412.真相大白 ( Venice )

頻道:GOOD TV (ch15)好消息電視台

Annie Doyle:安妮杜爾

本集劇如其名,充滿淡淡的義大利知名水都威尼斯風情。不僅有數幕威尼斯風光,更以義大利北部城市拿坡里(Napoli)民謠『聖露西亞』(Santa Lucia)為配樂,令人觀而彷彿置身威尼斯!以經典恐怖片『魔女嘉莉』(Carrie)而知名的老牌演員Piper Laurie參與演出,表現真摰而動人。


Written by: R.J. Colleary
Directed by: Gabrielle Beaumont
Produced by: Martha Williamson, Jon Andersen & R.J. Visciglia, Jr.

Guest Cast:
Annie Piper Laurie
Emily Bonnie Bartlett
Russell Sterling Brimley
Markus Matt Clark
Tommy Michael Trucco
Young Annie Suzanne Ventulett


Tess and Monica arrive in Montana to help the elderly Annie Doyle reconcile her life before she loses her failing eyesight. Offering to help Annie with her daily errands, Monica escorts her to the weekly bingo game at church where Annie admits that the only reason she plays bingo is to “tick off” her nosy neighbors, Emily, Russell and Markus. After winning at bingo, Annie and Monica return to the house where Emily explains that she has always wanted to see Venice. Monica thinks this is her mission and offers to take Annie to Venice but not before Annie realizes that her sight is finally gone. Dr. Waldron arrives to say that Annie has been losing her sight for a long time but, like the other townspeople, he seems unsympathetic. Crushed by the loss of her eyesight, Annie tells Monica to get out of her house. Tess encourages Monica, explaining that God wants Annie to see the truth about her life. Monica returns to Annie and asks to be her friend. Annie then explains that her husband, Tommy, died the day after they were married thirty-five years earlier and the town has blamed her for his death ever since. Annie met Tommy while the town was financing his medical schooling. Tommy promised to return to the town and practice medicine, but he was bitter and did not want to live in such a backward area. On the day of the wedding, Annie and Tommy wrecked the car into the local river and Tommy saw the chance to escape his duty by faking his death. He vowed to keep contact with Annie, leaving her in town to verify the story. After a few correspondences, Tommy stopped writing and Annie was left to deal with the town. Annie knew how much the town had favored Tommy and did not want to reveal him for the scoundrel he was. As a result, the town had blamed her for his death and even questioned whether or not she had orchestrated the accident. The truth finally known, the angels then confront the townspeople, enlisting them to help ensure that Annie's dream of seeing Venice would become a reality. With the angels help, the townspeople recreate the sounds and smells of Venice in the local YMCA pool and Monica shows Annie to her gondola where she is transported, if only in her mind, to the Venice of her dreams.

411.劇院風雲 ( The Come back)

頻道:GOOD TV (ch15)好消息電視台

本集以五光十色的百老匯為主題,有許多精彩的歌舞場景。向來歌喉不佳的蒙妮卡也上場獻聲,數場歌舞獨挑大樑。演唱歌曲甚至包括經典名劇<真善美>之插曲『My Favorite Things』。



Written by: Kenny Solms
Directed by: Sandor Stern
Produced by: Martha Williamson, Jon Andersen & R.J. Visciglia, Jr.

Guest Cast:
Lillian Carol Burnett
Allison Carrie Carrie Hamilton
Amanda Rita Moreno
Freddy Tim Conway
Flashback Lillian Jode Leigh Edwards
Flashback Amanda Michele Maika
Herself Carol Channing
Himself Al Hirschfeld

Thirty years after suffering stage fright during her Broadway opening, Lillian Bennett returns to Broadway to discourage her daughter from following in her footsteps. Arriving just in time to attend her daughter's audition, Lillian sees her old understudy, Amanda Revere, who has now become the famed diva she once dreamed of becoming herself. Monica arrives to audition for a supporting role and miraculously wins the role while Allison becomes her understudy. After Monica falls ill with a cold, Allison takes her place and Amanda takes an interest in her. When Lillian and Amanda finally meet in the presence of Allison, she demands an explanation. Lillian explains how she received yellow roses every night after rehearsal until the opening night when her "lucky" roses didn't come. Convinced she was doomed to fail, she stared into the prompter's box and froze, as Amanda had told her she would. Allison thinks her mother is jealous and doesn't realize why she can't just be happy for her. With the orchestra warming up, Lillian carries a "lucky" yellow rose as she meets Freddy, the stage manager who knew both she and Amanda from years before. Freddy tells Lillian Amanda was the one who sent her flowers after every rehearsal. Realizing that her superstition was used against her by Amanda, Lillian confronts her and warns her against hurting Allison. As Amanda screams at her to get out, she loses her voice. Monica then reveals herself to Amanda, telling her that God wants her to help Lillian to finally shine. Meanwhile, Tess finds Lillian at the train station and tells her to stop believing in luck and help her daughter. Returning to the theatre, Lillian is met by an apologetic Amanda. Amanda then pushes Lillian onto the stage to face the fears that defeated her years before. Initially stumbling, Lillian finds her courage and belts a rousing rendition of "I'm still here." As Allison looks on with a newfound appreciation of her mother, the angels smile at another job well done.

