?
Guest Cast:
Daniel Chad Everett
Gloria Brewer Ilene Graff
Karen Gregg Kimberlee Peterson
Luke Brewer Christopher Pettiet
Kelly Monroe Martha Hackett
In a hospital emergency room, a team of medics labors furiously to resuscitate an accident victim. Monica and Tess observe unseen and are eventually joined by Andrew when it becomes apparent the patient cannot be revived. The angels reflect on the events that led to this tragedy.
Their assignment had been to help Reverend Daniel Brewer open the Mount Calvary Teen Center. Posing as a building inspector, Monica could see that Tess and Andrew had performed admirably as the center's fund raiser and as counselor for the crisis hot line, respectively. But as the angels prepared to leave, they received word from God that the assignment was not over. Despite a basketball injury, Daniel gave an uplifting speech at the center's dedication. But a cynical reporter barraged him with negative questions. Karen Gregg, the daughter of the church's accountant, approached the pastor to discuss a problem but was interrupted by the pushy journalist. Though Daniel made an appointment to counsel Karen the next day, she required immediate attention. His son, Luke spied her stealing money, while Tess tallied church funds. The minister's son walked the troubled girl home, where he stopped her from swallowing a handful of pills. Realizing that Karen's situation was beyond his realm of expertise, Luke decided to drive her to his father. Irritated that his son was absent from the newspaper interview, Daniel drove to pick him up. On a dark, winding road, the cars collided.
Back in the ER, Daniel awakens, confused by the chaos. He is stunned when his wife, Gloria informs him Luke died in the accident. Overwhelmed by guilt, Daniel shuts himself off from her. Though Tess is able to comfort the grieving mother, the pastor vents his frustrations at God. When Daniel absents himself from the funeral, Andrew delivers the eulogy while Monica reveals herself to the distraught minister. She convinces him to forgive himself and carry on the work God has for him. In so doing, he is able to counsel Karen, thereby finishing the task his son had started.