410.救贖之子 (Charade)

頻道:GOOD TV (ch15)好消息電視台
Libby Glazer:莉比葛雷瑟
Vera King:薇拉金恩


本集內容繁複多變,盤根錯節。原文劇名Charade意為「猜字遊戲」,且是已故巨星奧黛麗赫本(Audrey Hepburn)與卡萊葛倫(Cary Grant)聯合主演的經典驚悚電影<謎中謎>之原劇名,本劇與該片名同內容不同,但頗有異曲同工之妙,也諷刺好萊塢糾葛的內幕與矛盾。本集中蒙妮卡以酷似奧黛麗赫本於<謎中謎>和<第凡內早餐>中的造型登場,相當清麗脫俗,令人驚豔。


Guest Cast:
Libby Swoosie Kurtz
Vera Janet Leigh
Clive Hathaway Joseph Campanella
Budd Michael Goorjian
Young Vera Kim Oja
Young Clive Tony Crane
Young Libby Brooke Ashley Stephens
Official Jordan Charney
With the approach of a special tribute to the victims of the Hollywood Blacklist to be given by the Hollywood Screen Guild, Tess and Monica arrive to help Libby Glaser, a powerful Hollywood agent, learn the truth about her Blacklisted father's last days. Monica arrives as Libby's new assistant and quickly impresses Libby with her "connections" by managing to connect her with the head of the Hollywood Screen Guild. Libby learns that the Guild has chosen to restore her father's name to a film he made during the Blacklist Era when he was forced to write under a pseudonym, and that they want Libby's mother, Vera King, to present the award with her co-star in the show, Clive Hathaway. Vera flatly refuses to present the award with Clive which surprises Libby as he was her father's best friend. Simultaneously, home movies from Libby's childhood mysteriously appear from an unknown source and Libby's memory is jarred as she views them.

When Libby confronts her mother, Vera tells her Clive is the one who ruined her father's career by naming him as a communist and that he didn't die in an accident, he killed himself. Libby then sends Monica on a search for her father's FBI file and it is soon delivered by Tess. Tess then explains to Monica that she was Budd's angel and that she was unable to convince him not to kill himself, suffering under the burden ever since. She continues to say that Budd wrote a note to Libby just before driving his car over the cliff but that the note was lost during the fire. Libby, now armed with her father's FBI file, plans to ruin Clive Hathaway as he ruined her father. As the Blacklist ceremony is in progress, Vera begs Libby not to expose Clive, finally telling her the complete truth, that she had "one sad weekend" with Clive and that he was her real father. Now wrecked, Libby enters the stage intent on ruining Clive. Monica then freezes time and asks Libby to forgive. As time resumes, Libby then realizes that she is no longer holding the FBI file but the note from her father asking her to forgive those involved and telling her that she will always be his little girl. Libby then gives an emotional speech, denouncing the tactics of the Blacklist.

409.分享的喜樂 ( My Dinner with Andrew )

頻道:GOOD TV (ch15)好消息電視台

本集以安德烈為主角,再次探討生死議題。第一季中曾出現過的死亡天使亞當再次現身。安德烈臨時接到一項任務,在一場以女性為主的「書與單身漢午餐會」上,認識了女醫師凱特。當晚兩人在黛絲開設的餐廳「黛絲小館」中用餐,當中化身廚工的亞當告訴他凱特將不久人世。而與她言談間安德烈發現身為無神論者的凱特有項吝於告人的秘密,能夠救活多人性命。 緊迫的時間中,安德烈會如何設法使凱特改變心意,體會分享的喜樂?

Guest Cast:
Adam Charles Rocket
Kate Stephanie Zimbalist
Beth Lisa Eichhorn
Norman Keene Curtis
Jackie Morgan Fairchild
Waiter Paul Keith
Workman Vince Melocchi
Doctor Elayn Taylor
When the angels find themselves at a posh "Books and Bachelors" luncheon to benefit medical research, Andrew is quickly chosen to be auctioned as an eligible bachelor. When the prominent research scientist, Beth Popik, begins to bid on Andrew, her chief rival, Kate Calder, outbids her and then refuses the date with Andrew, explaining that she wasn't bidding for Andrew, she was bidding against Beth. Adam, another "angel of death" arrives, thanks Andrew for covering for him, and asks about the date with "the doctor." When Andrew tells him that she refused to go to dinner, Adam explains that he MUST go on the date. Andrew then convinces Kate to have dinner with him, while Monica and Tess begin preparing an elegant restaurant for the meeting. Andrew and Kate then meet for dinner in the "controlled environment" of "Chez Tess." Monica plays waiter while Tess cooks and although this is supposed to be a private engagement, another patron, Norman, enters and insists of being served. During dinner, Kate tells Andrew that she is going to die of Leukemia within several years and that she believes in science, not in God. She continues, stating that her research is all that matters to her and that her goal is to find a "gene sequence" before she dies and in that way gain immortality. Adam then interrupts the dinner and privately tells Andrew that "the doctor" is going to die "tonight." Andrew then reveals himself to Kate while Norman begins to choke on his food. Kate rescues Norman but not before he recognizes Andrew as the Angel of Death. Kate follows Norman out of the restaurant and questions him about Andrew. Now a believer, she returns to find that Andrew and the restaurant have disappeared. She then runs to the safe where her research is being held and finds Andrew waiting for her. He tells her to share her research so that others may live. They then go to Beth's house to find her on the verge of death due to carbon monoxide poisoning. After saving Beth's life, Kate visits her at the hospital, tells her about her recent discovery and suggests that they work together to find a cure. "You can do wonderful things if you don't care who gets the credit." Andrew then leaves Kate's life telling her he doesn't know when she will die, but that when it's time, he'll see her for dinner.

408.親情無價 (Sandcastles)

頻道:GOOD TV (ch15)好消息電視台

Benjamin Parker:班傑明帕克
Scooter Fisher:史庫達費雪
微波盪漾,風和日麗的沙灘上,拉斐爾與蒙妮卡拾得一個瓶子,裡頭裝一紙卷。好奇之餘兩人取出一看,發現是一名六歲男孩史庫達費雪寫給上帝的信,求祂醫治生病的母親。自願放棄休假而接下這份任務的蒙妮卡與拉斐爾來自此信出處 – 太平洋瀑布市尋找史庫達的下落,所見所聞卻令他們大感意外…史庫達究竟是誰?天使們能否順利找到他?他的母親今在何處?

Guest Cast:
Ada Barbara Mandrell
Pearhead Morgan Rusler
Vinegar K. Todd Freeman
Sis Tina Lifford
Erskine Chris Mulkey
Andy Hughes Adam Wylie
Bits Renee Olstead

After the death of his wife, small town minister Erskine gave up his ministry and his lack of faith has spread to the rest of the townspeople. Erskine's son, Andy now fears he will die of cancer like his mother while his daughter, Bits, spends her time trying to draw the elusive doodlebugs out of their holes. As Bits tries without success to draw a doodlebug out of its nest, a young man by the name of Pearhead answers a payphone. When he is told by a mysterious voice where to find a winning twenty-dollar lottery ticket, it appears God is finally on his side. After Pearhead enters Sis and Vinegar's Café and announces his "miracle," Sis, her brother Vinegar, and Ada, an aspiring singer all begin to sit vigil by the phone, waiting for heavenly advice. The voice first tells Sis to apologize to Vinegar for some hurtful things she has said and when she does, their relationship instantly improves. Ada then answers the phone and is told to forego her plans to sing in Atlanta because there is someone in town she loves and she should tell him. Erskine then answers the phone and the voice knows the pain he has felt after losing his wife and tells him to find love where he can because his son needs a mother. Erskine is now convinced and when Sis answers the phone and is told to convert an old building into a bar and grill, the entire town pitches in to help; Sis and Vinegar mortgage the café, Pearhead sells his ice cream truck and Ada donates her savings. When the Gem Bar and Grill burns to the ground on opening night, it appears that all is lost. Tess, meanwhile has traced the voice on the other end of the phone back to Andy. She tries to convince him to own his lie but he is unable to muster the courage and runs away, opting to send an apology note to Ada instead. Tess then reveals to the townspeople, asking them why they had lost their faith. She tells Erskine to begin the search where all successful searches begin, with God. As Erskine prays, the townspeople begin to regain their faith and they begin the search for Andy. Tess then finds Andy in his fathers abandoned church and tells him how much God loves him. As Sis, Vinegar and Pearhead arrive, Tess tells them they have hidden from God when they should have reached for him. She convinces Andy that he is not going to die like his mother. Erskine and Andy then go to Ada and Erskine asks her to stay. At just that moment, the phone rings and Bits answers it. Apparently, this time the caller is God and He tells bits how to catch a doodlebug. As she cradles the entire nest in her palm, a dove flies away.

406.生死之約 (The Pact)

頻道:GOOD TV (ch15)好消息電視台



Guest Cast:
Raphael Alexis Cruz
Erin Thora Birch
Nikki Meagon Good
Abby Ashleigh Aston Moore
Kim Olivia Hack
Melanie Jade Villalon

The angels arrive at a camp for HIV positive teenage girls to find two veterans, Nikki and Erin picking on the "newbies" Melanie, Kim and Abby. Acting as counselors, the angels get to know the girls and try to help them deal with their fears. Rafael speaks to Melanie, learning her mother died of AIDS when she was a child. Melanie tells him of the song, "Duermete Nino Lindo," which her mother used to sing. Meanwhile, Erin develops a crush on Andrew and is heartbroken when he seemingly rejects her. Tired of painting the names of past participants who are no longer alive on a rock known as "the face," Erin talks the other girls into a suicide pact as some way of ending life their own way, without pain or pity. The girls then steal drugs from the infirmary where Rafael is working and prepare a suicide cocktail. As the girls all meet at "the face" to go through with the suicide, the angels arrive. Rafael begins playing "Duermete Nino Lindo" and Melanie loses her resolve to kill herself. As the other girls follow suit, only Nikki remains intent on suicide. The angels then appeal to Erin to take the lead and she convinces Erin to give up the suicide plan. As all the girls now realize that their best times may lie ahead, the angels lead them in singing "Duermete Nino Lindo" (Hush My Pretty Baby).

405.信念無價 (Jones vs. God)

頻道:GOOD TV (ch15)好消息電視台


Guest Cast:
Justinian Jones John De Lance
Judge Dawes Robert Guillaume
Leela Jones Jennifer Lambert
Gordon Don Jeffcoat
Risa Debra Jo Rupp
Cotton J. Kenneth Campbell
Stretch Ray Xifo
The town of Clarion, South Dakota is in the midst of a farm killing drought when Tess and Monica arrive to help them with their growing crisis of faith. Justinian Jones, a struggling farmer, enters Cotton's barber shop where a heated debate quickly develops between he, Cotton, Judge Dawes and Risa, the town mayor, as to whether the town should sell out to a huge agricultural company. Having arrived to serve as auctioneer of the towns assets, Andrew sits quietly in the barber chair as Risa advocates selling to the conglomerate before the drought kills the town. Opposed to her is Justinian who is determined to stay on his farm even if he has to sell his horse and "pull the darned plow" himself. Continuing his tirade, Justinian decides to sue God. The Judge outlines how he should serve notice to God through the newspaper and a hearing is set. Outside, Justinian's daughter, Leela tells her boyfriend Gordon of her plans to leave town in search of more opportunity while he tries to convince her of the virtues of the small town they have grown up in. Later, all the townspeople gather in the court room, fully expecting a rapid dismissal of the case. Tess arrives to act as council for God and a jury trial is granted. As the trial begins, Jones begins by saying that droughts are considered "acts of God" and as such, He should be held responsible for the "intentional infliction of emotional stress" upon the people of Clarion. One by one, Tess calls the townspeople as witnesses in an attempt to show them how God has blessed them. When Tess calls Monica, the angel as an expert witness, Justinian corners her on the stand and temporarily stuns God's defense team by asking for an end to the drought. After a short recess and a prayer from Monica. She then returns to God with his answer to Justinian's request. The answer is "no." Justinian then realizes how blessed he is and Risa and the others rally together at a town picnic. As Justinian leads all in a prayer of thanks, their faith is rewarded as rain begins to pour out of the clear blue sky.

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